All fences shall be harmonious with the general character of the neighborhood. Fences shall not obstruct visibility for motorists entering and leaving a site or driving on a public highway and shall pose no other danger to public safety. In cases where there is uncertainty about any of these standards, the Zoning Enforcement Officer shall make the final determination, after review by the Town Engineer.
Fences no higher than six feet are permitted by right anywhere on a lot. Fences constructed beyond the minimum front, side and rear yard setback areas shall have the same height restriction as for any other structure.
Fences higher than six feet in minimum front, side and rear yard setback areas are permitted after the granting of a zoning permit by the Zoning Enforcement Officer.
Prior to the granting of such permit, written notification by the applicant shall be given to all property owners that are adjacent and across the street, unless the fences are needed to:
Screen an adjacent nonconforming use; or
Screen a residential use from a use which is not permitted by right in a residential zone.
The above provisions for zoning permit and ZEO review apply to properties which are not subject to approval of a site plan or special permit by the Planning and Zoning Commission. When such site plan or special permit is required under Article XVIII or XIX of these regulations, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall grant approval for any fences constructed prior to the issuance of a zoning permit.