The Township shall have the right to inspect and copy upon two weeks' written notice, at any time during normal business hours at the broadband system office or at such locations as the Township and the franchisee may agree, all books, receipts, maps, plans, financial statements, contracts, service complaint logs, performance test results, records of request for service and other like material of franchisee which the Township deems appropriate in order to monitor compliance with the terms of this chapter, a franchise agreement, a rate regulation filing or applicable law.
The franchisee shall, upon the request of the Township, make the following reports available to the Township for inspection and copying of the franchisee's office:
All reports required by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) including, but not limited to, any proof of performance tests and results, equal employment opportunity (EEO) reports and all petitions, applications and communications of all types submitted by franchisee to the FCC, the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) or any other federal or state regulatory commission or agency having jurisdiction over any matter affecting operation of franchisee's system.
An annual report setting forth the physical miles of plant construction and plant in operation during the fiscal year shall be submitted to the Township. Such report shall also contain any revisions to the broadband system "as-built" maps filed with the Township. The annual report shall be available in February.
Construction reports shall be available to the Township bimonthly after the franchise is awarded for any construction undertaken during the term of the franchise until construction is complete, including any rebuild that may be specified in the franchise.
Proof of performance test results shall be available to the Township when sections of the broadband system are rebuilt and as required in this chapter.
Technical tests required by the Township as specified in this chapter and the franchise agreement shall be available to the Township promptly upon completion of such tests.
Ownership reports for the franchise area shall be available annually to the Township 90 days after the end of the franchisee's fiscal year to reflect any changes from the preceding year in the following:
Any persons, who at any time during the preceding year did control or benefit from an interest in the franchise of 5% or more.
All officers and members of the Board of Directors of franchisee.
The following broadband system and operational reports shall be available annually to the Township:
A report on the broadband system's technical tests and measurements.
A report on programs and services offered by franchisee, including public, educational, governmental and leased access channels.
An annual summary of the previous year's activities including, but not limited to, subscriber totals for each category of service offered, including number of pay units sold, new services offered and the amount collected annually from other users of the broadband system and the character and extent of the service rendered thereto.
An annual summary of complaints received and handled in addition to any reports required in the franchise.
An annual projection of broadband system and service plans for the future.
The franchisee shall prepare and make available to the Township at the time and in the form prescribed, such additional reports with respect to its operation, affairs, transactions or property as may be reasonably necessary and appropriate to the performance of any of the rights, functions or duties of the Township in connection with this chapter or the franchise.
The franchisee shall, at all times, maintain:
A record of all complaints received and interruptions or degradation of service experienced for the preceding 12 months' period prior to a performance review.
A full and complete set of plans, records and "as-built" maps showing the approximate location of all broadband system equipment installed or in use in the Township, exclusive of subscriber service drops.
Upon the request of the Township for specific locations in the Township, the franchisee shall make the exact locations of the broadband system equipment installed or in use at the specified locations, in accordance with the Underground Utility Line Protection Law, the Act of December 10, 1974, P.L. 852, No. 287, 73 P.S. § 176 et seq., as amended by Act 38 of 1991, and as may be amended from time to time.[1]
Editor's Note: See also 73 P.S. § 182.7 which states that this act shall expire on 12-31-2006.
The Township may impose reasonable requests for additional information, records and documents, from time to time.
The Township may, at its discretion, hold scheduled performance evaluation sessions annually.
Special evaluation sessions may be held at any time during the term of the franchise at the request of the Township.
All evaluation sessions shall be open to the public and announced in a newspaper of general circulation. Franchisee shall notify subscribers of all such evaluation sessions by announcement on a local origination channel on the system between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. for five consecutive days preceding each session.
Topics that may be discussed at any scheduled or special evaluation session may include, but not be limited to, system performance and construction, franchisee compliance with this chapter and the franchise, customer service and complaint response, subscriber privacy, services provided, programming offered, service rate structures, if applicable, franchise fees, penalties, free or discounted services, applications of new technologies, judicial and FCC filings and line extensions
During the review and evaluation by the Township, the franchisee shall fully cooperate with the Township and shall provide such information and documents as the Township may need to reasonably perform its review.
If this chapter or any request for information by the Township under this chapter requires the production of proprietary information, the franchisee must produce the information. However, at the time the allegedly proprietary information is submitted, the franchisee may request that specific, identified portions of its response be treated as confidential and withheld from public disclosure. The request must state the reason why the information should be treated as proprietary and the facts that support those reasons. The request for confidentiality will be granted if the Township determines that the preponderance of the evidence shows that nondisclosure is consistent with the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552. If the Township decides that information can be withheld, it will issue a written decision explaining the basis for withholding the information and place that decision in a public file for inspection. If the franchisee requests confidentiality and the request is denied, the franchisee may seek review within five working days of the denial in any appropriate form.
Any interested party may file a request to inspect material withheld as proprietary with the Township. The Township shall weight the policy considerations favoring nondisclosure against the reason cited for permitting inspection in light of the facts of the particular case. It will than promptly notify the requesting entity and the franchisee that submitted the information as to the disposition of the request. It may grant, deny or condition a request. The requesting party or the franchisee may seek review of the decision by filing an appeal in any appropriate forum. Disclosure will be stayed pending resolution of any appeal.