[Adopted 4-24-1991 by Ord. No. 191]
As used in this article, the following words and terms shall be construed as follows:
Those properties used primarily for commercial or industrial purposes, and those multiple-dwelling residential buildings containing more than four dwelling units and any mobile home park containing four or more mobile homes. Any commercial establishment that is or contains in its premises a restaurant, cafeteria, bar, tavern or, by the nature of its business, is involved in the preparation and sale of good and beverages shall be considered for the purpose of this article a "commercial establishment."
The Township of Chartiers, Washington County, Pennsylvania, a municipal body having its principal address at 2451 West Pike Street, Houston, Pennsylvania 15342.
From and after the effective date of this article, all commercial, institutional and municipal establishments and sponsors of community activities within the Township shall be required to separate and recycle aluminum, high-grade office paper, corrugated paper and leaves. Those establishments providing food services must also recycle glass food and beverage containers.
All persons at commercial, institutional and municipal establishments and sponsors of community activities shall establish and implement a system of separating the recyclable materials from the general waste and to store the material for the purpose of recycling until collection.
The Township hereby establishes a Recycling Program for the mandatory separation and collection of recyclable materials and the separation, collection and composting of leaf waste from all commercial, municipal and institutional establishments located in the Township for which waste collection is provided by the Township or any other collector. Collection of the recyclable materials shall be made at least once per month by the Township, its designated agent, or any other solid waste collectors operating in the Township and authorized to collect recyclable materials from commercial, municipal and institutional establishments. The Recycling Program shall also contain a sustained public information and education program.
All recyclable materials placed by persons for collection by the Township or authorized collector pursuant to this article shall, from time of placement at the curb, become the property of the Township or the authorized collector. Nothing in this article shall be deemed to impair the ownership of separated recyclable materials by the generator unless and until such materials are placed at the curbside for collection.
It shall be a violation of this article for any person, firm or corporation, other than the Township or one authorized by the Township, to collect recyclable materials placed by commercial, municipal and institutional establishments for collection by the municipality or an authorized collector. In violation hereof, unauthorized collection from one or more commercial, municipal and institutional establishments on one calendar day shall constitute a separate and distinct offense punishable as hereinafter provided.
Any commercial, municipal or institutional establishment may donate or sell recyclable materials to any person, firm or corporation, whether operating for profit or not, provided that the receiving person, firm or corporation shall not collect such donated recyclable materials from the collection point of a commercial, municipal or institutional establishment without prior written permission from the Township or other entity responsible for authorizing collection of recyclable materials to make such a collection.
The Township Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to make reasonable rules and regulations for the operation and enforcement of this article as deemed necessary, including, but not limited to:
Establishing recyclable materials to be separated for collection and recycling by residences and additional recyclable materials to be separated by commercial, municipal and institutional establishments.
Establishing collection procedures for recyclable materials.
Establishing reporting procedures for amounts of materials recycled.
Establishing procedures for the distribution, monitoring and collection of recyclable containers.
Establishing procedures and rules for the collection of leaf waste.
All persons required to recycle pursuant to this article who annually provide written documentation to the Township that they have otherwise provided for the recycling of the recyclable materials as defined in this article shall be exempt from the requirements of this article. This written documentation must state the material and number of tons recycled and must be provided to the Township on an annual basis.
All persons required to recycle by this article shall file an annual recycling report. This report must be filed with the Township by January 15 of each year and shall indicate the total amount of materials recycled during the previous year. The form of the report is attached hereto and made a part hereof and marked Exhibit "A."[1]
Editor's Note: The annual recycling report form is on file in the Township offices.
Except as hereinafter provided, any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $1,000 and costs of prosecution for each and every offense.
Each violation for each separate day and each violation of any provision of this article, any regulation promulgated hereunder, any order issued hereunder shall constitute a separate offense.