Editor's Note: See also Ch. 365, Solid Waste, Art. I, Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse.
No person shall place or permit to remain in any courtyard, vacant lot, open space, cellar, hallway or alley an accumulation of wastepaper, sawdust, hay, grass, straw, weeds, litter, boxes, barrels or cartons or any combustible, flammable waste or rubbish of any kind, but it shall not be deemed a violation of this chapter to accumulate rubbish placed in suitable containers or suitably bundled and tied for a reasonable time to permit the collection thereof.
Combustion chambers, stacks and other parts of furnaces or incinerators designed for the combustion of refuse must be so constructed as to obviate the unreasonable emission of smoke and odors. For violation of this provision, in addition to other penalties provided, the Board of Trustees after hearing may order the offending incinerator to be shut down and remain unused until the fault is corrected.
A permit must be secured from the Fire Inspector or from his appointee, appointed to execute such permit, before starting any open fire within the Village limits. Expiration of such permit and the conditions under which it is to be exercised are to be fixed by the authority empowered to grant it.