[Adopted 3-18-1889, approved 4-9-1889; amended 2-3-1930 by Art. X, Secs. 9A, 9B, 10 and 11, approved 3-26-1930; readopted 5-14-2012 ATM by Art. 19, approved 10-11-2012]
No person shall use any indecent, profane or insulting language in any street or public place in the Town, or near any dwelling house or other buildings therein, or be or remain on any public sidewalk or private passageway, or way or ways to any public hall or church, court or public office, or upon any doorstep, portico or other projections from any such house or buildings, to the annoyance, disturbance or obstruction of any person lawfully entitled to pass or to resort thereto.
All persons congregating together in a disorderly manner, who shall not disperse when ordered by any Constable or public officer to do so, any person or persons congregating or loitering about any schoolhouse yard or in the same, or in an outbuilding belonging thereto, not being a member of the public school, who shall not immediately disperse and leave the premises when ordered to do so by any school teacher, Constable or public officer of the Town shall severally forfeit and pay such fine as is provided in the penalties section of these bylaws.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 1, Arts. II and III.
No person shall obstruct the free and convenient use for travel of any public street, sidewalk or footpath or entrance to any private way or drive.
No person shall remove, extinguish, injure or destroy any light lawfully in a public way.