It shall be unlawful for any person to construct sidewalks or curbs within the Village of Williston Park without first obtaining a permit therefor from the Village Clerk.[2]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Editor's Note: Former § 44.2, Fee for sidewalk and curbs, which immediately followed this section, was repealed 12-21-1987 by L.L. No. 6-1987. See now Ch. 93, Fees.
Location of work. The permit shall indicate the street on which the proposed work is located and the amount of such work in linear feet.
Village Engineer to furnish lines and grade. The permit shall be presented to the Village Engineer, who will furnish the lines and grades. All stakes set by the Engineer shall be carefully preserved by the contractor.
Certificate of approval. At the completion of the work, the contractor must procure a certificate of approval from the Village Engineer before the work can be accepted by the Village of Williston Park.
Subgrading. Subgrading is to be excavated to a depth of eight inches below the grade of the completed surface as indicated by the Village Engineer.
Foundation. The foundation is to be a four-inch bed of clean gravel, sand or cinders; no ashes shall be allowed.
First course. The first course shall be three inches of concrete composed of four parts of clean gravel, two parts sand and one part cement with water enough to flush and is to be well tamped before the top course is applied.
Top course. The top course shall be one inch thick and consist of two parts of clean sand to one part of cement, mixed to such consistency as will not require tamping but can readily be flushed with a straight edge. This wearing surface is to be spread over the first course immediately after mixing and in no instance more than one hour after the first course is placed.
Alternate specifications. If desired, the sidewalk may be constructed as one four-inch course consisting of four parts clean gravel, two parts sand and one part cement or in accordance with the specifications of the New York State Department of Transportation.
Finishing. Sidewalks are to have a slope of 1/4 inch to the foot toward the curb. A one-fourth-inch sand joint shall be cut through the entire depth of concrete every four feet. The inside and outside edges of the walk are to be neatly rounded and trimmed. At the corners of all streets the intersecting walks are to be extended to the curblines of the respective streets.
Elevation. All curbs shall be at an elevation of 2 1/2 inches below the inside edge of sidewalks or the edge adjacent to the curb for residential districts and one inch for business districts, unless otherwise specified by the Engineer.
Foundation. Foundation is to be an eight-inch bed of gravel or cinders.
Dimension and finishing. The curb is to be 18 inches in depth, six inches wide at the top and 7 1/2 inches wide at the bottom. The specifications governing sidewalk construction shall also apply to the curbs. Corners are to be neatly rounded and trimmed. A one-fourth-inch sand joint shall be cut through the entire curb every eight feet.
Inside face. The inside face of the curb or that side facing the street shall be vertical.
The Mayor shall have the right to cancel and revoke any permit issued pursuant to the foregoing provisions of this article for good and sufficient cause or failure to perform the work in the manner as hereinabove required.