For the purpose of this chapter, certain words and terms used herein are defined as follows:
A short street having but one end open to traffic and the other end being temporarily or permanently terminated by a vehicular turnaround.
The lands required for the installation of storm water sewers or drainage ditches, or required along a natural stream or watercourse for preserving the channel and providing for the flow of water therein to safeguard the public against flood damage.
The lands created through authorization by a property owner for the use by another, and for a specified purpose, of any designated part of his property.
A piece, parcel, or plot of land intended as a unit for transfer of ownership or for development.
The map established by the Town Board under § 270 of the Town Law showing the streets, highways, and parks heretofore laid out, adopted and established by law, and any amendments thereto adopted by the Town Board, or additions thereto resulting from the approval of subdivision plats by the Planning Board and the subsequent filing of such approved plats.
The date when a subdivision plat shall be considered submitted to the Planning Board, as provided in § 276 of the Town Law, and is hereby defined to be the date of a meeting of the Planning Board at which all required surveys, plans, and data described in Article III are submitted.
Any security which may be accepted in lieu of a requirement that certain improvement be made before the Planning Board approves a plat, including performance bonds, escrow agreements, and other similar collateral or surety agreements.
The Town of Sullivan Planning Board as established pursuant to the provisions of Article 16 of the Town Law.
Any street, avenue, boulevard, road, lane, parkway, alley, or other way serving as access to a lot or property but not accepted by the Town Board for public maintenance.
The wearing or hard surfaced traffic-bearing portion of a street.
The preliminary drawing or drawings indicating the proposed manner or layout of the subdivision to be submitted to the Planning Board for its consideration and meeting the requirements of Article VI.
Any street, avenue, boulevard, road, lane, parkway, alley, or other public way which is an existing state, county, or Town roadway, or way shown upon a plat theretofore approved pursuant to law or approved by official action or a street or way on a plat duly filed and recorded in the office of the County Clerk of Madison County prior to the appointment of a Planning Board and the grant to such Board of the power to review plats, and includes the land between the street lines whether improved or unimproved and may comprise pavement, shoulders, gutters, sidewalks, parking areas, and other areas within the street lines. For the purpose of this chapter, streets shall be classified as follows:
Arterial streets are those which are used primarily by a heavy volume of traffic.
Collector streets are those which carry traffic from major streets to the major system of arterial streets including the principal entrance streets of a residential development and streets for circulation within such a development.
Minor streets are those which are used primarily for access to abutting properties.
Marginal service streets are streets which are parallel to and adjacent to arterial streets and highways; and which provide access to abutting properties and protection from through traffic.
Alleys are minor ways which are used primarily for vehicular service to the back or the side of properties otherwise abutting on a street.
The distance between property lines or right-of-way lines.
Any person, firm, corporation, partnership, or association, who shall lay out, for the purpose of sale of development, any subdivision or part thereof as defined herein, either for himself or others.
The division of any parcel of land into two or more lots, plots, sites, or other division of land for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of transfer of ownership or building development and shall include resubdivision; provided, however, that the following shall not be included within this definition nor subject to these regulations:
The public acquisition by purchase of strips of land for the widening or opening of streets.
The division of a tract in single ownership, recorded at the Town Clerk's Office as of June 1, 1968, into not more than three lots fronting on existing improved streets, not involving any new street or road or the extension of municipal facilities, not adversely affecting the development of the remainder of the parcel or adjoining property, and not in conflict with any provision or portion of the Comprehensive Plan, Official Map, or Chapter 275, Zoning, of the Code of the Town of Sullivan, and where the resultant lots are equal to or exceed the standards contained within.
The final map or drawing of all or a portion of the subdivision which is presented to the Planning Board for approval and which, if approved, will be submitted to the County Clerk of Madison County for recording.
A composite of the mapped and written proposals recommending the physical development of the Town prepared by the Planning Board, pursuant to § 272-a of the Town Law, which indicates the general locations recommended for various public works and reservations, and for the general physical development of the Town, and includes any part of such plan separately adopted and any amendment to such plan, or parts thereof.
The officially adopted Chapter 275, Zoning, together with any and all amendments thereto.