[Adopted 2-13-1990 by L.L. No. 1-1990 (Ch. 91, Art. V, of the 1968 Code)]
[Amended 8-8-1994 by L.L. No. 11-1994; 9-9-1996 by L.L. No. 19-1996[1]]
For every violation of any provision or section of this Chapter 422 of the Code of the Village of Patchogue or of any condition or regulation imposed by the Planning Board or any condition or regulation imposed by the Board of Appeals in granting a permit, variance or other relief or by the Board of Trustees in granting any permit, amendment to the Zoning Map or other relief, the owner, lessee, sublessee, their agents, the contractor or agent of contractor of a building or premises or any part thereof where such violation has been committed or shall exist and any other party who commits or takes part or assists in such violation or who maintains any building or premises in which such violation exists shall, for each and every violation and for each and every day that such violation continues after written notice of violation, be liable in accordance with the provisions set forth at § 1-1 of this Code or shall be subject to such penalties, fines and jurisdiction as may be imposed pursuant to § 20-2006 of the Village Law of the State of New York, as such section may be amended from time to time. The provisions of this section shall also apply to any violation of any condition or any covenant agreed to or required to be filed and recorded in connection with any approval or relief granted by the Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals or Board of Trustees.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).