No person shall enter upon, for the purpose of tearing up, digging or obstructing, any sidewalk, public highway, street, alley or part thereof within the corporate limits of the Borough for any purpose whatsoever without first obtaining a permit therefor from the Borough Council or its duly authorized official.
All applications for any permit required by this article shall specify the name of the applicant and the owner or owners of the properties affected abutting said sidewalk, public street, highway or alley, the nature and purpose of the proposed tearing up or digging up of said sidewalk, street or alley, the length of time required for said work and such other pertinent information as the Borough Council may require.
Applications for the permit required by this article shall be in substantially such form as may be prescribed by the Borough Council from time to time.
During the erection, repair or removal of any building, excavation for wall, cellar or vault or any improvements to or on any building or lands within the Borough involving the closing or use, in whole or part, of any street, sidewalk or alley, the applicant shall pay therefor to the Borough fees and costs as established from time to time by resolution of the Borough Council.
[Amended 8-31-1987 by Ord. No. 943]
All fees and costs shall be payable upon issuance of the permit.
No permit required by this article shall be issued to any person in default under the provisions of this article relating to any fees and costs until all of the fees and costs herein provided for shall have been paid.
All permits required by this article shall be obtained from, issued by and payment in advance therefor made to the Mayor of the Borough. All permits shall be in writing, signed by the officer issuing the same, as well as the permit applicant or applicants, and shall state the amount charged, the purpose for which issued and the time when the same shall expire.
All permits issued pursuant to this article must be exhibited to any Borough officer or committee of the Council upon request.
[Amended 8-31-1987 by Ord. No. 943]
All permits required by this article shall be conditioned upon the removal by the applicant or holder thereof, before the expiration of such permit, of all materials and rubbish and upon the restoration and cleaning up of the premises, before the expiration of such permit, of said street, alley or sidewalk so that the same shall be and remain in as good condition as the same were prior to the opening, tearing up or excavation of the same, and provided further that, if the work in opening or excavation or cleaning up and removal of the rubbish and litter from said street, alley or sidewalk or in filling said opening or excavation shall be unskillfully or improperly done, it shall be the duty of the Borough official to cause the same to be refilled, repaired or resurfaced, as the case may be, in a skillful and proper manner, and the cost and expense of doing the same shall be chargeable to and payable by the person in default for said unskillful or improper work. The rate of payment for the work and materials to replace or repair such opening or excavation shall be chargeable by the Borough to the permit holder on the following basis: materials and labor, plus 10%. All permittees shall guarantee such workmanship for a period of two years so that, if the workmanship proves, within that period, to have been unskillfully or improperly performed, the cost and expense of restoring the same shall be chargeable as aforesaid.
[Amended 8-31-1987 by Ord. No. 943]
No permit required by this article shall be granted for a period exceeding 30 days, subject to renewal upon application to the Borough Council or its duly authorized official and upon payment of the initial permit and inspection fees as set forth above.
All permits required by this article are granted and accepted subject to the terms, conditions and stipulations and penalties provided for in this Part 2 and may be revoked by the Mayor if violated, abused or upon other cause shown.