No driver of any vehicle, including motorcycles, all-terrain vehicles and bicycles, shall cause, by excessive and unnecessary acceleration, the tires of such vehicle or cycle to spin and emit loud noises or to unnecessarily throw stones or gravel, nor shall such driver cause to be made by excessive and unnecessary acceleration any loud noise as would disturb the public peace.
No person shall use compression brakes (also known as "jake brakes") or operate a motor vehicle using brakes which are in any way activated or operated by the compression of the engine of any such motor vehicle or any unit or part thereof, unless such brakes are necessarily used in an emergency situation. The prohibition contained in this section shall not apply to fire, police, EMS and/or other emergency vehicles.[1]
Editor's Note: Added at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
Pedestrian obedience to traffic control devices and regulations.
Obedience to traffic control devices. No person shall fail to obey the instructions of any uniform traffic control device when traveling as a pedestrian on any highway within the Village of Stratford unless otherwise directed by a law enforcement officer.
Crossing at crosswalks. No pedestrian shall cross at a crosswalk except on the right half thereof whenever practicable. Where sidewalks are provided, no pedestrian shall walk along and upon an adjacent roadway except when the sidewalk is visibly unsafe, obstructed or closed to public travel.
Prohibited pedestrian crossings. No pedestrian shall cross between adjacent intersections, unless such crossing is permitted by official traffic control devices.
No person shall operate or park any motor vehicle on any pedestrianway or pedestrian overpass within the Village of Stratford except municipal or county maintenance vehicles.
Pursuant to § 349.215, Wis. Stats., those adult persons hired by the Police Department to act as school crossing guards shall have the authority to stop vehicular traffic and to keep it stopped as long as necessary at their respective school crossings for the purpose of permitting school children to cross the street.
Driving over curbing prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any motor vehicle to be driven or backed over any curbing in the Village of Stratford.
Driving over safety zones or islands prohibited. Whenever safety zones or safety islands are marked in accordance with the Wisconsin Uniform Traffic Control Device Manual, no operator of a vehicle shall at any time drive through or over a safety zone or safety island.