This Charter and all subsequent amendments thereto shall define the powers and establish the form of government for the County of Delaware in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The Charter is the basic law of the County and is restricted only by the precedence of the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania where these constitutions and laws supersede the provisions of this Charter. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania hereafter shall be referred to as the "Commonwealth," and the County of Delaware shall be referred to as the "County." This Home Rule Charter shall be hereinafter referred to as the "Charter," and the term County Council shall hereinafter be referred to as "Council."
Under this Charter, the County shall continue to be a body politic and corporate and to act for the Commonwealth in the execution of Commonwealth programs within the County's boundaries.
The boundaries of the County under this Charter shall continue to be its boundaries as prescribed by or pursuant to the laws of the Commonwealth.
The seat of the County government shall continue to be in the Borough of Media.