[Adopted 1-22-2002 by Ord. No. 302 (Ch. 1, Part 8, of the 1983 Code of Ordinances)]
[Amended 10-13-2021 by Ord. No. 465]
The Township appoints Michelle R. Portnoff, Esquire, as Solicitor for the limited purpose of collecting the unpaid claims and hereby authorizes her, and all attorneys employed by Portnoff Law Associates, Ltd., to sign any and all documents, including municipal claims and liens, on behalf of the Township.
The Delinquent Tax Collector so appointed shall have the same powers, rights, privileges, duties and obligations as set forth in 24 P.S. § 6-686 of the Public School Code of 1949, Act of 1949, March 10, P.L. 30, art. VI, § 686, amended 1963, July 31, P.L. 389, § 9, effective July 1, 1963.