[Amended 6-1-2011 by Ord. No. 64-S]
Chadds Ford Township is a community in historic southeastern Pennsylvania within which lies the Brandywine Valley, Brandywine Battlefield, and the Brandywine Battlefield National Historic Landmark. The purpose of this article is to preserve the Township's historic heritage, create a desirable environment in which to live, visit, and conduct business, and to provide protection to motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists from distractions which may result in property damages as well as serious injury. It is the purpose of this article to promote the public health, safety and general welfare of the public by providing a comprehensive system of reasonable, consistent and nondiscriminatory standards and requirements which are intended to:
Assist in the identification of residences, businesses, churches and other establishments.
Reduce hazardous situations, confusion, driver distraction, and visual clutter which can be caused by signs employing movement, light, fluctuating or moving lighting, flashing images, excessive size and/or messaging which distracts motorists, pedestrians and/or bicyclists.
Protect and enhance the vistas and historical character of the Brandywine Valley, Brandywine Battlefield, and the Battlefield National Historic Landmark and preserve and enhance the natural and scenic characteristics of this historic, suburban community.
Enhance the attractiveness and economic well-being of the Township as a place to live, visit and conduct business, while supporting its rural character and the tourism fostered by its natural and historic landmarks.
Protect the public from the dangers of unsafe signs and structures.
Permit signs that are compatible with their surroundings, aid orientation, and preclude placement of signs which conceal, obstruct or intrude upon adjacent land uses.
Encourage signs that are appropriate to the zoning district in which they are located and consistent with the category of use to which they pertain.
Limit the size and number of signs and sign messages to the minimum reasonably necessary to identify a residential or business location and the nature of any such business.
Establish sign size in relationship to the scale of the lot and building on which the sign is to be placed or to which it pertains.
Preclude signs from conflicting with the principal permitted use of the site or adjoining sites.
Regulate signs in a manner so as to not unreasonably interfere, distract, obstruct, and/or endanger motorists, bicyclists or pedestrians.
Require signs to be constructed, installed and maintained in a safe and satisfactory manner; and prevent an attractive nuisance or abandoned signs.
A sign permit is required for all signs hereafter erected, except those listed specifically hereafter in § 135-151. A permit shall be obtained upon the filing of an application accompanied by a plan drawn to scale showing the sign, its size and its location with respect to the building and to the boundaries of the lot upon which it will be situated, together with the applicable permit fee, if such proposed sign complies with the provisions of this article and all other Township ordinances and regulations. Fees for sign permits shall be set by resolution of the Board of Supervisors from time to time.
Signs and their respective illumination which are lawfully existing at the time of the passage of this chapter and which do not conform to the requirements of this chapter shall be considered nonconforming signs, and once destroyed or removed shall be replaced only with conforming signs and lighting. A nonconforming sign may be painted, repaired (including lighting) and altered in its wording, provided that such modifications do not exceed the dimensions of the existing sign. If a nonconforming sign is changed or altered in any other manner, then the sign must be either brought into compliance with all requirements of this chapter, including but not limited to all dimensional, height, locational and design requirements, or permanently removed. A sign which was not in conformance with the zoning ordinance in effect on the date it was erected is an unlawful sign and is not a nonconforming sign.
No abandoned sign shall be maintained or permitted to be maintained on any premises. An abandoned sign for the purpose of this chapter is a sign erected on and/or related to:
The use of a property which becomes vacant and unoccupied for a period of six months or more;
Any sign which was erected for a prior occupant or business; or
Any sign which relates to a time, event, or purpose which has passed.
Any such abandoned sign shall be removed by the landowner or person controlling the property within 10 days of the abandonment as described above.
[Amended 6-1-2011 by Ord. No. 64-S]
It is unlawful to erect or maintain the following signs:
Spinning, animated or twirling signs, or any other moving objects used for commercial advertising purposes whether containing a message or not.
Flashing, blinking, twinkling, oscillating, or lighted moving signs of any type, except those portions of signs which indicate time and temperature.
Signs placed, inscribed or supported upon the highest roof line or upon any structure which extends above the highest roof line of any building.
Signs painted on the facade or roof of any building or structure.
Signs on mobile stands which can be moved from place to place and thereby not permanently affixed to the ground, except when covered by a temporary permit, such as for a promotional event.
Signs mounted on utility poles, trees, fence posts and/or any other existing structure which is not a part of the sign.
Signs which emit smoke or vapors.
Balloons or other inflated structures, whether or not tethered close to the ground.
Flags, banners, pennants or streamers, except as permitted by § 135-152H.
Signs painted, applied or mounted on vehicles where the vehicles are not operational and/or not currently registered and permitted by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
The following regulations shall apply to all sign uses, including those signs not requiring a permit:
Materials/maintenance/removal. Every sign permitted by this chapter must be constructed of durable materials, firmly supported, and must be kept in good condition and repair. Any sign which is allowed to become dilapidated shall be removed by, and at the expense of, the landowner or lessee of the property on which it is located.
Traffic interference. No sign shall be so located or arranged that it interferes with traffic through glare, through blocking of required sight lines for streets, sidewalks or driveways, through confusion with a traffic control device (by reason of color, location, shape or other characteristic), or through any other means.
Authorization. No signs except those of a duly constituted governmental body, including traffic signs and similar regulatory notices, shall be allowed within street lines, unless specifically authorized otherwise by the Township and in compliance with any prevailing regulations of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation or other applicable laws and regulations.
Architectural design. All permanent signs affixed to any permitted building shall be integrated into the architectural design of the building on which they are placed.
Double-faced signs.
Any sign may be double-faced, provided that it has two parallel surfaces that are opposite and matching in size and shape and are not over 16 inches apart for internally illuminated signs and not over six inches apart for noninternally illuminated signs.
The sign shall be considered as one sign and only one face shall be used to calculate the total size of the sign.
Should the two surfaces deviate from being parallel, or should they differ in size or shape, or if they are more than 16 inches apart for internally illuminated signs or six inches apart for noninternally illuminated signs, the sign shall be considered as two signs.
Freestanding signs. Such signs shall be permitted on the premises of the use for which they are intended and may be erected, provided that:
No freestanding sign shall be erected closer to the street right-of-way line than a distance which is the lesser of: five feet; or 1/2 the distance between the street right-of-way line and the building at its closest point. In no case shall the sign intrude onto or above the street right-of-way.
All freestanding signs shall be designed with a base of material inhibiting all plant growth at least six inches from the supports or body of the sign. Mulch, stones and concrete are all suitable examples of growth-inhibiting materials.
The face area of the sign support structure (or diameter times height for round supports) shall not exceed 50% of the total area of the allowed sign area.
No portion of said sign shall exceed 10 feet above the average ground level.
Any vehicle to which a sign or display is affixed or on which a sign is painted, which is used in such a manner that the carrying or display of such sign or signs no longer is incidental to the vehicle's primary purpose as a means of transportation, shall be considered a freestanding sign and as such be subject to the provisions regarding freestanding signs in the district in which such vehicle is located. If sufficient space is available, vehicles with signage are to be parked as much out of sight of the public right-of-way as possible.
Projecting signs. Signs which project from a building may be erected and maintained, provided that:
Any support for such sign shall project no more than 15 inches from the facade of said building.
Such sign shall not project more than four feet from the building facade.
No part of the sign shall be less than seven feet nor more than 12 feet above the ground or walkway level.
No projecting sign shall be permitted within 15 feet of any other projecting sign.
Illuminated signs including digital on-premises signs shall be illuminated only when provided for hereafter in each specific district. The following regulations shall apply to all permitted illuminated signs:
[Amended 6-1-2011 by Ord. No. 64-S]
Signs shall be illuminated so that such lighting permits no direct light to shine on abutting properties or in the normal line of vision of people when using the streets.
The source of said lighting shall be shielded from vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
All externally illuminated signs including digital signs shall be turned off 1/2 hour after the closing of the business or entity which they identify or advertise except those signs named in § 135-152A(3)(a) herein.
Signs may be internally illuminated or backlighted through transparent or translucent materials. The area of the sign will be considered to be the total area of the illuminated area or structure.
No illuminated sign shall be lighted on days when the business or permitted use is not open for business except those signs named in § 135-152A(3)(a) herein.
The source of said lighting shall be shielded from vehicular or pedestrian traffic. Signs that are not effectively shielded to prevent glare, that impair vision, or that otherwise interfere with any driver’s operation of a motor vehicle are prohibited.
Illumination shall only be of an even intensity at all times and shall not be more than 0.5 footcandle per square foot of display area. When an illuminated sign is located on a property that abuts a residential property, no light shall be detectable along the property boundary.
No sign shall be so illuminated that it interferes with the effectiveness of, or obscures, an official traffic sign, device, or signal.
Signs, which contain, include, or are illuminated by any flashing, intermittent, or moving light or lights are prohibited, except those giving public service information, such as time, date, temperature, weather, traffic information, and/or public bulletins.
Where space must be provided between two parallel faces for the installation of lighting fixtures, these faces shall not be further apart than 16 inches and such lighting fixtures and all light sources shall be concealed from behind:
Standard opal glass or another substance of equal or similar light transmission factor;
Hoods; or
Any acceptable method of indirect lighting approved by the Township Board of Supervisors upon recommendation of the Planning Commission.
Illuminated signs shall be uniformly lit not to exceed 0.5 footcandles per square foot of display area, and a uniformity ratio of 0.5.
No illuminated sign shall be lighted on days when the business or permitted use is not open for business except those signs named in § 135-152A(3)(a) herein.
Removal. Each sign shall be removed within 10 days of the time when the circumstances leading to its erection no longer apply, or as provided for otherwise herein.
Applicability. All sign provisions of this chapter shall apply to smoke stacks, water towers, silos and other similar structures.
Dynamic message display signs
[Added 6-1-2011 by Ord. No. 64-S]
Signs incorporating dynamic message displays, as defined herein, shall be permitted except within any residential district where they are prohibited.
Size. The dynamic message display may not exceed 70% of the total sign area.
Brightness. All electronic message signs must be equipped with automatic day/night dimming capabilities. At nighttime or during periods of ambient low light, the sign must automatically dim the intensity of the light emitted whereby its brightness shall not exceed 0.5 footcandle per square foot of display area.
Lettering shall be of sufficient size for immediate recognition.
Displayed messages shall be simple and static for immediate recognition. Messages shall be complete in each display cycle and shall not require viewers to see multiple display cycles to derive its meaning.
Display cycles shall change no sooner than every five minutes.
Transitions from one message to the next shall be instantaneous with no scrolling, fading, streaming, flashing or other animated effect.
Community Service. All dynamic message display sign owners must notify AMBER ALERT and Community Service and register its location for use as needed.
All property owners utilizing a dynamic message display sign must remove all exterior promotional banners and sandwich board signs.
The following signs, exactly as herein described, are exempt from the need to secure permits but shall still be subject to the general regulations of § 135-150 hereof:
Holiday decorations. Decorations for a recognized, officially designated holiday, provided that they do not create a traffic or fire hazard. The period for such decorations shall not exceed three months prior to and one month after such holidays.
Official signs. Official and governmental signs, which shall include safety signs, trespassing signs, signs indicating scenic or historical points of interest, and traffic signs. Such signs may be illuminated subject to § 135-150H hereof.
Owner/address signs. Signs designating the name of the owner or occupant of a property, the address of such property, the private ownership of roadways or other property, provided that:
Such sign is not in excess of two square feet in area.
Not more than one such sign is erected for each use.
Informational signs. Informational signs, such as "entrance," "exit," "no parking," "visitor's parking," "no hunting," "no trespassing," "keep off the grass," and the like, on the same lot as the use to which the sign relates, or the prohibition of the use to which the sign relates, provided that:
The area of said sign shall not exceed two square feet in area.
Such sign shall not contain any advertising.
Incidental signs. No more than eight incidental signs may be attached to a store front, window, door or other outside surface of a given commercial use or business. The subject matter of such signs shall be restricted to information concerning credit cards, hours of operation, trading stamps, notices of services or restrictions or shall pertain to a major service, commodity or facility offered on the premises. The total area of all such signs shall not exceed two square feet and is not to be considered in the total area of signs requiring a permit.
Temporary yard sale signs. Temporary yard sale or garage sale signs, provided that such signs:
Do not exceed four square feet in area.
Shall be removed within 48 hours after said sale.
Temporary real estate signs. Temporary real estate signs advertising the premises upon which they are erected as "for sale," "sold," "for rent," or "rented," when erected by the landowner, a broker or other person interested in the sale or rental of such premises, provided that:
Such sign is located and maintained within the property lines of the subject premises and is not greater than one in number for each street on which the premises has frontage.
The size of any such sign is not in excess of four square feet.
Signs indicating the completion of a transaction, such as "sold," "rented" or "leased," shall be removed along with the supporting sign within 10 days of the transaction.
Temporary contractor signs. Temporary signs of contractors, mechanics, architects, painters, paper hangers and other artisans for a period not to exceed 30 days, and only when the work is being performed, provided that the size thereof is not in excess of four square feet. In the case where such persons work on the premises on which such signs are erected for a period greater than 30 days, then a sign permit must be obtained. The sign must be removed within 10 days after the work has been completed or a certificate of occupancy has been issued.
Temporary window signs. Temporary window signs used to serve as an accessory sign to the sign associated with the principal permitted use, subject to the following regulations:
Temporary window signs shall be permitted only in commercial or business districts or on properties where lawful nonconforming commercial or business uses occur in other nonresidential districts.
The total area of temporary window signs shall not exceed the lesser of 25% of the total glass area of the window in which it is or they are placed, or eight square feet.
A temporary window sign shall only be permitted to be used for the advertisement of sales or special events and shall be permitted to be displayed for a period of 30 days or less.
Temporary political signs. Temporary signs used to announce a political campaign, ballot issue or question, or the candidacy of a person seeking elected office provided:
[Added 6-1-2011 by Ord. No. 64-S]
Signs may not be installed sooner than 60 calendar days before the date of the election (primary and/or general) in which a candidate is seeking office or the issue is to appear on the ballot.
Signs must be removed within 12 calendar days after the date of the election.
Express permission of the property owner must be granted prior to the installation of any temporary political sign.
Such sign or display shall not exceed 32 square feet in area.
Signs shall not be illuminated.
The sign and location shall comply with § 135-150.
The following signs exactly as herein described under each specific district are permitted provided a sign permit has been obtained for said sign:
Residential districts. The following signs may be erected and maintained in the residential districts upon issuance of a sign permit:
Business signs for lawful nonconforming uses which are located in a building other than a residence and which indicate the name or activity of the occupant of the building, provided that:
Not more than one such sign shall be erected for each unit.
Such sign shall not exceed four square feet in area.
A property with frontage on more than one street may erect one sign along each street frontage, provided that a minimum street frontage of 150 feet is maintained between signs.
[Added 6-1-2011 by Ord. No. 64-S]
Signs identifying a school, college, church, hospital, municipal building, or other such institution or public service facility, provided that:
Such sign does not exceed 20 square feet.
Only one such sign is erected.
The sign height of any freestanding sign shall not exceed four feet measured from the finished grade to the highest point of the sign.
[Added 6-1-2011 by Ord. No. 64-S]
A property with frontage on more than one street may erect one sign along each street frontage, provided that a minimum street frontage of 150 feet is maintained between signs.
[Added 6-1-2011 by Ord. No. 64-S]
Only the following signs shall be illuminated in the residential districts:
An identification sign of a physician, dentist, Magisterial District Judge, hospital, and any such other person or establishment whose services in an emergency are considered essential to public health, safety and welfare.
An identification sign of a school, church, or other similar permitted use, provided that said sign may be illuminated only between the hours of dusk and 12:00 midnight, prevailing time.
Street address identification not to exceed two square feet in area.
Signs shall not be internally illuminated or backlighted. Downlighting shall be used to uniformly illuminate signs.
[Added 6-1-2011 by Ord. No. 64-S]
Lighting intensities are subject to the requirements set forth in § 135-150H.
[Added 6-1-2011 by Ord. No. 64-S]
Signs naming a subdivision or land development, provided that:
Only one such sign is permitted at each exclusive entrance to a subdivision or land development.
Each such sign does not exceed 16 square feet in area.
Such signs are restricted to the subdivision or land development name.
B Business Districts. The following signs may be erected and maintained in business districts upon issuance of a sign permit:
Any sign permitted in a residential district which relates to a use permitted in the business district.
In the case where three or fewer separate businesses are located on a lot held in single and separate ownership:
The total area of any permitted sign shall not exceed 20 square feet in area.
Not more than one ground or freestanding sign shall be permitted along each street frontage of the lot, provided that if the lot's frontage on a street is more than 600 feet and the Board of Supervisors determines that an additional sign is needed for safety reasons, the Board may authorize one additional such sign to be located at least 300 feet from any other ground or freestanding sign.
One parallel sign may be located on the building of each separate business establishment.
A business established as a group of related uses aimed at a single market segment shall be considered to be one business.
In the case of a group of four or more separate businesses on a lot held in single and separate ownership, one single freestanding sign including individual signs identifying different establishments may be erected on a common backing, provided that:
The total area of the sign does not exceed 50 square feet.
Any individual sign does not exceed 20 square feet.
The structural backing for all such signs shall be uniform and no sign may extend, in any direction, beyond the outside edge of the backing.
In the case of a group of four or more separate businesses on a lot held in single and separate ownership, in addition to the signage authorized by Subsection B(3), each individual business shall be permitted a parallel sign on its building, provided that:
Each individual parallel sign shall not exceed 20 square feet in area.
Buildings located on a freestanding pad site within a development may elect to use multiple parallel signs, up to four in number, with no more than one sign per facade and a total area of all parallel signs not exceeding 20 square feet.
On a lot which contains a single standalone business or commercial establishment or use (as opposed to multiple establishments or uses), other than a use such as an automobile service station, retail store, or the like, two accessory parallel signs may be erected and maintained, provided that each such sign does not exceed four square feet in area.
All signs in business districts may be illuminated subject to § 135-150H hereof.
Planned Office Center and Planned Business Center districts. The following signs may be erected and maintained in the Planned Office Center and Planned Business Center districts upon issuance of a sign permit:
One freestanding sign for every four acres of tract area designating the name and address of the building or combination of buildings and identifying the occupants of said building(s), provided that the area of such sign shall not exceed 50 square feet.
One sign shall be permitted for each separate storefront or other separate business located within a group of office, commercial or other permitted uses on a lot held in single and separate ownership, provided that:
Only parallel signs shall be permitted for each individual establishment.
The size of such sign shall not exceed 20 square feet in area.
In the case of a corner store, two signs totalling 20 square feet may be permitted.
All signs in the Planned Office Center and Planned Business Center districts may be illuminated subject to § 135-150H hereof.
Buildings located on a freestanding pad site within a development may elect to use multiple parallel signs, up to four in number, with no more than one sign per facade and a total area of all parallel signs not exceeding 20 square feet.
Light Industrial District. The following signs may be erected and maintained in the Light Industrial District upon issuance of a sign permit:
Any sign permitted in all other districts which specifically relates to a permitted use in the Light Industrial District.
In the case where any other single business or principal permitted use is operated on a lot held in single and separate ownership, a sign to display the name of the owner of the premises and the activity conducted thereon or product produced thereon, provided that:
The total area of any sign shall not exceed 20 square feet.
Only one freestanding or ground sign shall be permitted along each street on which the lot has frontage.
One parallel sign shall be permitted on the main building.
In the case where a group of businesses or principal permitted uses lawfully exists on a lot held in single and separate ownership, one single freestanding sign including individual signs identifying different establishments may be erected on a common backing, provided that:
The total area of the sign does not exceed 50 square feet.
Any individual sign does not exceed 20 square feet.
The structural backing for all such signs shall be uniform and no sign may extend, in any direction, beyond the outside edge of the backing.
In the case where a group of businesses or permitted principal uses lawfully exists on a lot held in single and separate ownership, each individual business or use shall be permitted a sign, provided that:
Only parallel signs shall be permitted for each individual establishment.
Each individual sign shall not exceed 20 square feet in area.
Buildings located on a freestanding pad site within a development may elect to use multiple parallel signs, up to four in number, with no more than one sign per facade and a total area of all parallel signs not exceeding 20 square feet.
All signs in the Light Industrial Districts may be illuminated subject to § 135-150H hereof.
Special purpose signs.
Marquee signs. Marquee signs for theaters, cinemas, exhibition centers and similar public assembly uses shall be permitted only upon specific authorization of the Board of Supervisors. Such signs shall not be legible from through traffic streets, shall not have letters larger than six inches in height and shall not exceed six square feet per theater screen or auditorium, up to a maximum marquee sign of 100 square feet.
Drive-through service lanes.
Restaurants. One food menu sign may be placed on each drive-through automobile access lane at the order-taking location. Such signs may be illuminated from within during business hours and are subject to all general regulations of this chapter. The area shall not exceed 32 square feet.
Banks. For each service lane equipped with an automatic teller machine, one identification sign for the name of the banking service, not to exceed four square feet in area, and one sign explaining the operation of the machine, not to exceed two square feet in area, shall be allowed.
Others. Other business uses desiring signage for an automobile service lane shall require a special sign permit from the Board of Supervisors.
Gasoline service stations are subject to the same regulations as other business uses, except as indicated below:
A directory of services offered is allowed, not to exceed 10 square feet in area, and if placed on or within the 10 feet of the main service building.
One PA Authorized Inspection Station sign is allowed, not to exceed one square foot in area.
Signage on pumps, dispensers, canopies, etc., is to be included in the normal signage area allowance. When hardware or structures with such nonconforming signs are replaced or renewed, any new hardware or structures shall be subject to this chapter.
Informational signs of the following types shall be allowed:
Full- or self-service: not to exceed two square feet per service island.
Gasoline grade: not to exceed 1/2 square foot in area per pump.
Price of each grade: not to exceed two square feet in area for each grade.
Temporary signs. The following temporary signs may be erected and maintained on-site (i.e., on the premises where the event or activity to which they relate is to occur), in the zoning districts indicated:
Temporary signs announcing a political, public, educational, charitable, civic, religious or similar event are permitted in all zoning districts, provided that:
Each sign does not exceed 32 square feet.
Such sign may be erected for a period not to exceed 30 days in any calendar year.
One such sign may be erected for each street frontage on the property where the event is to occur.
Temporary promotional signs or displays in Business, Planned Business Center, Planned Office Center or Light Industrial districts.
Temporary promotional signs or displays shall be permitted for retail sales and service uses for a maximum of seven consecutive calendar days on not more than four occasions during a calendar year.
One such sign or display shall be permitted for each business use held in separate ownership or tenancy.
Such sign or display shall not exceed 32 square feet in area.
Temporary window signs or displays shall not exceed a total of 32 square feet or 50% of the window area in any contiguous group of windows, whichever is less.
Mobile or movable signs with movable type shall have enclosed, locked covers to prevent unauthorized access and may be illuminated only during business hours. Flashing, animated, etc., displays are not permitted.
Real estate signs. The following signs may be erected and maintained in all zoning districts upon issuance of a sign permit:
Signs advertising the sale or construction of a subdivision or land development, provided that:
Not more than one sign is permitted per street entrance to the subdivision or land development and must be located on the property to be subdivided or developed.
The size of any such sign shall not exceed 16 square feet in area.
Such signs shall not be erected until the subdivision or land development plan has been approved by the Township and recorded.
Signs naming a subdivision or land development, provided that:
Not more than one sign is permitted at each street entrance to the subdivision or land development and must be located on the property to be subdivided or developed.
The size of such sign shall not exceed 16 square feet in area.
Such signs are restricted to the development name.
Signs advertising a commercial lot, building, or group of buildings for sale or rent, provided that:
Not more than one sign is permitted upon each street on which the property has frontage, which must be located on the property to be sold or rented.
The size of such sign shall not exceed 16 square feet in area.
All signs permitted by Subsection G(1) and (3) above shall be removed when all the buildings, stores or lots on the premises have been rented or sold, or within one year of the date the application for such sign was approved, whichever occurs first. Such signs shall be permitted for an additional period of six months upon application to the Code Enforcement Officer, provided that at the time less than 90% of the buildings, stores or lots on the premises have been rented or sold.
A land development sign is permitted for future developments prior to construction, subject to a permit and final approval. The sign is good for a one-year period and must be removed once the construction is started.
Temporary real estate directional signs indicating the location and direction of premises available for, or in the process of, development, but not erected upon such premises, and having inscribed thereon the name of the owner, developer, builder or agent, provided that:
The size of any such sign shall not be in excess of two square feet.
Such signs shall be kept within a radius of one mile of such development.
Such signs shall be spaced at locations only where a change in direction is involved, but no closer than 500 feet apart unless otherwise approved by the Township Code Enforcement Officer.
The maximum number of such signs shall be three. All such signs shall be removed when all the buildings, stores or lots on the premises have been rented or sold or within six months from the date on which the sign was erected, whichever occurs first. Such signs may be permitted for a maximum of two additional six-month periods upon application to the Code Enforcement Officer, provided that at the time less than 75% of the buildings, stores or lots on the premises have been rented or sold.
Flags or banners. Flags are allowed on freestanding poles not higher than the maximum height for buildings in the Township or on poles attached to buildings, not to project higher than the highest part of the building or the maximum height allowed in the district, whichever is lower. Flags of the United States, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Delaware County, and Chadds Ford Township may be flown subject to the following restrictions:
Heights shall meet the requirements spelled out above.
The sizes of the flags are not to exceed the sizes flown at the county seat in Media, Delaware County, Pennsylvania. Larger-size flags shall be considered as advertising attractions and shall not be permitted except as regulated by the temporary sign regulations in this chapter.
A maximum of four flags may be flown at one time.
Flags or banners, other than the flags of the United States of America, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, County of Delaware, or Chadds Ford Township, with text, emblems, mottos, logos and the like shall be considered signs and shall be subject to this chapter. Personal family coats of arms and religious or decorative flags may be flown in residential districts, and are subject to the height restrictions above.
The United States flag flown in the Township shall be displayed in accordance with the rules of the Second National Flag Conference adopted by Congress in 1942, as amended. Displays with the features or likeness of the United States flag which are not flown in conformance with the requirements of the above act are regarded as banners and are not permitted.
Canopy and awning signs.
[Added 6-1-2011 by Ord. No. 64-S]
One canopy or awning sign shall be permitted to advertise an individual business use occupying an individual structure on a single lot. For uses in combination, such as a shopping center, industrial park or office park, each use will be permitted one canopy or awning sign for identification and/or advertising purposes.
The total display area of a canopy or awning sign shall not exceed one square foot for each linear foot of a building or tenant space frontage.
Signs shall display only the business name, logo, proprietor, property address, business telephone number and/or other business contact information.
Letters, logo and numerals, not exceeding a height of eight inches shall be located on the vertical face within 14 inches from the base of the awning.
The minimum clearance between the awning and grade shall be not less than seven feet.
All canopy and awning signs shall have a setback of not less than two feet from the curbline but may not extend more than five feet from the building line.
Illumination of awning signs is subject to the requirements set forth in § 135-150H and approval of the Board of Supervisors.
A canopy or awning without lettering or other advertising shall not be regulated as a sign.
Billboards and off-premises signs.
[Added 6-1-2011 by Ord. No. 64-S]
Billboards and off-premises signs shall not be permitted except within the B-1 and PBC-1 District as a special exception granted by the Zoning Hearing Board. Any special exception granted shall meet the following criteria in addition to those set forth in the MPC and be required to adhere to the following regulations:
Only one billboard (off-premises sign) may be erected, constructed or maintained on any property.
All billboards (off-premises signs) shall be demonstrated to be oriented toward the road upon which the billboard (off-premises signs) fronts or faces to cause the least impact upon the neighboring properties.
No billboard (off-premises signs) shall obstruct the view of motorists on adjoining roads, or the view of adjoining commercial or industrial uses, which depend in any measure upon visibility for identification.
Billboards (off-premises signs) shall be stationary. Billboards (off-premises signs) using digital technology shall produce static images, which may be changeable via a computer. Billboards (off-premises signs) shall not scroll, flash, twinkle, feature motion pictures, moving images, or have mechanical or animated movement.
Only one advertisement, display, or message may appear on a billboard (off-premises signs) face at any one time.
Changes from one advertisement or display, or from one message to another (cycle) must be an instantaneous transition and may occur no more frequently than every five minutes.
An application for a billboard (off-premises sign) greater than 50 square feet shall be accompanied by a site plan and shall meet all applicable requirements as set forth in the Chadds Ford Township Zoning Ordinance, as amended.
An application for a billboard (off-premises sign) greater than 50 square feet shall be accompanied by certification, under seal and signature by a professional engineer registered in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, that the existence of the billboard (off-premises sign), as proposed, shall meet all construction standards as set forth in the Township building codes and shall not present a safety hazard.
Prior to final approval by the Zoning Hearing Board of any application for a billboard (off-premises sign) greater than 50 square feet, a deposit of $25,000, to be put in escrow, is required in the event that removal of the billboard (off-premises sign) is required. Interest may be accumulated.
Billboards (off-premises signs) shall be constructed in accordance with all applicable Township and state codes. In addition:
A minimum setback equal to 150% of the height of the billboard (off-premises sign) shall be provided on all four sides (front, rear and side yards). The setback area shall be free from all other buildings, structures and improvements except those demonstrated to be necessary for the operation, maintenance, or security of the billboard (off-premises sign).
The maximum height of the highest point of the billboard (off-premises sign), including its support structure, shall not exceed 15 feet, as measured from the base of the sign or grade of the nearest adjacent roadway, whichever is higher.
Billboards (off-premise signs) may have no more than one sign face, which may not exceed 300 square feet. The back of every billboard sign must be finished and painted a uniform color with the type and nature of the finishing to be approved by the Board of Supervisors.
No billboard (off-premises sign) shall be located within 1,000 feet of any other billboard (off-premises sign) on either the same or opposite side of the street, as measured between the closest points of each sign, including the supporting structure. This includes billboards (off-premises signs) located in other Townships and municipalities.
No billboard (off-premises sign) shall be located within 500 feet of any street intersection, as measured horizontally in all directions from the nearest edge of the sign face.
No billboard (off-premises sign) shall be located within 500 feet of any residential district, as measured horizontally in all directions from the nearest edge of the sign face.
No billboard (off-premises sign) shall be constructed within the clear sight triangle of any public street or commercial driveway and shall not in any manner obstruct or impede traffic safety, including ingress and egress.
A billboard (off-premises sign) sign face shall be independently supported and have vertical supports of metal which are galvanized or otherwise treated to prevent rust and corrosion.
One vertical support shall be capable of enabling the entire sign face to be able to withstand a minimum wind load of 100 miles per hour, or wind loading as required by the applicable building code, whichever is more restrictive.
The entire base of the billboard (off-premises sign) structure shall be permanently landscaped with suitable shrubbery and/or bushes placed in such a manner as to screen the foundation of the structure. A landscaping plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the Code Enforcement Officer prior to the issuance of a building permit. The owner shall maintain said landscaping in accordance with accepted conservation practices and shall replace any dead or diseased plants promptly. Landscaping shall form a base and backdrop to the billboard (off-premises sign) whenever practical.
No bare cuts are permitted on a hillside, and all cuts or fills are to be permanently seeded or planted.
Illumination of any and all sign faces shall be shielded to prevent the light source from being seen from any direction. Any lighting used for billboards shall be designed to only illuminate the face of the billboards (off-premises signs) and not cast glare onto adjacent properties or in an upward direction, and in accordance with § 135-150H. All illuminated and/or digital billboard (off-premises sign) shall be turned off between 12:00 midnight and 6:00 a.m.
Maintenance of billboards (off-premises signs).
All properties upon which a billboard (off-premises sign) is erected shall be regularly maintained so as not to create a nuisance by means of weeds or litter.
The billboard (off-premises sign) structure shall be entirely repainted at a minimum of every five years.
Every three years, the owner of the billboard (off-premises sign) shall have a structural inspection made of the billboard (off-premises sign) by a qualified Pennsylvania registered structural engineer and shall provide to the Township a certificate from the engineer certifying that the billboard (off-premises sign) is structurally sound.
Annual inspections for the billboard (off-premises sign) shall be conducted by the Township Code Enforcement Officer to determine compliance, and billboards (off-premises sign) found to be in violation shall be brought into compliance within 30 days of notice or ordered removed upon proper notification by the Township.
Any abandoned billboard (off-premises sign) must be removed within 30 days after notice. If the owner fails to remove an abandoned billboard (off-premises sign) within 30 days after receipt of notice, the Township may remove the billboard (off-premises sign) at the owner's expense.
The owner of the property on which the billboard (off-premises sign) is located, as well as the owner of the billboard (off-premises sign), must acknowledge and agree to abide by the aforementioned rules and regulations as they pertain to billboards (off-premises signs).
Any property upon which a billboard (off-premises sign) of 100 square feet or greater shall be subject to reassessment.
The owner operator of any billboard (off-premises sign) greater than 100 square feet agrees to occasionally disseminate emergency alerts and/or public service information.