The provisions of this article shall apply except when it is necessary to stop a vehicle to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a police officer or official traffic control device.
The parking of vehicles is hereby prohibited on all highways within this Village between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m., beginning November 1 and ending April 1, of each year.
[Amended 3-11-1991 by L.L. No. 3-1991]
The parking of vehicles is hereby prohibited in any of the following locations between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. for a period of longer than two hours:
Name of Street
East Main Street
From the east curbline of Inslee Street easterly to the east property line of the residence at 225 East Main Street
East Main Street
From the west curbline of Inslee Street westerly to the east property line of the residence at 231 East Main Street
Main Street
Between its intersection with Church Street on the east and the western property line of the residence at 44 West Main Street on the west
Main Street
Between the eastern property line of the Presbyterian Church at 42 East Main Street on the east and the western property line of the property at 35 West Main Street on the west
Virginia Street
Between Main Street and East Water Street
Virginia Street
[Amended 7-9-1984 by L.L. No. 2-1984]
Between Main Street and Williams Street
Virginia Street
Between Main Street and West Water Street
Virginia Street
[Amended 7-9-1984 by L.L. No. 2-1984]
Between Main Street and Williams Street
West Williams Street
Between Virginia Street and Center Street
Parking, standing and stopping restrictions shall apply on the following highways or streets as follows:
Center Street.
No parking on the west side from a point 150 feet south of the south curbline of West Wright Avenue to a point 175 feet south of the south curbline of West Wright Avenue.
Chestnut Street.
No standing on the north side between a point 30 feet east of the east curbline of Stark Street and a point 210 feet east of the east curbline of Stark Street.
No standing on the north side from the east bounds of Stark Street to the point where Chestnut Street curves in a northerly direction, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
No parking on the south side from the east curbline of Stark Street east to a point 45 feet three inches east of the east curbline of Stark Street.
[Amended 4-10-1995 by L.L. No. 3-1995]
No parking on the south side from a point 188 feet five inches east of the east curbline of Stark Street to a point 198 feet nine inches east of the east curbline of Stark Street.
[Added 4-10-1995 by L.L. No. 3-1995]
Church Street
No parking on the west side of Church Street from the north curbline of East Elizabeth Street to a point 343 feet north of the north curbline of East Elizabeth Street.
[Added 3-12-2007 by L.L. No. 3-2007]
Elisha Street, West.
No parking on the south side from a point 154 feet west of the west curbline of Virginia Street to the west curbline of Virginia Street.
Elizabeth Street, East
No parking on the north side of East Elizabeth Street from the west curbline of Church Street to a point 267 feet west of the west curbline of Church Street.
[Added 3-12-2007 by L.L. No. 3-2007]
Fayette Street.
No stopping on the east side from the south curbline of West River Street to a point 110 feet south of the south curbline of West River Street.
Gorham Street.
No parking on the west side from the south curbline of East Main Street to the New York State Barge Canal bridge.
Huff Street, East.
No parking on the south side from the east curbline of Washington Street to the west curbline of Logan Street.
Huff Street, West.
No parking on the north side from the west curbline of Washington Street to the east curbline of Fayette Street.
No standing on the south side from a point 110 feet west of the west curbline of Washington Street to a point 158 feet west of the west curbline of Washington Street.
Inslee Street.
No parking on the west side from a point 353 feet south of the south curbline of East Wright Avenue to a point 680 feet south of the south curbline of East Wright Avenue.
Locust Street.
No parking on the east side from the south curbline of West Main Street to the north curbline of the municipal driveway.
Main Street, East.
No parking on the north side from the east curbline of North Virginia Street to a point 50 feet east of the east curbline of North Virginia Street.
No parking or standing (bus stop) on the south side from the east curbline of South Virginia Street to a point 58 feet east of the east curbline of South Virginia Street.
[Amended 1-22-1990 by L.L. No. 1-1990]
No parking on the north side from the west curbline of Church Street to a point 75 feet west of the west curbline of Church Street.
No parking on the north side from the east curbline of Church Street to a point 75 feet east of the east curbline of Church Street.
No parking on the north side from the west curbline of Clark Street to a point 75 feet west of the west curbline of Clark Street.
No parking on the north side from the east curbline of Clark Street to a point 75 feet east of the east curbline of Clark Street.
No parking on the south side from the east curbline of East Water Street to a point 75 feet east of the east curbline of East Water Street.
No parking on the south side from the west curbline of East Water Street to a point 130 feet west of the west curbline of East Water Street.
No parking on the north side from the west curbline of Swift Street to a point 75 feet west of the west curbline of Swift Street.
No parking on the north side from the east curbline of Swift Street east to a point 157 feet east of the east curbline of Swift Street.
[Amended 2-8-1993 by L.L. No. 1-1993; 9-14-1998 by L.L. No. 3-1998]
No parking on the north side from the west curbline of Inslee Street to a point 75 feet west of the west curbline of Inslee Street.
No parking on the north side from the east curbline of Inslee Street to a point 75 feet east of the east curbline of Inslee Street.
No parking on the south side from the west curbline of Gorham Street to a point 75 feet west of the west curbline of Gorham Street.
No parking on the south side within 30 feet east and west of the east and west entrance of Evans Chemetics, Inc.
No parking on the south side from the east curbline of Gorham Street to a point 75 feet east of the east curbline of Gorham Street.
No parking on the north side from the west curbline of Mill Street to a point 75 feet west of the west curbline of Mill Street.
No parking on the north side from the east curbline of Mill Street to a point 75 feet east of the east curbline of Mill Street.
No parking or standing on the north side from the west curbline of Chapel Street to a point 75 feet west of the west curbline of Chapel Street.
No parking or standing on the north side from the west curbline of Thurber Drive to a point 75 feet west of the west curbline of Thurber Drive.
No parking on the north side from the east curbline of Thurber Drive east to the Village boundary line.
No truck parking on the north side at any time between the west curbline of Swift Street and the east curbline of Clark Street.
[Added 11-12-1984 by L.L. No. 4-1984]
Ten-minute parking on the south side from a point 80 feet east of the east curbline of South Virginia Street to a point 124 feet east of the east curbline of South Virginia Street.
[Added 1-22-1990 by L.L. No. 1-1990]
Thirty-minute parking on the south side from a point 58 feet east of the east curbline of South Virginia Street to a point 80 feet east of the east curbline of South Virginia Street.
[Added 1-22-1990 by L.L. No. 1-1990]
Ten-minute parking on the north side from a point 46 feet three inches east of the east curbline of Virginia Street to a point 66 feet four inches east of the east curbline of Virginia Street.
[Added 7-13-1992 by L.L. No. 2-1992]
No parking on the south side from a point 209 feet three inches east of the east curbline of South Virginia Street to a point 289 feet one inch east of the east curbline of South Virginia Street.
[Added 9-10-2001 by L.L. No. 6-2001]
Main Street, West.
[Amended 7-13-1992 by L.L. No. 2-1992]
No standing (bus stop) on the north side from the west curbline of Virginia Street to a point 32 feet six inches west of the west curbline of Virginia Street. Ten-minute parking on the north side from a point 32 feet six inches west of the west curbline of Virginia Street to a point 58 feet six inches west of the west curbline of Virginia Street. Ten-minute parking on the south side from a point 48 feet west of the west curbline of South Virginia Street to a point 68 feet west of the west curbline of South Virginia Street.
No standing on the south side from a point 48 feet west of the west curbline of Virginia Street.
No parking, police only, from a point 63 feet east of the west building line of the Municipal Building to a point 88 feet east of the west building line of the Municipal Building.
Ten-minute parking from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, in front of the Village Municipal Building between the west building line of the Municipal Building to a point 42 feet east of the west building line of the Municipal Building.
[Amended 4-10-1995 by L.L. No. 3-1995]
No standing on the north side from the east curbline of Park Place to a point 50 feet east of the east curbline of Park Place.
Fifteen-minute parking on Monday through Friday on the north side between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., from a point 60 feet five inches west of the west curbline of Park Place to a point 263 feet nine inches west of the west curbline of Park Place and from a point 303 feet west of the west curbline of Park Place to a point 425 feet west of the west curbline of Park Place; and, no parking, standing or stopping at any time on the north side from a point 263 feet nine inches west of the west curbline of Park Place to a point 303 feet west of the west curbline of Park Place.
[Amended 5-14-2001 by L.L. No. 4-2001]
No standing on the south side from a point 167 feet east of the east curbline of Locust Street to a point 225 feet east of the east curbline of Locust Street.
[Amended 4-10-1995 by L.L. No. 3-1995]
No parking on the south side from the east curbline of Locust Street to a point 75 feet east of the east curbline of Locust Street.
No parking on the south side from the west curbline of Locust Street to a point 75 west of the west curbline of Locust Street.
No parking on the south side from the east curbline of Oak Street to a point 75 feet east of the east curbline of Oak Street.
No parking on the south side from the west curbline of Oak Street to a point 75 feet west of the west curbline of Oak Street.
No parking on the north side from the east curbline of North Seneca Street to a point 75 feet east of the east curbline of North Seneca Street.
No parking on the north side from the west curbline of North Seneca Street to a point 75 feet west of the west curbline of North Seneca Street.
No parking on the south side from the east curbline of South Seneca Street to a point 75 feet east of the east curbline of South Seneca Street.
No parking on the south side from the west curbline of South Seneca Street to a point 75 feet west of the west curbline of South Seneca Street.
No parking on the north side from the east curbline of North Walnut Street to a point 75 feet east of the east curbline of North Walnut Street.
No parking on the north side from the west curbline of North Walnut Street to a point 75 feet west of the west curbline of North Walnut Street.
No parking on the south side from the east curbline of South Walnut Street to a point 75 feet east of the east curbline of South Walnut Street.
No parking on the south side from the west curbline of South Walnut Street to a point 75 feet west of the west curbline of South Walnut Street.
No parking on the south side from the east curbline of West Street to a point 75 feet east of the east curbline of West Street.
No parking on the south side from the west curbline of West Street to a point 75 feet west of the west curbline of West Street.
No parking or standing on the south side from the east curbline of Reed Street to a point 75 feet east of the east curbline of Reed Street.
Mill Street.
No parking on the west side from the south curbline of East Williams Street to a point 75 feet south of the south curbline of East Williams Street.
North Road.
[Added 7-9-1984 by L.L. No. 2-1984]
No standing on the south side between Inslee Street Extension and Swift Street.
Oak Street.
No standing during such times as there shall be in progress official Little League games played on the Little League Baseball Field, on the west side from the south curbline of West Main Street to the Seneca River.
Park Place.
No parking on the west side from the south curbline of West Williams Street to the north curbline of West Main Street.
No parking on the east side from the south curbline of West Williams Street to the north curbline of West Williams Street.
Railroad Avenue.
No parking on the north side from the west curbline of Walnut Street to a point 282 feet west of the west curbline of Walnut Street.
River Street, East.
No stopping on the south side between the east curbline of Washington Street, and a point 100 feet east of the east curbline of Washington Street.
No stopping on the north side between the east curbline of Washington Street and a point 100 feet east of the east curbline of Washington Street.
River Street, West.
No stopping on the south side between the west curbline of Washington Street and the east curbline of Fayette Street.
No stopping on the north side between the west curbline of Washington Street and the east curbline of Fayette Street.
No stopping on the south side between the west curbline of Fayette Street and a point 100 feet west of the west curbline of Fayette Street.
No stopping on the north side between the west curbline of Fayette Street and a point 100 feet west of the west curbline of Fayette Street.
Seneca Street, South.
No standing during such times as there shall be in progress official Little League Baseball games played on the Little League Baseball Field, on the west side of South Seneca Street from the south curbline of West Main Street to the Seneca River.
Stark Street.
[Amended 12-11-1989 by L.L. No. 7-1989; 4-10-1995 by L.L. No. 3-1995]
No parking on the east side from the north curbline of Chestnut Street to a point 73 feet one inch north of the north curbline of Chestnut Street Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
No parking on the west side from the north line of the Consolidated Railroad property to a point 83 feet one inch north of the north line of Consolidated Railroad property Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Swift Street.
No parking on the west side from the south curbline of East Elizabeth Street to the north curbline of East Elisha Street.
No truck standing on the west side between the north curbline of East Main Street and the south curbline of East Williams Street.
No parking on the west side from the north curbline of East Main Street to a point 84 feet northerly thereof.
[Amended 3-26-1990 by L.L. No. 2-1990; 2-8-1993 by L.L. No. 1-1993]
No truck standing on the east side between the north curbline of East Main Street and the south curbline of East Williams Street.
No parking on the west side from the south curbline of North Road to a point 633 feet south of the south curbline of North Road.
Virginia Street, North.
No parking on the west side from the north curbline of West Main Street to a point 17 feet six inches north of the north curbline of West Main Street. Handicapped parking on the west side from a point 17 feet six inches north of the north curbline of West Main Street to a point 43 feet six inches north of the north curbline of West Main Street.
[Amended 7-13-1992 by L.L. No. 2-1992]
No parking on the east side from the south curbline of East Williams Street south to a point 53 feet south of the south curbline of East Williams Street.
[Amended 5-8-1995 by L.L. No. 4-1995]
No parking on the east side from the north curbline of East Main Street north to a point 72 feet north of the north curbline of East Main Street.
[Amended 5-8-1995 by L.L. No. 4-1995]
No parking on the east side from the south curbline of East Elisha Street to the north curbline of East Williams Street.
[Amended 7-9-1984 by L.L. No. 2-1984]
Virginia Street, South.
No standing on the west side from the north curbline of West Water Street to a point 85 feet north of the north curbline of West Water Street.
No parking on the east side from the south curbline of East Main Street to a point 218 feet south of the south curbline of East Main Street.
[Amended 12-10-2007 by L.L. No. 8-2007]
No standing on the west side from the south curbline of West Water Street to a point 113 feet south of the south curbline of West Water Street.
No standing on the west side from the south curbline of West Main Street to a point 48 feet south of the south curbline of West Main Street.
No parking on the east side of South Virginia Street from the north curbline of East Water Street to a point 45 feet north from the north curbline of East Water Street.
[Added 7-9-2007 by L.L. No. 6-2007]
Walnut Street, North.
[Added 12-14-1998 by L.L. No. 5-1998]
No parking on the west side from a point 96 feet south of the south curbline of West Wright Avenue to a point 437 feet south of the south curbline of West Wright Avenue.
Washington Street.
No stopping on the west side from the north curbline of West River Street to a point 110 feet north of the north curbline of West River Street.
No standing on the east side from the south curbline of East Huff Street to a point 50 feet south of the south curbline of East Huff Street.
No standing on the east side from the north curbline of East Huff Street to a point 139 feet north of the north curbline of East Huff Street.
No standing on the west side from the north curbline of West Huff Street to the south curbline of Locust Street.
No standing on the west side from the south curbline of West Huff Street to a point 50 feet south of the south curbline of West Huff Street.
No stopping on the west side from the north curbline of West River Street to a point 186 feet north of the north curbline of West River Street.
No parking or standing from the south line of Lincoln Street south to the north line of the property of Waterloo Central School District.
[Added 3-26-1990 by L.L. No. 2-1990]
Williams Street, East.
No standing on the south side from the east curbline of North Virginia Street to a point 89 feet east of the east curbline of North Virginia Street.
No standing on the south and southwest side of east Williams Street between Park Place and a point opposite the western boundary of the Main Street School property, excepting school buses temporarily parked near the Main Street School entrance on West Williams Street for the purpose of picking up or discharging students.
Williams Street, West.
[Amended 8-18-1986 by L.L. No. 1-1986; 2-11-1991 by L.L. No. 1-1991]
No standing except school buses on the south and southwest side between Park Place and the western property boundary line of the West Main Street School.
No parking on the north side between the east curbline of Stark Street and a point 422 feet east of the east curbline of Stark Street.
No standing on the south side from a point 432 feet west of the west curbline of North Virginia Street to a point 505 feet west of the west curbline of North Virginia Street.
No parking on the south side from the east curbline of Park Place to a point 240 feet east of the east curbline of Park Place.
No parking on the north side from a point 343 feet west of the west curbline of Center Street to a point 379 feet west of the west curbline of Center Street.
No parking on the east side from the south curbline of Chestnut Street to a point 62 feet six inches south of the south curbline of Chestnut Street.
[Added 4-10-1995 by L.L. No. 3-1995]
Handicapped parking, as marked, on the east side from a point 62 feet six inches south of the south curbline of Chestnut Street to a point 98 feet nine inches south of the south curbline of Chestnut Street.
[Added 4-10-1995 by L.L. No. 3-1995]
No parking on the east side from a point 62 feet six inches south of the south curbline of Chestnut Street to a point 98 feet nine inches south of the south curbline of Chestnut Street for a period of more than two hours, Monday through Friday, between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
[Added 4-10-1995 by L.L. No. 3-1995]
[Amended 2-8-1993 by L.L. No. 1-1993]
Parking is prohibited in the Village parking lot bounded on the east by Washington Street, on the south by West Water Street and other premises of the Village of Waterloo, on the west by the easterly line of premises now or formerly of Maurice Parrow extended in a southerly direction to the premises of the Village of Waterloo and on the north by premises now or formerly of Anderson, Velte, Archiello, Patchen, Finnerty, Kirk, DeSain, Demetro, Waterloo Quoits League, Fratto and Westfall, Tumbiolo, Tydings and the Village of Waterloo, except in spaces designated for parking and/or standing by the Superintendent of Public Works of the Village of Waterloo.
The parking of vehicles is hereby prohibited in the following described areas of said Village parking lot between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. for a period of longer than two hours:
From the north line of said Village parking lot 30 feet south and from a point 26 feet six inches west of the west curbline of Virginia Street westerly to a point 61 feet two inches west of the west curbline of Virginia Street.
From the north line of said Village parking lot 30 feet south and from a point 75 feet five inches west of the west curbline of Virginia Street westerly to a point 348 feet 11 inches west of the west curbline of Virginia Street.
The parking and standing of vehicles is hereby prohibited in the following described area of said Village parking lot, which is designated as a loading zone: from the north line of said Village parking lot 30 feet south and from a point 61 feet two inches west of the west curbline of Virginia Street westerly to a point 75 feet five inches west of the west curbline of Virginia Street.
Parking time limited in certain Village parking lot. The parking of vehicles for a period of longer than two hours is hereby prohibited in that portion of the Village parking lot leased from LaVerne M. Sessler and Barbara Sessler and which is located north of premises commonly known as "9 East Main Street" bounded and described as follows: the most southerly row of parking spaces extending 100 feet west from the west line of the driveway located between 9 and 29 East Main Street extended northerly.
[Amended 12-9-2002 by L.L. No. 5-2002]
The parking and standing of vehicles is hereby prohibited in the following described area of said Village parking lot located immediately south of the premises commonly known as "11 West Main Street," which is hereby designated as a loading zone: from the north line of said Village parking lot 30 feet south and from a point 118 feet 4 inches west of the west curbline of Virginia Street westerly to a point 129 feet 2 inches west of the west curbline of Virginia Street.
[Added 9-13-1999 by L.L. No. 5-1999]
The parking and standing of vehicles is hereby prohibited in the following described areas of the Village parking lot located immediately east and south of premises commonly known as "22 East Main Street":
[Added 9-10-2001 by L.L. No. 6-2001]
From the southwest corner of the building located at 22 East Main Street south, at an angle of 180°, 17 feet, thence east, at an angle of 90°, and parallel to the south side of said building, 20 feet, thence north, at an angle of 90°, 17 feet to the south side of said building.
On Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. in that area of said parking lot which is designated as a loading zone, which area is located immediately south of the building located at 22 East Main Street and 20 feet from the southwest corner of said building, thence south at an angle of 90°, 57 feet, thence east, at an angle of 90°, 20 feet, thence north, at an angle of 90°, to the loading dock located along the south side of said building.
In that area of said parking lot beginning at a point which is south, at an angle of 180° from the southwest corner of the building located at 22 East Main Street, 57 feet, thence south at an angle of 180°, 20 feet, thence east, at an angle of 90°, 40 feet, thence north, at an angle of 90°, 20 feet to the southeast corner of the area of said parking lot designated as a loading zone, thence west, at an angle of 90°, 40 feet to the point of beginning.
[Added 10-5-1992 by L.L. No. 4-1992]
Definition. For the purposes of this section, the term "Broadway" means:
On the north side of Main Street East and Main Street West, the area located between the north curb of the parking lane and the south edge of the sidewalk;
On the south side of Main Street East and Main Street West, the area located between the south curb of the parking lane and the north edge of the sidewalk;
On the east side of Virginia Street North, the area located between the east curb of the highway and the west edge of the sidewalk; and
On the west side of Virginia Street North, the area located between the west curb of the highway and the east edge of the sidewalk.
Parking and standing prohibited. Parking and standing is prohibited on the Broadway.
Exception. This section shall not apply to the area of the Broadway situate in front of 66 Virginia Street.
Only handicapped persons shall have the right to park in those parking spaces hereinafter designated.
A "handicapped person," for the purpose of this section, shall mean any person who has any one or more of the following impairments, disabilities or conditions which are permanent in nature:
Has limited or no use of one or both lower limbs.
Has a neuromuscular dysfunction which severely limits mobility.
Has a pulmonary or cardiovascular condition which limits mobility or severely limits the individual's activities in the open air.
A person whose physical or mental impairment or condition is other than those specified above but is of such nature as to impose unusual hardships in utilization of public transportation facilities and is certified by a physician duly licensed to practice medicine in this state as constituting an equal degree of disability (specifying the particular condition) so as to prevent such person from getting around without great difficulty.
A child with any one or more of the impairments or conditions listed above.
Such handicapped person shall obtain a handicapped parking permit from the Village Clerk-Treasurer by providing proper medical certification together with such other information as may be requested by the Village Clerk-Treasurer. Such permit must be displayed on the vehicle parked in any of the designated parking spaces.
Any handicapped person possessing a valid permit issued by the Village Clerk-Treasurer or other agency under the laws of the State of New York and displaying such permit in the same manner as above stated shall be entitled to such parking.
The Chief of Police is hereby delegated power to designate handicapped parking spaces on Village streets and public places pursuant to the provisions of Subdivision (a) of § 1603 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law and shall exercise such power by official order, rule or regulation; subject, however, to the limitations imposed by §§ 1646 and 1684 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law.
[Amended 7-12-1999 by L.L. No. 3-1999]
Any person who parks in parking spaces clearly marked for use by the handicapped in accordance with this section without a handicapped parking permit or whose vehicle is not registered in accordance with § 404-a of the Vehicle and Traffic Law and being used for the transportation of a handicapped person shall be subject to a civil penalty of $50 for each offense. Said civil penalty shall be paid to the office of the Village Justice for and in full satisfaction of each violation. If said civil penalty is not paid within 72 hours of the time of the violation, said civil penalty shall be increased by 50%. If said civil penalty is not paid within 30 days of the date of violation, said civil penalty shall be increased by 100%.
[Added 7-11-1988 by L.L. No. 2-1988; amended 7-12-1999 by L.L. No. 3-1999]