[Adopted 4-8-1991 as L.L. No. 4-1991]
Pursuant to a petition submitted to the Village Board of the Village of Geneseo, dated June 9, 1982; a public hearing held on August 2, 1982, in consideration of said petition; and adoption of the resolution of annexation by the Village Board of the Village of Geneseo on August 30, 1982, the following property is hereby annexed into the Village of Geneseo:
All that tract or parcel of land, situate in the Town of Geneseo, Livingston County, New York, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at a point in the westerly right-of-way line of New York State Route 39 (Geneseo-Avon Road) which said point is the northeast corner of the lands conveyed to the Central School District No. 1 of the Towns of Geneseo, Groveland, Sparta and West Sparta (Liber 396 of Deeds at Page 779); thence
Westerly along the northeast border of lands conveyed to the Central School District No. 1, a distance of 2059.30 feet to a set iron pipe; thence
Southerly and along a line which forms an interior angle of 112° 29 19 with said course of Paragraph 1, a distance of 773.24 feet to a set iron pipe; thence
Easterly and along a line which forms an interior angle of 89° 56 40 with said course of Paragraph 2, a distance of 1815.29 feet, thence
Southerly a distance of approximately 57.00 +/- feet to a point in the north corporation line of the Village of Geneseo; thence
Easterly along said north corporation line of the Village of Geneseo a distance of approximately 38.35 feet to a point where said corporation line intersects the east line of a right-of-way granted to the Village of Geneseo and Town of Geneseo by instrument dated December 18, 1974, and recorded in the Livingston County Clerk's office on October 7, 1975, in Liber 479 of Deeds at Page 60, the said east right-of-way line also being the assumed westerly highway line of Route 39 (Geneseo-Avon Road); thence
Northerly along the westerly right-of-way line of Route 39 a distance of 1,602.53 feet to the place of beginning.
This local law shall take effect immediately.