No person shall injure or disturb any pavement, sidewalk, crosswalk or sewer, or dig or excavate in any street or public place, nor remove any earth or stone or other material therefrom within the Village without permission, in writing, from the Mayor and under such terms and conditions, including the furnishing of a bond or other security, as the Mayor may deem necessary or appropriate, and the Mayor may order any excavation made contrary to the provisions of this article to be filled up or altered at the expense of the person making the same.
The Village Board may establish charges to be made for permission to make excavations or perform other work in Village streets and other public places.
Whenever any public street within this Village is in the process of construction or whenever any excavation is made in such street, it shall be the duty of the person performing the work to place and maintain such sufficient guards, including lights in the nighttime, about such construction or excavation as to secure public safety until said street is ready for public use, and such guards and lights shall in all respects, including kind, manner and location, be subject to approval of the Mayor or such other Village official or employee designated by the Mayor.