[Adopted 12-29-2003 by Ord. No. 2003-2]
This article shall be known as the "Shirley Township Regional Emergency Management Agency Ordinance."
The Township of Shirley hereby resolves to enter into an intergovernmental cooperation agreement with other townships and boroughs of Huntingdon County that have enacted a similar ordinance and such other municipalities as would desire to enter into an intergovernmental agreement in the future, whereby a Huntingdon County, Regional Emergency Management Agency will be created, hereinafter referred to as the "Regional Emergency Management Agency."
The purpose of the Regional Emergency Management Agency is to function as the emergency management agency for each of the respective municipalities, in accordance with the Emergency Management Services (EMS) Code.[1]
Editor's Note: See 35 Pa.C.S.A. § 7101 et seq.
The conditions of the intergovernmental cooperation agreement to be entered into between the participating municipalities and the county are generally as follows:
The municipalities agree that they shall take steps to assure the formation of the Regional Emergency Management Agency, said organization to be responsible for functioning as the emergency management agency in each of the municipalities, and they shall adopt and declare the County Emergency Operations Plan to be the emergency operations plan of each of their municipalities for the purpose of fulfilling the requirement in Subsection 7503(1) of the Emergency Management Services Code[1] to prepare, maintain and keep current a disaster emergency management plan for each of their municipalities.
Editor's Note: See 35 Pa.C.S.A. § 7503(1).
Each municipality shall appoint two individuals to serve as members of the Regional Emergency Management Agency which will have planning and resource development responsibilities for emergency operations within the territorial limits of the municipalities that have formed the Regional Emergency Management Agency. Actions taken by the Regional Emergency Management Agency must be ratified by the individual municipality governing bodies, as provided within the EMS Code.
The Regional Emergency Management Agency will recommend one of the individuals named to the Agency to serve as Regional Emergency Management Coordinator and another to serve as Deputy Emergency Management Coordinator of the Regional Emergency Management Agency, with responsibility for operational control of emergency response operations within the territorial limits of the municipalities that have formed the Regional Emergency Management Agency. The Regional Emergency Management Coordinator will be subject to the direction and control of the elected officials of the municipality affected by the emergency situation. In no case, however, shall the Regional Emergency Management Coordinator and his/her Deputy be from the same municipality. If two or more municipalities are affected by the same emergency situation, the Regional Emergency Management Coordinator shall be subject to the direction and control of the elected officials of the county as required by the EMS Code.
Each municipality may provide financial support for said services based upon a per capital basis or such other basis as participating municipalities may agree from time to time.
Each municipality shall be a member of the Regional Emergency Management Agency for a term of at least five years.
The manner in which property, real and personal, shall be acquired, managed or disposed of shall be as provided for in the intergovernmental cooperation agreement, as amended from time to time by the participating municipalities.
A copy of this article shall be filed with the County Emergency Management Agency and shall remain in effect unless amended. Any amendment shall also be filed with the County Emergency Management Coordinator.