Every new plumbing system or addition to an old system for which a permit is required shall be tested by the plumber in the presence of the Plumbing Inspector in accordance with the following subsections of this section.
The entire new plumbing and drainage system within the building, when roughed in, shall be tested by the plumber in the presence of the Plumbing Inspector and as directed by him or her under a water test.
The water test shall be applied by securely closing all openings and filling pipes to the highest opening above the floor with water, except that part of the system may be tested separately, provided that there shall be a head of water of at least 10 feet above all parts of the work so tested. Special provisions shall be made to include all joints and connections to the finished line or face of floors or side walls so that all vents and back vents, including lead work, may be tested with the main stacks. All pipes shall remain uncovered in every part until they have satisfactorily passed the test.
After the completion of the work and when the fixtures are installed, a smoke test under a pressure of one-inch water column will be required of the system, including all vent and back vent pipes, in the presence of the Plumbing Inspector and as directed by him or her.
All defective pipes and fittings or fixtures shall be removed and all defective work shall be made good so as to conform to the provisions of the State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code applicable to plumbing and this chapter.
[Amended 2-9-1981 by L.L. No. 1-1981]
Where, in the judgment of the Plumbing Inspector, it is impractical to apply tests mentioned in this section only on alterations and additions to old work, such work shall be thoroughly inspected if not tested.
When the plumbing in a building is completed, for which a permit is required, the master plumber shall secure for himself or herself and the owners of such building from the Plumbing Inspector a certificate of inspection, duly signed by the Plumbing Inspector, certifying that the plumbing work has been properly inspected and tested as required by the provisions of this chapter.