The draft or plan of the roads, streets, lanes and alleys of the Borough adopted by the Council March 7, A.D. 1898, shall be the official draft of all said streets, lanes and alleys, and they shall be of the width therein shown and known by the names therein designated, except as subsequently changed or to be changed in the future, as well as those open for travel and those yet unopened, and those marked upon said draft and for the first time located as streets are hereby ordained streets of the Borough and subject to the same laws as to opening and otherwise as the other located but unopened streets of the Borough.
All elevations and grades in the Borough shall be referred to the Borough datum or bench mark situated at the northwest corner of the public square in the Borough, and the elevation of the Borough datum or bench mark shall be taken to be 1,217.63 feet, being the approximate level above the sea.
No street of less breadth than 40 feet and no alley of less breadth than 20 feet shall be opened and declared a public highway, or accepted as a public street or alley within the limits of the Borough. provided that an alley of less width than 20 feet may, after view by the Street Committee of the premises and its approval and recommendation to the Council, be accepted and declared open as a public highway in the usual manner.