The general principles of design and the minimum requirements for the laying out of subdivisions stipulated in Article IV of these regulations may be varied by the Subdivision Committee in the case of a subdivision large enough to constitute a more or less self-contained neighborhood to be developed in accordance with a comprehensive plan safeguarded by appropriate restrictions, which, in the judgment of the Subdivision Committee, has made adequate provision for all essential community requirements; provided, however, that no modification shall be granted by the Subdivision Committee which would conflict with the proposals of the official traffic plan or with other features of any adopted long-range plan of the Borough of Punxsutawney or Jefferson County or with the intent and purpose of said general principles of design and minimum requirements.
In any particular case where the subdivider or his engineer can show, by plan and written statement, that, by reason of exceptional topographic or other physical conditions, strict compliance with any requirement of these regulations would cause practical difficulty or exceptional and undue hardship, the Subdivision Committee may relax such requirements to the extent deemed just and proper so as to relieve such difficulty or hardship, provided that such relief may be granted without detriment to the public good and without impairing the intent and purpose of these regulations or the desirable general development of the neighborhood and the community in accordance with any adopted long-range plan. Any modifications thus granted shall be entered in the minutes of the Subdivision Committee, setting forth the reasons which, in the opinion of the Subdivision Committee, justified the modification.