Purpose. This article is primarily intended to:
Promote and maintain overall community beautification.
Establish reasonable time, place and manner regulations on the exercise of free speech, without regulating content of signs.
Promote traffic safety by avoiding distractions and sight distance obstructions.
To protect property values and ensure capability with the character of neighboring existing and planned land uses.
To carry out the goals of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Advertising Act, as amended.[1]
Editor's Note: See 36 P.S. § 2718.101 et seq.
Permit required. A permit under this article shall be required for all signs allowed in any Zoning District except for signs listed in § 275-157, Exempt signs. All signs shall comply with the regulations of this article. Only signs specifically permitted by this article shall be allowed.
Changes on signs. Any lawfully existing sign (including nonconforming signs) may be painted or repaired or changed in message without a new permit under this article, provided that the changes do not increase the sign area or otherwise result in noncompliance with this article.
Signs legally existing at the time of enactment of this chapter and which do not conform to the requirements of the chapter shall be considered nonconforming signs. Any nonconforming sign which is damaged in excess of 25% of its cost of replacement or that is removed shall be replaced only with a conforming sign, except as below.
Once an existing nonconforming sign is removed, it shall only be replaced with a sign that conforms to this chapter, except as follows:
The sign face of a lawful nonconforming sign may be changed, provided the new sign face is no more nonconforming than the old sign face; or
The Zoning Hearing Board may allow the voluntary replacement of existing freestanding and wall signs of nonconforming business uses by smaller and less high signs as a special exception, provided that the new signs would be of such a size, character and illumination that they would not conflict with adjacent uses.
See § 275-166B, Nonconforming off-premises signs.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A sign advertising the seasonal, temporary sale of agricultural products produced on the premises or the seasonal sale of Christmas trees.
The area of each side of a building, but not including, the area of any slanted roof.
A sign advertising a special event held a maximum of seven days in any calendar year that primarily is held to benefit a U.S. Internal Revenue Service recognized charitable nonprofit organization.
A sign advertising that a contractor or other building tradesperson is conducting work on a particular lot that is not the tradesperson's place of business.
An off-premises advertising sign or billboard that utilizes digital or video light-emitting diodes (LEDs) or similar electronic methods to create a changeable image display area.
[Added 12-17-2007 by Ord. No. 09-07]
An informational sign indicating traffic direction, entry or exit, loading or service area, fire lanes, parking or closely similar information incidental to the primary use and not itself advertising any use.
A sign or portion thereof designed to accommodate frequent message changes composed of characters or letters, and that can be changed or rearranged electronically without altering the face or surface of such sign.
[Added 12-17-2007 by Ord. No. 09-07]
A sign which is self-supporting upon the ground or which is supported by means of poles, pylons or standards in the ground. A freestanding sign is not attached to a building except by secondary supports such as guy wires.
A temporary sign advertising a garage sale or auction.
The vertical distance measured from the average ground level immediately below a sign to the highest point of the sign and its supporting structure.
A sign that only identifies the name and the nonresidential use of a property but that has no advertising.
A sign which is designed to be illuminated by artificial light from a source adjacent to, or outside of, the sign in such a manner that the source of the light is not directly visible from the street or any other intended vantage point of the sign.
A sign which is designed to be illuminated by light from within the sign rather than a source adjacent to or outside of the sign.
A sign which is not secured or attached to a structure or to the ground.
A sign indicating only the name and/or address of persons or person residing on the premises.
A sign erected by the state, county, Township or other legally constituted governmental body, or specifically authorized by a Township ordinance or resolution that exists for governmental and not commercial purposes.
See Article II.
A temporary sign advertising an open house of a dwelling.
A sign which indicates the name, cause or affiliation of a person seeking public or other elected office or on which reference is made to an issue for which a public election or referendum is scheduled to be held. Political signs that are larger than allowed under "exempt signs" shall be regulated as "off-premises signs."
A sign that announces a proposed subdivision or land development for which a plan has been submitted to the Township, and which involves more than one acre of industrial, commercial or institutional uses or more than five acres of residential uses.
A sign which advertises availability of rest rooms, telephone, meeting times of service organizations or other similar public convenience.
A sign which advertises the availability of the property on which the sign is located for sale, rent or lease.
See Article II.
See § 275-160.
A freestanding sign that is attached to a chassis that allows it to be towed from one location to another and that has no permanent foundation. See § 275-163B.
One or more promotional banners, balloons, floodlights, lasers projecting into the sky or flags or banners used by a business to attract special attention.
A sign constructed of paper, cloth, canvas, wood, metal or any lightweight material intended to be displayed for a short period of time, normally less than 30 days.
A sign or portion of a sign whose sole purpose is to indicate the time and/or temperature.
A sign affixed or painted on a vehicle, trailer or similar device.
A sign posted on, painted on, suspended from or otherwise affixed to a wall or vertical surface of a building which does not project more than 12 inches from the wall or vertical surface to which it is attached.
A sign which is readily visible and can be at least partially read from an exterior lot line and which is attached to a window or transparent door or that can be read through a window or transparent door.
Every permanent sign permitted in this section must be constructed of durable materials and must be kept in good condition and repair. Any sign which is allowed to become dilapidated may be repaired or removed by the Township at the expense of the owner or lessee of the property on which it is located.
Signs advertising a use no longer in existence or a product no longer available shall be removed or changed to advertise the new use or product or the sale or lease of the property within 90 days of the cessation of the original use.
The location for signs shall be governed by the following location requirements:
Setback from streets. No sign except official signs, nameplate signs, public service signs and directional signs shall be erected within five feet of or project over any existing and/or future street right-of-way.
Sight distance. No sign shall be so located or arranged that it interferes with the sight distance requirements of § 275-171C.
On-premises. No signs except permitted off-premises, official, political or public service signs shall be erected on a property to which it does not relate.
Setbacks. No sign shall be located within a required side or rear setback for an accessory structure, except along lot lines that abut a commercially or industrially used or zoned lot (other than a street right-of-way). A sign may be located within a required front yard, provided that the "setback from streets" in this section are complied with.
Permission of owner. No sign shall be posted on any property or sign pole or public utility pole, unless permission has been received by the owner, except within § 275-157 for temporary open house or garage sale signs.
Right-of-way. The Zoning Officer or his/her designee shall have the authority to remove unauthorized signs from property of Bethlehem Township or within the right-of-way of a public street or that represent a hazard to public safety because of an obstruction of sight distances.
See § 275-135, Light, glare and heat control.
Times of illumination. It is strongly encouraged that signs within 200 feet of a dwelling or a residential district not be illuminated between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
Any vehicle or structure to which a sign is affixed in such a manner that the carrying of such sign or signs no longer is incidental to the primary purpose of the vehicle or structure but becomes a primary purpose in itself, shall be considered a freestanding sign and as such be subject to the provisions regarding freestanding signs in the district in which such vehicle or structure is located.
The following types of temporary signs are exempt from zoning permit requirements. These signs shall be removed in the time specified and conform to the size requirements of this section. None of the following signs may be illuminated.
Maximum Area Per Sign
(square feet)
Type of Sign
Maximum No. of Signs
On Lots of Less Than 2 Acres in Residential Districts
On All Other Lots
Earliest Period When Sign May be Placed
Period Within Which Sign Must be Removed
Garage sale or open house sign
2 per event
48 hours before event begins
24 hours after event ends
Maximum of 5 days in any 90-day period
Real estate sign
1 per lot
Property actively for sale, rent or lease
30 days after agreement of sale or rental
Political sign
2 per lot
60 days prior to election or referendum
10 days after election or referendum
Charitable event sign
2 per lot
20 days prior to event
10 days after event
Contractor's sign
1 per lot
While work is clearly and actively underway
10 days after work is no longer clearly and actively underway
Agricultural products sign
2 per lot
While products actively being offered for sale
90 days total maximum in any calendar year
Proposed development sign
1 per lot
After submission of a complete subdivision or land development plan to the Township
Rejection or withdrawal of plan or when any occupancy permit is issued within development
Special sale sign
Not permitted
5 per lot
Maximum of 15 days, once in any calendar year
Signs on mobile stands. See § 275-163C.
The following type of signs, as defined by § 275-150, do not require a permit under this article and shall meet the following restrictions:
Official signs. These are not regulated in any form by this article.
Nameplate signs: not to exceed two square feet; maximum of one per lot.
Identification signs: not to exceed two square feet; maximum of one per lot.
Directional signs: not to exceed four square feet.
Memorial or historic markers when approved by the Board of Commissioners or the Planning Commission or a state or federal government agency.
Public service signs: not to exceed two square feet; maximum of two per lot.
Temporary signs: per § 275-156.
Trespassing signs or signs indicating the private nature of a road, driveway or premises and signs prohibiting or controlling hunting and fishing upon the premises not to exceed two square feet. Such signs shall not be posted closer than 25 feet to each other within a lot.
Signs physically carried by a person, which are not regulated in any way by this chapter.
Home occupation signs. Not to exceed two square feet and are limited to one per lot or use, whichever is less. Such signs may be illuminated only by use of lighting customarily found in a residential neighborhood, which shall not include use of high-intensity flood lighting nor internal illumination of the sign.
Signs not visible. Signs that are not visible from a public street or any exterior property line are exempt from the permit and size requirements.
Officially required signs. Signs that include only such information as is specifically required to be posted out of doors by a government agency.
Very small signs. Signs of less than one square foot in area that cannot be read by a person of normal eyesight from a public street or any property line are exempt from the permit requirements.
Window signs. Window signs that are not of a permanent nature, provided that they meet the other requirements of this article.
Decorations. Decorations for a Township, county, state or federal government-recognized holiday provided they are posted not more than 20 days (except 60 days prior to Christmas) prior to the event and removed within 10 days after the event.
Flags. Flags of any nation or level of government. Also, up to two additional cloth flags per lot of up to 10 square feet each.
Signs within right-of-way. Signs within the existing right-of-way of a public street when officially authorized by the Board of Commissioners or PennDOT, as appropriate.
The following signs are prohibited in all zoning districts:
Banners, flags, spinners, pennants or any moving object used for a commercial advertising purpose whether containing a message or not, except as is exempted by § 275-157.
Flashing, electronically changing message, blinking, twinkling, animated or moving signs of any type, except those portions of signs which indicate only time and temperature changes. This restriction specifically includes window signs and signs on mobile stands. This shall not prohibit Christmas lighting or displays, within § 275-157O. This shall not prohibit digital signs and electronically changing message signs as permitted in § 275-166E.
[Amended 12-17-2007 by Ord. No. 09-07]
Signs which emit smoke, visible vapors or particles, sound or odor.
Signs which contain information that states or implies that a property may be used for any purpose not permitted under the provisions of this chapter in the zoning district in which the property to which the sign relates is located.
Signs that are of such character, form, shape or color that they imitate or resemble any official traffic sign, signal or device or that have any characteristics which are likely to confuse or distract the operator of a motor vehicle on a public street.
The outlining of the rooflines, doors, windows or wall edges by illuminated neon light tubing for advertising purposes.
Signs that use reflective materials to give the appearance of flashing, blinking, twinkling or electronically changing messages. This shall not prohibit digital signs and electronically changing message signs as permitted in § 275-166E.
[Amended 12-17-2007 by Ord. No. 09-07]
Signs or displays that include words or images that are obscene, pornographic or highly offensive to public decency.
Balloons of greater than five cubic feet that are tethered to the ground or a structure and are primarily intended for advertising purposes, except as provided as a "special sale sign."
Any sign on a mobile stand other than as provided for by § 275-163B.
Floodlights and lasers. These are only permitted as a special sale sign.
When allowed. Signs and/or structures described in this section are allowed for developments that have been approved to involve a total of 10 or more dwelling units or a total of 10 or more office, commercial or industrial uses.
Size and number. Signs described in this section may have a maximum sign area of 25 square feet and a maximum height of eight feet. These signs and/or structures may be located at up to three of the major entrances to the development from exterior streets. This sign area may be an addition to other sign area limits of this article. The signs may be attached to a brick or wooden structure with a maximum height of eight feet that is not within any future and existing right-of-way.
Durability. Such signs shall be designed to be of a durable nature requiring little maintenance.
Message. Such signs may include the overall name of the development, any logo and a phone number to contact. Such signs shall not include advertising.
Landscaping. Such signs shall be attractively landscaped, with plants and shrubs requiring minimal maintenance.
Location. Such signs and structures shall be located outside of the future right-of-way lines and shall satisfy the sight distance requirements of § 275-171C.
Maintenance. If such signs are intended to remain beyond the completion of a developer's involvement in a project, the developer shall provide an appropriate method to ensure proper maintenance of the sign.
Illumination. Such signs may be externally but not internally illuminated.
Directional signs within a major business development.
When allowed. A directional business sign is allowed at each intersection of two or more streets within an office, commercial or industrial development that involves a total of 100 or more acres.
Size. Each sign may have a total square footage of 150 square feet. The sign shall be an orderly single structure and may include on it the names and logos of all the businesses located in the development, along with directional arrows and a map.
Purpose. The signs allowed by this subsection are to direct visitors to businesses. These signs are not intended for routine advertising purposes.
Illumination. Such signs may be externally but not internally illuminated.
Directional signs within a townhouse or garden apartment development. Within a development that includes 50 or more townhouse or garden apartment dwelling units, nonilluminated signs with a maximum sign area of six square feet each may direct visitors to or identify different parts of the development. These signs may be freestanding or attached to a building or structure.
The following regulations shall be used in computing the area of signs:
The area of a sign shall be construed to include all lettering, wording and accompanying designs and symbols, together with the background, whether open or enclosed, on which they are displayed.
The sign area shall not include any structurally supporting framework and bracing, nor wooden framing if such area does not include any display, lettering or sign and if such area is clearly incidental to the display itself.
Where the sign consists of individual letters or symbols attached to or painted on a surface, building, wall or window, the area shall be considered to be that of the smallest rectangle or other regular shape, including the sign background, which encompasses all of the letters and symbols.
In computing square foot area of a double-face sign, only one side shall be considered, provided both faces are identical in size. If the interior angle formed by the two faces of the double-faced sign is greater than 60°, than both sides of such sign shall be considered in calculating the sign area.
Unless otherwise specified, all square footages are maximum sizes.
Maximum height. No sign shall exceed the maximum height restriction for the particular type of sign structure and zoning district established below:
Maximum Height
Type of Sign Structure
CR, AG, RR, IN, LDR, MDR and MHDR Districts
GC and PC Districts
NC, LI, LI(P), OB and GI Districts
Freestanding wall
Equal to the total height of the principal building
* "Maximum height" shall mean the vertical distance measured from the average ground level immediately below a sign to the highest point of the sign and its supporting structure.
Minimum height. Signs shall be raised above the ground as necessary to ensure proper sight distances along streets. See § 275-171.
Bonuses. See § 275-167.
The following type of signs are permitted in all residential districts, including AG, RR, CR, LDR, MDR, MHDR and IN:
Exempt signs in § 275-157.
Temporary signs in § 275-156.
Signs advertising major residential developments. See § 275-159.
The following types of signs may be permitted in a residential district or an AG, IN or CR district to relate to a permitted or lawful nonconforming principal nonresidential use:
One wall sign: not to exceed 10% of the total area of the building face on which it is visible or 32 square feet, whichever is less and permitted on the front wall of the structure only.
One freestanding sign: not to exceed 15 square feet; no more than one freestanding sign per street frontage.
Approval. See § 275-165.
Signs on mobile stands are specifically prohibited.
Home occupations. See § 275-157J.
The following types of signs are permitted in the GC and PC Districts:
Exempt signs in § 275-157.
Temporary signs in § 275-156.
Signs for only one principal use on a lot in accordance with the following regulations:
Wall sign. One shall be permitted for each wall, each with a total area not to exceed 10% of the total area of the building face on which the sign is located. The total maximum sign area shall be 60 square feet.
Freestanding sign.
One shall be permitted with a total area not to exceed 32 square feet. This sign may consist of a structure to which are attached several signs, within the total square footage.
If a use has a total lineal road frontage of more than 300 feet, a second freestanding sign is permitted with a total square footage of 50 square feet for the two signs together or for one sign.
A lot in the GC District may also include one additional nonilluminated freestanding sign with a maximum square footage of six square feet.
Window sign. Total window signs as defined by this article shall not exceed 20% of the total area of the building face on which the sign is located.
Bonuses. See § 275-167.
Signs relating to more than one principal commercial use on a lot, in accordance with the following regulations:
Wall sign. Two shall be permitted for each establishment. The total area of all wall signs on each building face shall not exceed 15% of the total area of the building face on which the signs are located.
Freestanding sign.
One shall be permitted with a total area not to exceed 50 square feet. This sign may consist of a structure to which are attached several signs, within the total square footage.
If a lot has a total lineal road frontage of more than 300 feet or if the lot includes more than 10 establishments, total sign square footage of 80 square feet for two signs combined or for one sign.
A lot in the GC District may also include one additional nonilluminated freestanding sign with a maximum square footage of six square feet.
Window signs. Total window signs are defined by this article shall not exceed 20% of the total area of the building face on which the sign is located.
Bonuses. See § 275-167.
Wall signs on large commercial buildings. In addition to the wall signs permitted under Subsection A(3)(a) and (4)(a), one or more additional wall signs may be located on a commercial building having a gross first floor area in excess of 75,000 square feet in accordance with the following regulations:
[Added 8-16-2004 by Ord. No. 05-04]
One additional wall sign, not to exceed 80 square feet, shall be permitted for each 75,000 square feet of gross first floor area.
The total area of all wall signs on each building face shall not exceed 15% of the total area of the building face on which the signs are located.
The following types of signs are allowed in the NC District:
Exempt signs in § 275-157.
Temporary signs in § 275-156.
Wall sign. Two signs allowed with a total maximum of 40 square feet in area.
Freestanding sign. One allowed with a total of 15 square feet in area.
Window signs. Total of 20% of the area of the building face on which the signs are located.
Signs on mobile stands.
Intent. These standards recognize signs on mobile stands as a particular type of sign that has the characteristics of a temporary sign but that has been inappropriately used as a permanent sign. This section is based on the policy that if a use desires to regularly display a sign for regularly changing messages, that it erect a permanent sign within all of the requirements of this chapter.
Standards for signs on mobile stands.
Signs on mobile stands shall be permitted only in the GC District.
Signs on mobile stands shall have a maximum sign area of 40 square feet.
Only one mobile sign shall be permitted per use or per lot, whichever is lesser.
A sign permit shall be required.
Time limit. A permit for a sign on a mobile stand shall be limited to 20 days and be issued only once per calendar year and one per lot.
Deposit. To ensure that a sign on a portable stand is removed within the twenty-day limit, the applicant shall be required to pay a $150 deposit to the Township. This deposit shall be refunded only if the sign is removed within the twenty-day limit. Refusal to remove the sign after the 20 days shall constitute a zoning violation, within the procedures of this chapter.
No sign on a mobile stand shall be placed so that it causes a hazard to traffic nor shall it be placed within the existing road right-of-way.
No sign on a mobile stand shall include a flashing or blinking light.
Applicability. The standards of this section shall apply to all existing and future signs on mobile stands, except any sign on a mobile stand for which a permit from the Township was previously granted for use as a permanent sign.
The following types of signs are permitted in the following industrial and business districts, including LI, LI(P), GI and OB:
Exempt signs in § 275-157.
Temporary signs in § 275-156.
Signs identifying major developments in § 275-159.
Wall sign. Up to two shall be permitted for each establishment. Each sign shall have a total sign area of no greater than 10% of the total area of the building face on which each is visible, or a total maximum of 200 square feet, whichever is less.
Freestanding sign. Not to exceed one structure per street frontage. The total area of each freestanding sign shall not exceed 50 square feet.
Signs on mobile stands are specifically prohibited.
Any of the signs in §§ 275-152 through and including 275-164 that are to be associated with a proposed conditional or special exception use shall be reviewed and either be approved or denied at the same time that the conditional or special exception use is being reviewed. A condition of such approval shall be compatibility with adjacent land uses.
Intent. Off-premises signs are controlled by this article to serve the following purposes:
To ensure that a physical environment is maintained that is attractive to desirable types of development, especially light industrial and office parks.
To prevent visual pollution in the Township and protect property values, especially in consideration of the fact that most commercial areas of the Township are within close proximity to existing residences.
To prevent glare onto adjacent property and streets.
To protect the open space and natural character of areas of the Township planned to remain agricultural or as conservation areas.
To avoid the creation of additional visual distractions to motorists, especially along highly congested Route 22 and along busy arterial streets that involve complex turning movements, congestion and numerous traffic hazards.
To recognize the numerous alternative forms of free speech available in the Township, including existing nonconforming off-premises signs, on-premises signs and temporary signs.
To recognize that this chapter allows every landowner a reasonable use for their land.
To avoid off-premises signs that would have an unfair advantage over on-premises signs in the competition for attention, because off-premises signs typically are higher and larger than on-premises signs.
To carry out the purposes listed in § 275-148.
Nonconforming off-premises signs. This section is not intended to require the removal of an existing lawfully placed off-premises sign that is in structurally sound condition.
Commercial and noncommercial. This section applies to both commercial and noncommercial off-premises signs except as may be specifically provided for elsewhere in this chapter.
State sign. Signs erected and maintained by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation are permitted by right in all districts. Such signs that identify business services available at an interchange are specifically encouraged as an appropriate and orderly means of providing information without causing visual pollution or traffic hazards.
Permitted off-premises signs. Based directly on the intent statements within this chapter only the following off-premises signs are permitted, except for exempt signs under § 275-157.
District. An off-premises sign is only permitted in the LI District.
Location. An off-premises sign is only permitted within 500 feet of the existing right-of-way of U.S. Route 22.
Size. No off-premises sign may have a sign area greater than 300 square feet.
Spacing. Any off-premises sign shall be separated by a minimum of 1,500 feet from any other off-premises sign, including signs on either side of an expressway. No lot shall include more than one off-premises sign.
Height. The maximum total height of any off-premises sign or structure shall be 80 feet from the surrounding average natural ground level.
Attached. No off-premises sign or sign face shall be attached in any way to any other off-premises sign. Off-premises signs shall have a maximum of one sign face.
Lighting and glare. See standards in § 275-135.
Residences. No off-premises sign shall be located within 300 feet of an existing dwelling or residentially zoned land.
Digital and electronic changing message signs. A permitted off-premises sign including preexisting nonconforming off-premises signs located in the LI District, may be a digital sign or electronic message sign subject to the following provisions:
[Added 12-17-2007 by Ord. No. 09-07]
All messages, images or displays on a digital sign or electronically changing message sign shall remain unchanged for a minimum of six seconds;
The time interval used to change from one complete message, image or display to the next complete message, image or display shall be a maximum of one second;
There shall be no appearance of a visual dissolve or fading, in which any part of one message, image or display appears simultaneously with any part of a second message, image or display;
There shall be no appearance of flashing or sudden bursts of light, and no appearance of video motion, animation, movement, or flow of the message, image or display within the sign;
The intensity and contrast of light levels shall remain constant throughout the sign face;
Each digital sign or electronically changing message sign shall be equipped with automatic day/night dimming software, to reduce the illumination intensity of the sign from one hour after sunset to one hour prior to sunrise;
The conversion of an preexisting nonconforming off-premises sign to a digital sign or electronically changing message sign including structural improvements related thereto is permitted and shall not be considered as a removal, replacement, change, expansion or restoration of a nonconformity under §§ 275-149 and 275-176; and
Proof of approval of the digital sign or electronic changing message sign by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation must be submitted to the Zoning Officer prior to the installation of any digital sign or electronic changing message sign.
Allowance for peculiar circumstances.
This section recognizes that peculiar and exceptional circumstances may cause a need for an off-premises sign other than those that are permitted.
The Zoning Hearing Board may as a special exception allow one off-premises sign related towards one individual use. Such a sign shall be limited to 10 square feet in sign area on one face and with a maximum height of 10 feet.
Such a sign may be permitted in any district other than RR, LDR, MDR, MHDR, CR or IN.
No approval shall be granted for such a sign unless the applicant proves to the satisfaction of the Zoning Hearing Board that peculiar and exceptional characteristics of both the individual use and the site overwhelmingly require a need for such a sign in order for that use to exist. The applicant shall also provide that the location of such a sign would be completely compatible with adjacent uses.
Intent. To encourage designs of signs that will be highly compatible with nearby residences and other attractive natural features and areas.
Applicability. These bonuses may apply to any freestanding on-premises sign in a NC, PC, GC, LI, GI or OB District.
Wood. The maximum sign area of each freestanding sign may be increased by 25% beyond the maximum that would otherwise apply if:
Such sign is constructed completely of relief-cut natural wood, and was constructed by a professional sign-maker; and
All freestanding signs on the lot have a maximum height of 10 feet.