Any employee who believes that he/she has received inequitable treatment because of some condition of his/her employment may appeal for relief from that condition. An employee must discuss the grievance initially with his/her direct supervisor. Then, if the matter is not settled, the employee should submit said grievance in writing to the department head. The department head shall respond in writing, within 14 calendar days. If the employee's department head is also the immediate supervisor, he/she should proceed to Step 2.
If the employee feels that his/her grievance is still unresolved, he/she may appeal to the Personnel Board within 14 calendar days after receiving the decision of the department head. The Personnel Board may require a written statement from the aggrieved employee in such form and containing such information as it may require. The Personnel Board shall hear the grievance at its next regularly scheduled meeting and shall render a decision within 14 calendar days of the hearing. Any decision of the Personnel Board shall be transmitted to the department head/appointing authority and placed in the employee's personnel file.