[Adopted 1-21-1986 as Ch. 1, Part 1A, of the 1986 Code]
Editor’s Note: Article I, formerly Upper Southampton Township Municipal Authority, was renamed pursuant to Res. No. 2011-5, adopted 1-18-2011. This resolution also transferred the responsibility for the operation of the sanitary sewer system and public water system of the Township and adjoining permissible service areas from the Sewer Authority to the Municipal Authority.
The Board of Supervisors hereby signifies its intent and desire on behalf of the Township of Upper Southampton, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, to organize an Authority under the terms of the Municipality Authorities Act of 1945,[1] to be known as the "Upper Southampton Township Municipal Authority."
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 301 et seq.
The Articles of Incorporation are as follows:
Articles of Incorporation
To the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania:
In compliance with the Act of 1945, approved May 2, 1945, P.L. 382, the Township of Upper Southampton, County of Bucks, Pennsylvania, pursuant to a duly adopted resolution or ordinance authorizing the formation of a municipal authority, hereby certifies:
The name of the authority shall be the Municipal Authority of the Township of Upper Southampton, County of Bucks, Pennsylvania.
This authority is formed under the Act of 1945, approved May 2, 1945, P.L. 382, as amended.
No other authority organized under that act or under the Act of June 28, 1935, P.L. 463, is in existence in or for the incorporating municipality.
The name of the incorporating municipality is the Township of Upper Southampton, County of Bucks, Pennsylvania.
The names and addresses of the supervisors of said incorporating municipality are as follows: (Here followed the names and addresses of the Supervisors of the township.)
The names, addresses and terms of office of the first members of the board of The Municipal Authority to be formed hereby are as follows: (Here followed the names, addresses and terms of office of the first Authority Board Members.)
The ordinance or resolution authorizing the creation of said authority, certified from the records of the incorporating municipality together with advertisement of notice of filing these articles of incorporation are each submitted herein.
In Witness Whereof the undersigned have executed these articles on behalf of the municipality above, and have caused to be affixed the seal thereof this 6th day of November 1946.