Required. Before any plumbing work is started in a building, any additions or alterations are made to old work, a house sewer connection is made, a septic tank is cleaned or new water distribution pipes are installed, an application on regular printed forms properly filled out in ink and signed by a licensed master plumber shall be filed in the office of the Village Clerk. Inspection fees as described herein, together with plans and descriptions in duplicate showing and describing the proposed work, shall accompany the application.
Not required. Where only stoppages are removed or leaks repaired or where plumbing fixtures are replaced without altering or disturbing any drain, soil, waste or vent pipe no application or permit will be required. New fixtures replacing old fixtures must be vented in accordance with this chapter, regardless of the venting of the existing fixtures.[1]
Editor's Note: Former § 29.42, Permit fees for inspection, which immediately followed this section, was repealed 12-21-1987 by L.L. No. 6-1987. See now Ch. 93, Fees.
[Amended 1-13-1986 by L.L. No. 3-1986; 12-21-1987 by L.L. No. 6-1987]
Applicability of County of Nassau regulations. All regulations adopted by the County of Nassau governing discharge into a connection to the county sewer facilities are hereby made a part of these regulations and must be complied with by the applicant or owner of the premises involved.
Application. A separate application must be filed for each sewer connection to a building. These applications shall be signed by the fee owner of the premises and the owner's plumber, who must be specifically authorized by such fee owner to make such application. No village permit shall be issued unless a permit from the County of Nassau to connect with the county sewer facilities has previously been obtained and is presented with the above-mentioned application for a village permit. This application shall not include any change or alteration to plumbing inside of a building, for which a separate application must be made as provided herein.
Certificate of compliance. Immediately upon approval by the Plumbing Inspector of the installation of a sewer connection to a building, a certificate of compliance shall be issued to the plumber and a copy sent to the owner. In event that the installation of a sewer to a building has not been completed and approved within six months after the date of issuance of the permit the deposit referred to in this chapter shall be forfeited.
The plumbing plans shall consist of such floor plans and sections as may be necessary to show clearly all the work to be done, including but not limited to all sewers, drains, dry wells, soil, waste and vent pipelines, the location of fixtures and their traps and connections. All plans shall be drawn in ink or may be the prints of such drawings.
No work shall proceed until the plumbing plans and specifications referred to in this chapter shall have been approved, in writing, by the Plumbing Inspector.
Modification of approved plans, or of the work described therein, shall not be permitted unless such changes have been previously allowed by the Plumbing Inspector on written application signed by the owner or architect.
[Amended 5-16-1988 by L.L. No. 5-1988]
Plans are approved upon the condition that such approval expires by its own limitation six months from the date of the permit unless work under it is then in progress. If work is not begun under approved plans within that time, then no work shall be commenced unless and until a new application and plans are filed and approved in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and a renewal fee equal to 1/2 of the required fee for such permit is paid to the Village Clerk.
Provided that work has been commenced within the time required in accordance with Subsection A hereof, all work must be completed within one year of the date of the permit. If work is not completed within such time, such permit shall expire by its own limitation and all work in progress must cease. Such permit may be extended for an additional three-month period upon filing with the Village Clerk an application therefor and payment of a renewal fee equal to 1/2 of the original permit fee. Such extension shall be granted, provided that the Plumbing Inspector shall have inspected the work and found it being performed in accordance with the application and approved plans.
After work is completed in accordance with the approved plans, the applicant shall notify the Village Clerk that the work is ready for final testing and inspection in accordance with Article VI hereof. No new plumbing system or work shall be used unless and until the Plumbing Inspector has conducted the final tests and inspection and a certificate of completion has been issued.
Nothing in this chapter shall prohibit the owner of a residence building occupied or to be occupied by the owner and his or her family from installing plumbing in said building, provided that application is made and a permit issued for said installation and work is done strictly in accordance with this chapter.