The Townhouse Zone shall comprise an area to the west of Schuyler Avenue from Exton Avenue on the south to the C-3 Cemetery zone on the north and encompassing Block 116 Lots 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.02, 20.01, 21.01, 23.01, 25 and 26 and Block 128 Lots 6.01 and 7.
The purpose of this zone is to permit a townhouse development that provides an attractive alternative to residents who no longer want to maintain a larger house and yard and provide density adjacent to shopping areas.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A one-family dwelling in a row of at least three such units in which each unit has its own front and rear access to the outside, no unit is located over another unit, and each unit is separated from any other unit by one or more common fire-resistant walls.
Permitted uses: townhouses.
Permitted accessory uses: parking, signage, accessory buildings and structures customarily incidental to the principal use.
Conditional uses: none.
Bulk requirements.
Minimum tract size: 1/2 acre.
Maximum density, including common areas: eight dwelling units per acre.
Minimum front yard setback: 10 feet from interior edge of sidewalk.
Minimum rear yard setback: 25 feet.
Maximum building height: 35 feet/2 1/2 stories.
Maximum building coverage: 65%.
Minimum distance between buildings: 20 feet.
Maximum number of units per building: eight units.
No public roadway shall be provided with the tract: private access roads shall be a minimum of 22 feet in width if two-way traffic is allowed, and a minimum of 11 feet in width if one way.
Required parking: Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS). Parking for units is to be provided within the building envelope of each unit in integral ground level garages, accessed from the rear of each unit.
The overall development shall have a compatible architectural and landscaping theme.
Building design features such as exterior materials, rooflines and roof designs, windows, shutters, doors, porches, colors and orientation of the facades shall be considered as to appropriateness and attractiveness for the neighborhood. All publicly visible foundations and exterior walls shall be finished.
End units shall be designed so as to mitigate large expanses of blank facades by including such elements as bay windows and other windows, roof projections and other exterior articulation.
Front yard setbacks.
All residential setbacks shall be enclosed with a combination of low garden walls or other landscaping. Garden walls are defined as a walled separation between a courtyard, front yard or service area and the street to screen private activities from the public realm.
Setback areas are encouraged to be landscaped with a combination of flowering trees, shrubs, perennials and bulbs to create a garden space.
Lawn and turf areas are discouraged in all front yards, more sustainable and less maintenance intensive ground covers are encouraged.
Common setback areas shall contain a combination of hardscape and softscape areas.
Only shielded light fixtures shall be used. All lighting shall be designed to prevent misdirected or excessive artificial light and to maximize energy efficiency. Floodlights shall not be directed toward the street and shall be shielded from light intrusion into the windows of units.
Incandescent, halogen, or natural gas lighting elements are encouraged. Sodium vapor fixtures shall be prohibited.
Lighting shall not be more than 0.1 footcandle at any adjacent residential property measured at the adjacent residential property line at grade.
The maximum height of freestanding lights shall not exceed 12 feet.
The style of the light and light standard shall be consistent with the architectural style of the principal buildings.
One freestanding sign shall be permitted per development at the roadway access. The sign shall not exceed 12 square feet in area, three feet in height and shall not intrude into the sight triangle.
No backlight signs or those in which letters are silhouetted against a light background are permitted. External lighting may be permitted.
Signage shall be compatible with the overall development theme.
Garden walls and fencing.
Garden walls shall generally be constructed of the same material as the first floor of the primary building.
Garden walls shall be a minimum of 24 inches and a maximum of 36 inches in height. Sitting walls, between 12 inches and 24 inches in height, shall be incorporated whenever possible.
Garden walls shall be minimum of eight inches thick and have a horizontal cap.
Fences shall be made of aluminum or steel and shall have stucco or masonry piers. PVC, wood and chain link are not permitted as fencing materials.
Masonry piers with steel or iron fencing may replace solid masonry walls.
Hedges may not be used in place of fence requirements.
A five-foot buffer (e.g., landscaping, fencing) shall be provided along the rear and side property lines. Side buffers along buildings shall be landscaped to complement building design and screen foundation expanses.
On-site recreational facilities, including playgrounds, swimming pools, etc., shall not be less than 15 feet from any property line and shall be screened by fencing, landscaping or both from adjoining properties.
Utilities and mechanical equipment.
Roof-vent penetrations shall be located at least 10 feet from any exterior building face, if possible.
Bulkheads and/or mechanical equipment shall be enclosed on the roof, set back and housed in an enclosure utilizing the same material or comparable material as the rest of the building facades.
Aboveground storage tanks, basketball hoops or other such equipment are prohibited unless visually screened from the street.
Access roads and paving are required to be of porous paving so as to minimize stormwater runoff.
All utilities shall be buried underground unless site-specific constraints exist.
Every effort shall be made to make utilities as visually unobtrusive as possible.
Meters and access panels shall be integrated with building design and shall be constructed of materials and styles consistent with the established design theme.
The developer shall coordinate all utility improvements with the responsible utility.
Trash disposal/recycling. Trash/recycling containers shall be housed in the rear of the buildings in an enclosed structure which will be the collection point.