[Adopted as Art. 7 of the 1990 Bylaws]
The various City boards, officers, and committees charged with the expenditure of City money shall, not later than February 28 of each calendar year, prepare detailed estimates of the amounts deemed by them necessary for the administration of their respective offices or departments for the ensuing fiscal year, with explanatory statements of the reasons for any changes from the amounts appropriated for the same purpose in the preceding year. They shall also prepare estimates of all probable items of income which may be received by them during the ensuing year in connection with the administration of their departments or offices and a statement of the amount of the appropriation requested by them for the ensuing fiscal year. Such estimates and statements shall be filed with the office of the Mayor who shall at once transmit the same to the Clerk of the Finance Committee or successor entity.[1]
Editor's Note: Throughout this article, references to the "Appropriations and Audit Committee" were replaced with "Finance Committee or successor entity" 3-14-2006 by Bill No. 2006-008.
The Mayor shall submit the annual City budget, recommending appropriations for the next fiscal year by organization/object code or order number, to the Municipal Council no later than May 15. The Chief Financial Officer shall provide a copy of the Mayor's proposed budget to each member of the Municipal Council and to each member of the Finance Committee or successor entity and shall also post copies of the Mayor's proposed budget in the City Clerk's office and in the public library for inspection by the public.
The Mayor's budget recommendation shall include, for each appropriation, by organization/object code or order number, the specific source of funding for that appropriation and, if any single appropriation is to be funded by multiple sources, the proportion of the amount which is to be funded by each source. Sources of funding may include, but are not limited to, property tax revenues; fee revenues, specifying the type of fee collected; state aid, specifying the "cherry sheet" account; state grant revenues, specifying the particular grant program; state reimbursements, specifying the state program; federal grant revenues, specifying the federal program; and private gifts. The Finance Committee or successor entity shall consider the adequacy of the funding sources and shall recommend decreases in any appropriation if it finds that the listed funding source cannot adequately fund the appropriation.
Commencing in fiscal year 2008, the proposed operating budget submitted by the Mayor shall be a zero-based budget for 1/3 of all the departments of the City. One-third of all departments shall be staggered every fiscal year thereafter. Said budget shall be subject to all of the requirements of Sections 5-1, 5-2 and 5-3 of the Amesbury Home Rule Charter. For the purposes of definition, said zero-based budget shall start with no authorized funds and shall not be based on the previous year's appropriations. It shall not be an incremental budget. The goals and objectives for each department shall be clearly stated within the operating budget of each department. Each line item in each department's budget shall exist solely to accomplish the stated goals and objectives of the department, and the amounts provided for each department's budget must not exceed a reasonable amount necessary to accomplish such stated goals and objectives.
[Amended 3-14-2006 by Bill No. 2006-008]
[Amended 7-13-2010 by Bill No. 2010-05]
The Finance Committee or successor entity shall duly consider the same and may confer with said City boards, officers and committees and hold hearings if it deems it advisable. The Committee shall thereupon approve or disapprove the amount, in whole or in part, of the appropriation so requested. The Committee shall make a report of the matters so considered by it, with recommendations or suggestions relative thereto, and the same shall be posted in the City Clerk's office and public library and on the City's website at least seven days before the Municipal Council's public hearing on the proposed City budget. Said Committee report shall state the total amount of the appropriations recommended by it in the entire budget and the approximate tax rate based upon said recommendations.
The Chief Financial Officer shall monthly cause to be printed and distributed to the Municipal Council and members of the Finance Committee or successor entity statements in tabulated form showing the amounts appropriated and the amounts expended from each organization/object code or order number during the preceding year and the estimates for the current year. Copies of said monthly statements shall be posted in the City Clerk's office and at the public library for inspection by the public.
[Amended 5-10-2016 by Bill No. 2016-040]
The Chief Financial Officer shall submit the capital improvements program required by Section 5-4(b) of the 1996 Amesbury Home Rule Charter to the Municipal Council not later than May 15 of each calendar year. The Chief Financial Officer shall provide a copy of the capital improvements program to each member of the Municipal Council and each member of the Finance Committee or successor entity and also shall post copies of the capital improvements program in the City Clerk's office and at the public library for inspection by the public. Said capital improvements program shall include detailed information about all capital projects which the Mayor proposes to initiate during the upcoming fiscal year.
[Amended 5-10-2016 by Bill No. 2016-040]
The Chief Financial Officer shall submit the financial forecast required by Section 5-4(c) of the 1996 Amesbury Home Rule Charter to the Municipal Council not later than May 15 of each calendar year. The Chief Financial Officer shall provide a copy of the financial forecast to each member of the Municipal Council and each member of the Finance Committee or successor entity and also shall post copies of the financial forecast in the City Clerk's office and at the public library for inspection by the public.
[Added 5-9-2006 by Bill No. 2006-011]
The Chief Financial Officer shall cause to be prepared a financial analysis on any measure submitted to the Municipal Council. The financial analysis shall indicate the amount of public money which will be required to be expended to carry out the provisions of the measure, together with an estimate of the cost of operation and maintenance for the first year if a new project is involved. The financial analysis shall also include a recommendation as to where the funds necessary to accomplish the goal of the proposed legislation shall come from as well as an estimate of what effect the measure's passage would have on the tax rate. Such a financial analysis shall accompany any measure proposed by the Mayor to the Municipal Council. For measures proposed by persons other than the Mayor, the Chief Financial Officer shall provide such a financial analysis to all members of the Municipal Council as soon as practicable and at least one week before the public hearing on the measure. The Municipal Council may direct the Chief Financial Officer to prepare additional financial analyses to quantify the projected effect of proposed amendments to any measure.
[Added 5-9-2006 by Bill No. 2006-011; amended 7-13-2010 by Bill No. 2010-057]
Any application for federal or state funds which is submitted to the Municipal Council shall be accompanied by a document fully describing the project for which the funding is being sought. The document shall be prepared by the department, board or commission which intends to submit said application for federal or state funding. The document shall contain a projection of any operating, staffing, or maintenance costs of the project or any facility or service provided for in said application; said projection shall be for a maximum of 60 months or for the life of the project, whichever is less. For any project exceeding 60 months, a new projection shall be prepared after each sixty-month segment of the project. The document shall also include a summary of any conditions under which the City may have to return or reimburse the funds. The document shall also include a statement describing the funding process, and if any funds are to be expended by the City in anticipation of later reimbursement, the document shall also specify the account into which such reimbursed funds will be deposited.
[Added 7-9-2013 by Bill No. 2013-060]
Any application for a grant in excess of $5,000 filed with any other government agency or its subdivisions, private entity, not-for-profit entity, trust or individual submitted by or on behalf of the City, by any and all appointed and elected officials and employees of the City and all boards, commissions and authorities operating within and on behalf of the City and which requires a match by the City, shall simultaneously with said application also be filed by the person or body submitting said application with the City Clerk as a public record.
For the purpose of this section, a grant shall be any request for funds, goods, services, information services or analysis and/or anything of value.
Within three business days of receiving such an application, the City Clerk shall inform each City Councilor of the existence of the filing. This communication shall include, but not be limited to, the entity with which the application is filed, the person or body making the application on behalf of the City and a brief description of the nature of the application and any requirements of a match.
[Added 2-13-2007 by Bill No. 2006-128]
All measures appropriating moneys shall be filed as an order and appropriately titled, e.g., "An Appropriation Order."
Except as otherwise permitted by law, all amounts appropriated by the Municipal Council shall be expended only for the purposes specified.
All measures appropriating moneys shall include the following provision or equivalent language: "Any moneys remaining in this appropriation which are not expended for the purposes specified shall be returned to the general fund, enterprise fund or otherwise originating fund and shall not be expended without further appropriation."
[Added 2-13-2007 by Bill No. 2006-128]
All measures transferring funds shall include for each transfer the specific source of funding for that transfer, organization/object code or order number, and the specific organization/object code or order number where the funds are to be transferred to. Transfer requests shall include the specific purpose of the transfer. Transfer requests shall include all the necessary statutory authorizations when submitted to the Municipal Council.