By the authority of the Common Council of the City of Cortland, pursuant to the provisions of §§ 32, 33 and 34 of the General City Law of the State of New York, the Planning Commission of the City of Cortland is authorized and empowered to approve plats showing lots, blocks or sites, with or without streets or highways, to approve the development of entirely or partially undeveloped plats already filed with the Clerk of the county and to approve preliminary plats. The Planning Commission may, also, impose any reasonable conditions necessary to accomplish the purposes set forth in § 250-3 and may approve cluster subdivisions in accordance with the General City Law § 37.
This chapter shall be known as the "City of Cortland Land Subdivision Regulations."
This chapter is adopted for the following purposes:
To protect the health, welfare, safety, economy, amenity and convenience of all present and future inhabitants of the City;
To assist orderly, efficient, integrated and harmonious development of the City;
To assure that sites used for building purposes do not pose a danger to health or peril from fire, flood or other menace;
To coordinate proposed streets with existing streets, such that proposed streets will help provide a convenient traffic system and promote traffic safety;
To ensure the conformance of subdivision plans with the public improvements of the City, and with county, regional and state improvement plans and programs;
To secure equitable handling of all subdivision plans by providing uniform procedures and standards;
To provide adequate open spaces for parks and playgrounds;
To ensure that the layout of the subdivision is in conformance with the City Comprehensive Plan; and
To regulate subdivisions and concurrently to promote the highest quality environment obtainable.
In order that land subdivisions may be made in accordance with this policy, the City of Cortland Land Subdivision Regulations have been adopted by the Planning Commission on October 16, 1978, and approved by the Common Council on February 20, 1979.