[Adopted as Art. 11 of the General Bylaws]
No person shall place or cause to be placed upon any sidewalk any coal, bale, box, or trunk, crate, cask, barrel, garbage can, package or anything, so as to obstruct the same for more than 24 hours after having been notified by a constable, police officer, or Selectman to move it.
[Amended 5-3-2010 ATM by Art. 15]
Every person intending to erect, repair, or take down any building on any land abutting on any street or way which the Town is required to keep in repair, and who desires to make use of any portion of said street or way for the purpose of placing therein building materials or rubbish, shall give notice thereof to the Selectmen. The Selectmen may grant a permit to occupy a portion of said street or way, and such permit shall be upon the condition that the permittee shall keep a sufficient number of lighted lanterns at or near the part of the street or way obstructed or unsafe, and shall keep a railing or guard around the same, while such obstruction shall continue. If such obstruction is more than a temporary condition, the permittee shall place a good temporary walk around said obstruction and at the completion of the work shall restore the street or way to its former condition.
Before issuing a permit as specified in Subsection A, the person applying for the same shall execute a written agreement to indemnify and save harmless the Town against and from all damages by reason of cost or expense it may suffer or be put to by reason of any claim for damages or by reason of any proceedings, criminal or civil, on account of the existence of such obstruction or excavation.
No person shall permit any team or vehicle under his care or control to stand across any public highway or street in the Town in such a manner as to obstruct the travel over the same for an unreasonable length of time, no person shall stop with any team or vehicle in any such public highway or street so near to another team or vehicle as to obstruct public travel, and no person shall stop with any team or vehicle upon or across any crossing in such highway or street.
[Added 1947 ATM by Art. 47]
The Superintendent of Streets or Chief of the Police Department, for the purpose of removing or plowing snow, or removing ice, from any way, may remove or cause to be removed to some convenient place, including in such term a public garage, any vehicle interfering with such work, and the cost of such removal, and of the storage charges, if any, resulting therefrom, shall be imposed upon the owner of such vehicle.
[Added 11-19-1979 STM by Art. 10]
The Town may make temporary minor repairs in private ways which have been opened to public use for six years or more; the cost of said temporary minor repairs shall be paid for by the abutters and shall only be done if petitioned for by a majority of said abutters and if the Selectmen determine that said repairs are required by the public necessity. No such repairs shall be commenced unless and until a cash deposit equal in amount to the estimated cost of such repairs as determined by the Highway Department, or an agent duly authorized by said Highway Department, is paid over to the Town. Said temporary minor repairs shall only include the filling of holes or depressions with sand, gravel, or cinders or other suitable materials and shall not include drainage or resurfacing or permanent construction of said way. The Town shall not be liable on account of any damage whatever caused by such repair.
[Added 1991 ATM by Art. 33]
Any contractor or developer of new construction in the area of an accepted Town way shall post a bond with the Board of Selectmen or provide evidence of sufficient insurance coverage prior to any construction, the amount of said bond to be sufficient to cover the cost of returning the Town way to its original condition in the event of damage caused by the contractor or developer during such construction.
[Added 1995 ATM by Art. 9; amended 1996 ATM by Art. 23; 1999 ATM by Art. 16]
Any person, firm or corporation, partnership, their agents and employees who has been granted, or may be granted, any license, permission, or other authority to construct or maintain poles and overhead wires and associated overhead structures upon, along, under or across any public way or ways is forbidden from installing or constructing, and shall remove immediately, any poles, overhead wires and associated structures which are located on, along or across the following sections of roadway which are described below:
Washington Street
Fairview Street
Everett Street
University Avenue
Blue Hill Drive
Canton Street
High Street
Assessor Parcel No. 14-132
Windsor Road
High Street
Windsor Road
Fire Station
High Street
Fire Station
Barlow Lane
[Added 5-5-2003 ATM by Art. 33]
Upon the grant of location, alteration or replacement thereof, for utility poles, lines, wires, conduits, piers, or abutments erected for the purposes of construction, reconstruction, or moving utility lines, wires, poles, conduits, piers, or abutments under or across a public way or way maintained by the Town, or public property, all installations, construction, reconstruction or other work related thereto shall be completed by the owners of said utility within 90 days of the vote by the Board of Selectmen authorizing said work.
The penalty for violation of this section shall be $100 per day, with each day constituting a new violation.
[Amended 5-3-2010 ATM by Art. 15]
[Added 5-5-2008 ATM by Art. 38]
The Director of the Department of Public Works is hereby designated, pursuant to MGL c. 82A, § 2, as the officer to issue permits for the excavation of trenches on privately owned land and for the excavation of a public way of the Town of Westwood, subject to the requirements of said MGL c. 82A and the regulations promulgated thereunder.