[Adopted 9-9-2008 by Bill No. 2008-7]
The County Commissioners of Caroline County, subject to applicable law, including, but not limited to, Subtitle 9 of Title 9 of the Environment Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland, are authorized and empowered to create, join, enter into, operate, provide financing for (including loan and grant guarantees to third parties), manage, have an ownership or operational interest in, and otherwise participate in water and/or sewer districts, authorities, systems, consortiums, and ventures, in any form or structure, including districts, authorities, systems, consortiums, and ventures consisting of multiple jurisdictions including towns, cities, and other water and/or sewer districts, authorities, systems, or otherwise for the provision of water and/or sewer services (individually sometimes referred to as a "system" or collectively as "systems," which terms may be used to describe a water system and/or a wastewater system).
The revenues and expenditures for each such system shall be accounted for in a separate enterprise fund in accordance with the financial management rules of the County, and charges and fees shall be levied against the benefited properties in each area sufficient to pay the costs thereof, including, but not limited to, operating expenses, capital reserves, and debt service associated with each system; provided, however, that the County Commissioners may, in their discretion, make grants or loans from the general fund of the County to any such enterprise fund as they may determine to be necessary and appropriate.
The County Commissioners may exercise all the powers of a water or sewer authority or sanitary district or commission or such other form or structure as may be allowed by applicable law.
The County Commissioners shall have the power to regulate operations and set rates, charges, fees, and assessments. In furtherance of this chapter, but not by way of limitation of said powers, the County Commissioners may:
Adopt, by resolution, regulations, rules, provisions, and conditions for water and sewerage management;
Acquire, construct, operate, and maintain water and sewerage systems as the County Commissioners consider to be in the public interest and necessary to protect the general health and welfare; and
Set, by resolution, rates, fees, charges, and assessments for water and sewerage services and benefits.
The service area for a system shall be as defined from time to time by the County Commissioners in accordance with applicable law.