[Adopted 12-11-1970 by Ord. No. 1970-1]
The Township of Shirley shall henceforth levy a charge amounting to 5% of all wage and profit tax and any interest and penalties thereon, collected by the Township Wage and Profit Tax Collector from nonresidents of the Township for forwarding to the home taxing districts of such nonresident taxpayers. The purpose of such charge shall be to defray the cost of collecting such tax and any interest and penalties thereon, and the forwarding of the same.
It shall be the duty of the Wage and Profit Tax Collector before forwarding to the home taxing district of any nonresident taxpayer any wage and profit tax collected within the Township of Shirley, and any interest and penalty thereon, to deduct 5% of such tax, penalty and interest. Any amount so deducted shall be transferred to the general fund of the Township of Shirley.