As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any person who handles food or drink during the preparation or serving or comes in contact with any eating or cooking utensils or who is employed in a room in which food or drink is prepared or served. This shall include the proprietor or any member of the proprietor's family who handles food and drink. The masculine shall be interpreted to include the feminine and neuter pronoun.
The permission granted to a licensee to conduct a public eating and drinking place.
A holder of a license.
The Board of Health of Prospect Park Borough.
Any person, partnership, association or corporation conducting or operating a public eating or drinking place within the limits of the Borough.
Restaurant; coffee shop or cafeteria; short order cafe; luncheonette; tavern; sandwich stand; soda fountain; private club; hospital kitchen; dining room or snack bar; industrial kitchen, dining room, cafeteria or snack bar; school lunchroom or cafeteria; or any other place where food, drinks or refreshments are served, sold or prepared and sold or given away, to be consumed on or off the premises; provided, however, that this definition shall not be interpreted to include boardinghouses or private homes.
One operating for a temporary period in connection with a fair, carnival, circus or public exhibition or other similar gathering which does not last longer than two weeks.
[Amended 9-8-1970 by Ord. No. 878, approved 9-8-1970]
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a public eating and drinking place in the Borough who does not possess a license from the Board of Health of Prospect Park.
[Amended 2-14-1978 by Ord. No. 962, approved 2-14-1978; 12-14-1993 by Ord. No. 1147, approved 12-14-1993[1]]
The fee for such license for any place with a seating capacity of 10 or fewer persons shall be as fixed and amended from time to time by resolution of the Borough Council,[2] and for any place with a seating capacity in excess of 10 persons, the fee shall be as fixed and amended from time to time by resolution of the Borough Council, both of which fees shall include two inspections. Additional inspections in any place with a seating capacity of 10 or fewer persons shall be a fee as fixed by resolution of the Borough Council per reinspection, and in any place with a seating capacity in excess of 10 persons, the fee shall be as fixed by resolution of the Borough Council per reinspection.
Editor's Note: The fees resolution is on file in the Borough Secretary's office.
The fee for temporary public eating and drinking places shall be as fixed and amended from time to time by resolution of the Borough Council.
Editor's Note: This ordinance also provided that the original fees shall remain in full force and effect until the Borough Council enacts changes by resolution.
Licenses shall be granted for a period of one year (February 1 to January 31) or portion thereof, except licenses for temporary public eating and drinking places.
Such license shall be displayed at all times in the place thereby licensed and shall not be transferable.
Application for renewal shall be made at least 10 days before expiration of the existing license.
Licenses may be revoked or suspended for violations of these rules and regulations by the holder thereof. No license shall be revoked or suspended without the licensee's being given a hearing before the Board of Health.
No proprietor shall hereafter keep in his employ any employee known to be afflicted with disease in a communicable form. No proprietor or manager of any establishment covered in this chapter shall employ or continue to employ any person as a food handler if such proprietor or manager has a valid reason to suspect such person is afflicted with disease in a communicable form.
The Health Officer shall have full power and authority at any time to require such examinations and tests as may be necessary to determine whether any food handler has a disease in a communicable form or is a carrier of a communicable disease. It shall be the duty of all food handlers to submit to such examinations at the request of the Health Officer, and any food handler who shall refuse to submit to such examination shall not be employed or continued as a food handler in any public eating and drinking place in the Borough.
Disease control. No person who is affected with any disease in a communicable form or is a carrier of such disease shall work in a public eating or drinking place, and the proprietor of such place shall not employ any such person or persons suspected of being affected with any disease in a communicable form or being a carrier of such disease. If the proprietor suspects any employee has contracted any such disease in a communicable form or has become a carrier of such disease, he shall notify the Borough Health Officer immediately.
Procedure when infection is suspected. Where there is reasonable ground for the Health Officer to suspect there is transmission of infectious disease from any employee of a public eating or drinking place to the public, the Health Officer is authorized to require the proprietor of the said eating or drinking place to forthwith carry out any of the following measures:
The immediate exclusion of the employee from the said public eating and drinking place.
The immediate closing of the public eating or drinking place until the danger of disease outbreak ceases to exist.
Adequate medical examinations of the employee and of his associates, including appropriate laboratory examinations.
Unless otherwise specifically exempted from the requirements of this section, no person shall undertake to remodel or alter any existing building or portion thereof which is being used or is proposed for use as a public eating and drinking place, or shall undertake to construct a new building which is to be used in whole or in part as a public eating and drinking place, without first having submitted plans thereof in duplicate to the Health Officer for approval.
Such plans shall be accompanied by data completely describing the public eating and drinking place or the addition or alteration proposed. If approved, one set of plans bearing such approval in writing shall be returned to the applicant. If not approved, the manner in which such plans do not meet the requirements of these rules and regulations shall be marked on both sets of plans and one set of plans will be returned to the applicant.
The Health Officer shall be guided by the provisions of these rules and regulations affecting such construction, the proposed methods of receiving and distributing perishable food or drink and any applicable laws relating to the handling or processing of food or drink.
Floors. The floors of all rooms in which food or drink is prepared or stored or in which utensils are washed shall be of such construction as to be easily cleaned, shall be smooth and shall be kept clean and in good repair. In the case of all new establishments, the floors of all rooms in which food or drink is prepared or stored or in which utensils are washed shall be constructed of material impervious to water and shall be provided with a sanitary base and with adequate and sufficient drains to permit cleaning. The use of linoleum or similar floor coverings is prohibited in kitchens and food preparation rooms.
Walls and ceilings. Walls and ceilings of all rooms in which food or drink is prepared, served or stored or in which utensils are washed or stored shall be kept clean and in a sanitary condition. The walls of all such rooms shall have a smooth, washable surface and shall be finished in a light color. No paper or oilcloth coverings are permitted on walls of kitchens and food preparation rooms. In the case of all new establishments, all rooms in which food or drink is prepared or served or in which utensils are washed shall have a clear ceiling height of not less than seven feet.
Construction of kitchens. The rooms in which food is prepared shall be of adequate size and construction to permit easy cleaning and the unhampered performance of all kitchen operations.
Construction and location of utensils and equipment. All eating and cooking utensils and all showcases and display cases or windows, counters, shelves, tables, booths and refrigerating and other equipment shall be of a sanitary design and construction and so located as to be easily cleaned and shall be kept clean and in a sanitary condition. In new establishments or in establishments where new installations of equipment are made, all equipment used for the preparation, storing, handling or serving of food or drink shall be equivalent to or in excess of that specified in the National Sanitation Foundation Standards. Such equipment shall be spaced away from walls and corners so as to permit access for cleaning. Thirty inches of working space shall be required between all units of new equipment unless such equipment is movable. A minimum of 30 inches of working space shall be provided between counters, backbars and worktables wherever located. No cooking unit of any kind shall be permitted to be placed or located in any bay window. All new installations of equipment shall be elevated at least six inches from the floor on pear-shaped legs or be sealed tight to the floor with a three-inch cove base or stainless steel removable kickplates. Where equipment with closed bottom without air spaces is set on a masonry base, the top of the base shall be waterproofed with mastic. Plates, cups, saucers, dishes, crockery or chinaware which are cracked, chipped or broken shall not be used to contain food or drink. In the case of all new construction, shelves shall be constructed at least two inches from the wall unless tightly stripped to eliminate cracks.
Doors and windows. When flies are prevalent, all openings into the outer air shall be effectively screened (April 1 to December 1) with not less than No. 16 mesh wire. Doors shall be self-closing, unless other effective means are provided to prevent the entrance of flies. All screen doors shall open outward.
Lighting. All rooms in which food or drink is prepared or in which utensils are washed shall be well lighted with adequate natural or artificial lighting sufficient to produce an intensity of not less than 15 footcandles at 30 inches from the floor. In rooms where food is stored, lighting shall be provided sufficient to produce an intensity of not less than five footcandles at 30 inches from the floor.
Ventilation. All rooms in which food or drink is prepared or served or in which utensils are washed shall be well ventilated. There shall be openings to the outer air at least equal to 5% of the floor area. In the case of artificial ventilation where food is prepared, such facilities must provide at least eight air changes per hour and in no case shall recirculation of air be permitted. All rooms in which food or drink is served shall be provided with at least five air changes per hour and not more than 50% of recirculation shall be permitted. All cooking units shall be hooded and vented to the outside air by forced draft; provided, however, that the latter requirement shall not apply to a simple bread toaster nor to a coffee urn. When cooking units are vented to the outside air, the vents shall be carried above the highest window of the subject establishment or adjacent buildings.
In all new establishments or establishments where alterations are made, separate toilet facilities shall be provided for each sex.
Toilet rooms shall not open directly into any room in which food or drink is prepared or handled. An intervening vestibule of at least three by three feet shall be provided. The doors of all toilet rooms and vestibules shall be self-closing.
Toilet rooms shall be kept clean, in good repair, well lighted and properly ventilated by exterior windows or mechanical means. The walls and ceilings shall be of a smooth, washable surface and shall be finished in a light color. Toilet rooms shall have receptacles for waste material and such receptacles in toilet rooms for women shall be covered.
Handwashing facilities with running hot and cold water, sanitary towels and soap shall be in or adjacent to the toilet room. The use of the common towel is prohibited. Handwashing signs shall be posted in each toilet room used by food handlers. No food handler shall return to work after using the toilet without first washing his hands.
In all new establishments or establishments where alterations are made, the floors of the toilet rooms shall be constructed of a material and joints impervious to water and shall be provided with a sanitary base.
All kitchens, stands and counters where food is prepared shall be equipped with or have adjacent thereto separate handwashing facilities for the washing and cleansing of the hands, equipped with running hot and cold water, soap and sanitary towels.
Running hot and cold water under pressure of not less than 15 pounds per square inch shall be easily accessible to all rooms in which food is prepared or utensils are washed and shall be adequate and of a safe, sanitary quality.
In all public eating and drinking places where dishwashing is done by other than mechanical means, no less than three-compartment sinks shall be provided and equipped with running hot and cold water.
Wash (water 110° to 130° F.).
Rinse (warm water).
Sanitize (water 180° F. for two minutes).
Wash (water 110° to 130° F.).
Rinse (warm water).
Sanitize with a chemical, such as:
Hypochlorite compounds or chlorine-containing compounds of equal efficiency at a minimum concentration of 100 parts per million for at least one minute.
Quaternary ammonium compounds at a minimum concentration of 200 parts per million for at least 30 seconds.
Iodoform compounds at a minimum concentration of 12.5 parts per million for at least one minute.
There shall be a drainboard of a material impervious to moisture affixed to each end of the unit. In new establishments or establishments where alterations are made, each compartment of the sink shall be of a size not less than 16 inches square by 14 inches deep. Each compartment for sinks in soda fountains and bars shall be no less than 12 inches square by 10 inches deep. Mechanical dishwashing machines shall be equipped to provide a minimum water temperature of at least 180° F. All mechanical dishwashers shall be equipped with two thermometers for indicating the wash and sterilizing temperatures. Prerinse or presoak facilities shall be provided for either mechanical or manual dishwashing. Manual dishwashing facilities shall have thermometers accurate to 3° F. convenient to the dishwashing facility.
Cleaning and bactericidal treatment. All equipment, including display cases or windows, counters, shelves, tables, refrigerators, stoves, hoods or sinks, shall be kept clean and free from dust, dirt, insects and other sources of contamination. All clothes used by waiters, chefs and other employees shall be kept clean. All eating and drinking utensils, except single-service utensils, shall be cleaned thoroughly and subjected to an approved bactericidal process after each use and at the time of service to the public be thoroughly clean and sterilized. All multiuse containers and utensils used in the preparation, cooking and serving of food and drink shall be thoroughly cleansed and subjected to an approved bactericidal process immediately following the day's operation. Towel drying is not permitted.
Storage and handling. After cleansing and sterilizing, all utensils and equipment must be stored above the level of the floor in a clean, dry place, protected from flies, dust or other contamination, and no utensils shall be handled except in such a manner as to prevent contamination. Single-service utensils shall be purchased only in sanitary containers, shall be stored therein in a clean, dry place until used and shall be handled in a sanitary manner. Kitchens shall be used only for cooking and the storage of food products and kitchen, cooking or eating utensils and equipment in use.
All liquid waste resulting from the cleansing and rinsing of utensils and floors and from flush toilets and lavatories must be disposed of in a public sewer or, in the absence of a public sewer, by methods approved by provisions of the Prospect Park Borough Plumbing Code.[1] All garbage must be stored in nonleaking metal containers with tight-fitting lids or in an approved garbage storage room and all other waste materials must be kept free of garbage and stored in nonleaking metal containers with tight-fitting lids or in an approved waste material storage room and be covered at all times. Garbage and other waste materials must be removed from the premises as often as necessary to prevent a nuisance and disposed of in a manner to be approved by the Board of Health. All garbage and waste material receptacles must be washed when emptied and be treated with a disinfectant if necessary to prevent a nuisance.[2] Adequate can-washing facilities shall be provided.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 125, Plumbing.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 86, Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse.
All readily perishable food or drink shall be kept at temperatures lower than 40° F., except when being prepared or served. All refrigerators must be equipped with an indicating thermometer and maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. Wastewater from refrigeration equipment shall be disposed of in accordance with Prospect Park Borough Plumbing Code.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 125, Plumbing.
All food and drink shall be wholesome and free from spoilage.
All milk, ice cream and other frozen dairy products shall be from sources approved by the Board of Health. Milk must be served in or from the half-pint container in which it was received from the distributor or by other methods approved by the Board. This requirement shall not apply to cream, which may be served from the original bottle or from a dispenser approved by the Board. In the case of milk drinks, the milk used shall include the entire contents of the original container.
No part or parts of any food previously served to a customer can again be served in any form to other customers. This requirement includes the remaining portions of crackers, cream, bread, slaw, unused salads, butter, jellies and all other foods which are not served in tightly covered dispensers, and any parts of other foods that have been served as a part of a meal and with which there has been possible human contact.
No cream puffs, eclairs, napoleons, cream pies, cream-filled layer cakes and similar products containing custard or whipped cream shall be sold or stored unless kept in a storage compartment the maximum temperature of which is not greater than 40° F.
All oysters, clams and mussels shall be from approved sources. The shells of shellfish used for service cannot be reused.
All ice shall be from an approved source and must meet the standards as set forth in Article IX of this chapter.
All food and drink shall be stored, handled, cooked, processed, prepared, displayed or dispensed as provided under § 93-48A hereof.
Sugar served in all public eating and drinking places shall be dispensed from containers which provide protection against dirt, dust, other contamination and human handling at all times, except in the case of lump or packaged sugar, which is individually wrapped.
Unwrapped or otherwise unprotected displayed food which is subject to contamination through public handling, coughing or sneezing shall be protected by means of glass or similar partitions or through other approved means.
All food handlers shall wear clean garments and shall keep their hands and fingernails clean at all times when engaged in the handling of food, drink, utensils or equipment. All female employees shall wear hairnets. All male employees shall wear caps while engaged in the preparation of food. All food handlers who in any manner come in contact with or handle food shall thoroughly wash their hands with soap and water before beginning work. No employee shall use tobacco in any form while engaged in the handling of food or drink.
All persons engaged in the operation of any public eating and drinking place shall be required to take all necessary precautions to keep the premises free of rats and vermin. In the case of rat or vermin infestation, operators shall report such infestation to the Board of Health for the purpose of procuring proper advice and instructions in order to eliminate the nuisance. In the case of all new establishments, all rooms in which food and drink are prepared, stored or served shall be of a ratproof construction.
The premises of all public eating and drinking places shall be kept clean and free of litter or rubbish.
No sleeping facilities or domestic activities shall be permitted in any room which is part of or which opens into any room where food is prepared, stored or served or in which utensils are washed or stored.
Adequate lockers or dressing rooms shall be provided for clothing of employees and shall be kept clean.
Soiled linens, coats and aprons shall be kept in vermin proof containers provided for this purpose.
No public eating and drinking place shall be located in any cellar, basement or other place below the natural surface of the ground except with the written permission of the Board of Health.
Bulk ice cream cannot be dispensed unless running water is provided next to the cabinet containing the ice cream. The utensils used in dispensing bulk ice cream must be sterilized frequently, washed by running water after each usage and kept dry when not in use.
No article, polish or other substance containing any cyanide preparation or other poisonous materials shall be used for the cleaning, disinfecting or polishing of utensils or containers used in preparing or handling any food or drink.
No substance containing cyanide, fluoride, lindane or other poison shall be kept or used as an insecticide or exterminator in any place where food or drink is exposed during sale, preparation, holding or handling or in such manner as to contaminate such food or drink.
No person shall bring or permit to be brought into the dining room, kitchen or storeroom of any public eating or drinking place any dog, cat or other animal. This subsection does not apply to a blind person led by a trained dog into dining areas.
Any official representative of the Board of Health in the performance of any duty imposed by this chapter shall have full access to any place, container or conveyance used in the production, preparation, manufacture, packing, storage, transportation, handling, distribution or sale of any food. He shall be entitled to make an examination, open any package or container and take therefrom a sample for analysis of any food manufactured, sold, exposed for sale or found to be in possession of the proprietor in violation of any provisions of these rules and regulations.
Every person who shall distribute or sell, offer for distribution or sale or have in his possession any food shall, upon request and tender of the value by an official representative of the Board of Health, deliver as much thereof to such representative as may be requested as a sample. If such request is not immediately complied with, this Board or its official representative may demand and take as much of the food as it may think necessary, tendering to the person in charge when it deems to be its reasonable value.
At no time shall a proprietor have in his possession either for sale or not for sale food which is unfit and is likely to cause illness or transmit disease. When in the opinion of this Board or its official representative such food exists, it shall be ordered denatured, removed and disposed of. It shall be the duty of the owner or person in charge of such substance to remove immediately and dispose of it at his own expense according to the direction of this Board. In case the owner or person in charge shall fail to remove immediately and dispose of such substance as ordered, the same shall be caused to be denatured, removed and disposed of by this Board at the expense of the owner or person in charge.
Whenever the proprietor of a public eating and drinking place shall fail to keep his public eating and drinking place in a sanitary condition or whenever food or drink or the sale of the same is likely to cause or transmit disease, the Board of Health, upon proper notification, shall order closed such public eating and drinking place until it shall have been put in a sanitary condition or until the food or drink or the sale of the same shall be no longer likely to cause any illness or transmit disease. The proprietor of the public eating and drinking place, when so ordered, shall immediately comply with and obey such order and shall not conduct further operations until permission has been granted by the Board.