[Adopted 1-21-1986 as Ch. 1, Part 1C, of the 1986 Code]
It is the desire of the said Supervisors of said Upper Southampton Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, to organize Delaware Valley Industrial Development Authority in Upper Southampton Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, under the Industrial and Commercial Development Authority Law.[1]
Editor's Note: See now 73 P.S. § 371 et seq.
In pursuance of said desire and intention and in conformity with the terms and provisions of said Industrial and Commercial Development Authority Law, the proposed Articles of Incorporation of the Delaware Valley Industrial Development Authority are hereby set forth in full in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof.
Articles of Incorporation of Delaware Valley Industrial Development Authority
To the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania:
In compliance with the requirements of the Industrial and Commercial Development Authority Law of August 23, 1967, as amended and pursuant to a resolution adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the Township of Upper Southampton, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, that an industrial development authority be established under the provisions of the aforementioned law, the Supervisors of the Township of Upper Southampton, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, desiring that an industrial development authority be established and that a Certificate of Incorporation be issued to said Authority does hereby certify:
The name of the Authority shall be Delaware Valley Industrial Development Authority.
The Authority is formed under the Industrial and Commercial Development Authority Law of August 23, 1967, P.L. 251, as amended.
The name of the incorporating municipality is the Township of Upper Southampton, Bucks County, Pennsylvania.
The names and addresses of the Board of Supervisors of the Township of Upper Southampton, Bucks County, Pennsylvania are as follows: (Here followed the names and addresses of the Board of Supervisors.)
The names and addresses and terms of office of the first members of the Board of said Authority are as follows: (Here followed the names, addresses and terms of office of the first Authority Board Members.)
The term of existence of the Authority shall be 50 years.
Witness the hands of the Chairman and the Secretary of the Supervisors and the seal of the Township of Lower Southampton, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, this 2nd day of May 1978.
The proposed Articles of Incorporation of said Authority shall be executed by and on behalf of the township by the President of the Board of Supervisors, the seal of the township shall be thereto affixed and attested by the Secretary. The Township Solicitor is authorized and directed to cause to be published the notice of this resolution which shall contain the substance of the Articles of Incorporation as required by the aforementioned Act, and when said Articles of Incorporation are properly executed, the same shall be filed with the Secretary of the Commonwealth.