This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Street and Public Places Law of the Village of Waterloo, New York."
No owner or occupant of any premises within the Village shall erect, maintain or cause to be erected or maintained within such Village any awning, shed, roof, sign or any other overhead obstruction above or across any sidewalk or street which shall be less than seven feet above such sidewalk or street. Any obstruction not conforming to the provisions of this section must be removed or made to conform within 10 days of receipt of a notice by the Village.
No person or persons shall place or cause to be placed any stones, lumber or other materials for building, or any dirt or rubbish of any description, in any gutter or on any street or sidewalk within this Village without the permission of the Mayor or the Board of Trustees. If any such building materials shall be placed in or near any street or sidewalk with the permission of the Mayor or Board of Trustees, such materials shall occupy not more than 1/3 of any street and no part of any sidewalk, unless specifically permitted, and shall be provided with warning lights during the hours of darkness and warning devices at all times to prevent injury to persons or property.
No person or persons shall place, erect or cause to be placed or erected any stand, booth, boxes, baskets, crates, goods, wares or merchandise for the purpose of selling or exposing for sale the same, whether by auction or by private sale, in any street or public place or on any sidewalk within the Village without the written permission of the Mayor or the Board of Trustees.
The Board of Trustees may grant a blanket permission to all retail establishments in the Village for special sales events or promotions.
No person shall move any building, part of a building or oversize loads, as specified in Vehicle and Traffic Law § 385, over, across or through any Village street, lane or alley except with written permission of the Superintendent of Public Works. Every such permit may designate the route to be traversed and contain any other restrictions or conditions deemed necessary by the Superintendent of Public Works. All permits issued shall be revocable by the Superintendent of Public Works at his or her discretion without a hearing or the necessity of showing cause.
No person or persons shall place, erect or maintain or cause to be placed, erected or maintained within this Village any porch, steps, fence, shrubs or obstruction of any kind within the line of any street, sidewalk or public place.
No person or persons shall raise the street drainage grade at the side of any street in the Village for the purpose of making a driveway into his or her premises or for any other purpose without providing for sufficient drainage and without obtaining permission from the Superintendent of Public Works.
The owner or occupant of any premises fronting upon any street in this Village shall keep all portions of the street between his or her premises and the center of the street clear of rubbish or any accumulation thereof injurious to the use and appearance of such street and shall cause all grass and weeds growing along such street to be cut and removed.
From May 1 to October 1 of each year, grass shall be allowed to grow not more than six inches in height.
Any officer or employee who shall intentionally obstruct, and any owner, officer or employee of a railroad corporation who shall intentionally cause to be obstructed, any highway crossing with any locomotive, train or car for a longer period than five consecutive minutes shall be guilty of a violation.
Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, no owner, officer or employee of a railroad corporation shall be subject to any civil, criminal or other penalty where such person has no control over the situation causing the obstruction or where the locomotive, train or car cannot be moved without endangering the safety of the passengers, the public or freight.
[Added 7-9-1984 by L.L. No. 2-1984]
No civil action shall be maintained against the Village of Waterloo for damage or injuries to person or property sustained in consequence of any street, highway, bridge, culvert, sidewalk or crosswalk being defective, out of repair, unsafe, dangerous or obstructed or for damages or injuries to person or property sustained solely in consequence of the existence of snow or ice upon any sidewalk, crosswalk, street, highway, bridge or culvert unless written notice of the defective, unsafe, dangerous or obstructed condition, or of the existence of snow or ice relating to the particular place, was actually given to the Village Clerk-Treasurer and there was a failure or neglect within a reasonable time after the receipt of such notice to repair or remove the defect, danger or obstruction complained of or to cause the snow or ice to be removed or the place otherwise made reasonably safe.