The purpose of the Environmental Protection
Overlay Districts established in this article is to assist the Town
in meeting its obligations to comply with the provisions of the State
Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) regulations and to ensure that
adequate consideration is given to potential development impacts in
sensitive environmental areas within the Town of Parma. The Town's
Comprehensive Plan identifies the use of overlay districts as a technique
to protect and preserve unique environmental features based upon the
following reasons:
A. Prevention of an irreversible loss in natural resources.
B. Enhancement of flood protection.
C. Maintenance and/or improvement of surface water quality.
D. Preservation of wildlife habitats.
F. Maintenance of soils and slope stability.
G. Maintenance of open space.
H. Control of impacts on existing development.
The regulations contained in each EPOD are not
intended to be substituted for primary zoning district provisions,
but are superimposed over such provisions, and should be considered
as additional requirements to be met prior to project approval. These
additional requirements shall be based on sound management practices
and must be reasonably related to the protection of the natural resource
in question. The purpose of the overlay districts is to provide the
Town with an additional level of review and regulation that controls
how land development permitted by the Town's primary zoning districts
should occur in or near sensitive or unique environmental areas.
In order to implement the purpose and intent of §
165-42 of this article, the Town of Parma has been divided into the following EPOD's:
A. EPOD (1) Large Wetland Protection District.
B. EPOD (2) Small Wetland Protection District.
C. EPOD (3) Floodplain Protection District.
D. EPOD (4) Stream Corridor Protection District.
E. EPOD (5) Woodlot Protection District.
F. EPOD (6) Lakefront Coastal Erosion Hazard District.
The locations and boundaries of EPOD's (1) through
(6) are delineated on maps on file in the Town Building Department.
Collectively these maps are known as the "Town of Parma EPOD Maps"
and include the Environmental Atlas maps of the Town prepared by the
Monroe County Environmental Management Council (EMC). The Town of
Parma EPOD Maps shall be used only for reference purposes. An on-site
visit shall be made to determine specific or exact boundaries of the
various overlay districts. Additional investigations and/or other
environmental analyses may be required in order to determine whether
a specific parcel of land is included within one or more of the overlay
districts and to locate the boundary on the property. Temporary flagging
of boundaries in the field may be required during the review of applications,
and permanent staking may be required as a condition of permit approval.
Failure to obtain an EPOD permit shall be considered
a zoning violation and be subject to penalties as specified elsewhere
in this chapter. Additionally, the violator may be required to restore
the resource to its original condition.