Editor's Note: See Ch. 52, Animals.
It shall be the duty of any person who has knowledge that a dog or other animal has bitten or injured any person in the Borough of Prospect Park to immediately report the facts and whereabouts of such dog or other animal, if known, to the Board of Health or to the Police Department, and it shall be the duty of the owner of every such dog or other animal to immediately confine it in such manner as will prevent it from running at large. Upon receipt of such report the Board of Health or the Police Department shall advise the owner as to the procedure to be followed with respect to the further confinement and examination of the dog or other animal.
It shall be the duty of the owner of any dog or other animal which has bitten or injured any person in the Borough of Prospect Park to follows the procedure set forth below:
The dog or other animal shall be confined by the owner at the home of the owner or some other location selected by him for an observation period of 14 days from the date the bite occurred, under the supervision of a duly licensed veterinarian, in such manner as will prevent it from escaping or running at large.
Immediately upon being placed in confinement, the dog or other animal shall be examined by a duly licensed veterinarian employed by the owner. A written report of the results of such examination shall be submitted by the owner or the veterinarian within 24 hours to the Board of Health.
If at any time during the said fourteen-day observation period the dog or other animal develops symptoms indicative of rabies, such fact shall be communicated at once to the Board of Health and the dog or other animal shall immediately be removed to a veterinary hospital acceptable to the Board of Health.
At the end of the said fourteen-day observation period the dog or other animal shall be examined by a duly licensed veterinarian employed by the owner and a written report of the results of such examination shall be submitted by the owner or the veterinarian within 24 hours to the Board of Health. If the second report reveals no symptoms indicative of rabies, the owner may obtain from the Police Department the hospital receipt for the dog or other animal and it may then be released from confinement.
If at any time after the dog or other animal is placed in the hospital it develops rabies, it shall be disposed of in such manner as the Board of Health shall direct.
It shall be the duty of any person who has knowledge that a dog or other animal in the Borough of Prospect Park has been bitten or otherwise injured by, been exposed to or been in contact with a dog or other animal infected with or suspected of being infected with rabies to immediately report the facts and the whereabouts of such dog or other animal, if known, to the Board of Health or to the Police Department.
It shall be the duty of any person who has knowledge that a dog or other animal in the Borough of Prospect Park is infected with or suspected of being infected with rabies to immediately report the facts and the whereabouts of such dog or other animal, if known, to the Board of Health or the Police Department. The provisions of § 93-9 hereof shall forthwith be applied to such dog or other animal.
All expenses connected with the confinement and examination of any dog or other animal pursuant to the rules and regulations herein contained shall be paid by the owner of such dog or other animal.