§ 225-107
General requirements. 

§ 225-108
Residential parking. 

§ 225-109
Institutional parking. 

§ 225-110
Commercial parking. 

§ 225-111
Utility and transportation parking. 

§ 225-112
Manufacturing/industrial parking. 

§ 225-113
Location and management requirements. 

§ 225-114
Design standards. 

§ 225-115
Off-street loading and unloading. 

§ 225-116
Motor vehicle access. 


Off-street parking facilities shall be provided to lessen congestion in the streets. The facilities required herein shall be available to patrons throughout the hours of operation of the particular business or use for which such facilities are provided.


As used herein, the term "parking space" includes either covered garage space or uncovered parking space located off the public right-of-way. Outdoor parking space shall be deemed to be part of the open space of the lot on which it is located.


Any building or structure erected, altered, or used and any lot used or occupied for any of the following purposes shall be provided with minimum off-street parking spaces, together with adequate accessways, driveways, loading and unloading facilities, or other means of circulation and access to and from a public or private street as set forth below.

For residential uses, an attached or unattached garage or carport on the premises and that portion of the driveway off the public right-of-way may be considered as parking space.


Single-family and two-family dwellings: two spaces per dwelling unit.


Multiple-family dwellings, conversion apartments, single-family attached dwellings, and dwellings combined with a commercial use:


All such dwellings: 1 1/2 spaces per dwelling unit; except


Housing for the elderly: 1/4 space per dwelling unit.


Boardinghouses and lodging houses, motels, and hotels: one space for each guest room, plus one additional space for each two nonresident employees.


Cemeteries: none.


Churches and cultural facilities, including community centers, assembly or meeting rooms or other similar places of public or private assembly: one space for each four seats or one space for each 250 square feet of gross floor area where no seats are provided, plus one space for each two nonresident employees. (Note: Bench capacity computed at one seat for each 20 inches.)


Nursing homes, hospitals, and convalescent homes: one space for each two beds, except institutions providing long-term custodial care or care for children under 16 years old need not provide more than one space for each four beds, plus two spaces for each three employees on the largest shift, plus one space for each staff doctor.




Kindergarten, day nursery, elementary, and junior high: one space for each faculty member and employee, plus one space for each two classrooms and offices.


Senior high, college or university, business school, trade school, music and dancing, and similar schools: one space for each faculty member and employee, plus one space per 10 students of projected building capacity.


Private clubs, lodges, swimming pools, and other public or private noncommercial recreation facilities: one space for each five persons of total capacity, or one space for each 100 square feet of gross floor area or of water surface area in swimming pools.


Police, fire, municipal buildings: as deemed appropriate by Borough Council.


Business, financial, professional, and public service offices: one space for each 200 square feet of gross floor area.


Business service establishments, equipment and rental agencies, monument and burial vault dealers, furniture and appliance stores: one space for each 300 square feet of gross floor area, plus one space for each 1,500 square feet of lot area devoted to outdoor sales or storage.


Commercial recreation facilities, including but not limited to theaters, bowling alleys, billiard halls, roller rinks, etc.:


One space for each four seats or four persons of total capacity.


Bowling alleys: three spaces for each lane.


Home occupations: one space in addition to the requirement for the dwelling unit, plus one additional space for each employee.


Mortuaries: one space for each 50 square feet of floor area in parlor or service rooms or one space for each four seats or four persons of total capacity in assembly rooms, whichever is greater.


Quick-service restaurant: one space for each 50 square feet of floor area for public use or one space for each four seats, whichever is greater, plus two spaces for each three employees on the largest shift.


Sit-down restaurant or tavern: one space for each 100 square feet of gross floor area or one space for each two seats, whichever is greater, plus one space for each two employees on the largest shift.


Medical and dental clinics: four spaces for each practitioner, plus one space for each two employees.


Retail stores and businesses, department stores, personal service establishments: one space for each 150 square feet of gross floor area, plus one space for each two employees on the largest shift.


Automotive sales and service garages: one space for each 300 square feet of gross floor area devoted to service facilities or two spaces for each service bay, whichever is greater, plus one space for each 200 square feet of gross floor area devoted to sales facilities or usage, plus one space for each two employees.


Bus and taxi terminals: as required by Borough Council.


Communication transmitting and receiving, supply utilities, and sewage facilities: one space for each vehicle normally required to service each facility.

Mills, manufacturing or assembly, factories, etc.: one space for each 1,000 square feet of gross floor area, plus one space for each two employees in the greatest shift. Total parking area shall not be less than 25% of the gross floor area.


Existing parking. Structures and uses in existence at the date of adoption of this chapter shall not be subject to the requirements of this article so long as the kind or extent of use is not changed, provided that any parking facility now serving such structures or uses shall not in the future be reduced below such requirements.


Changes in requirements. Whenever there is an alteration of a structure or a change or extension of a use which increases the parking requirements according to the standards, the total additional parking required for the alteration, change or extension shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of that section.


Conflict with other uses. No parking area shall be used for any use that interferes with its availability for the parking need it is required to serve.


Continuing obligation. All required parking facilities shall be provided and maintained so long as the use exists which the facilities were designed to serve. Off-street parking facilities shall not be reduced in total extent after their provision, except upon the approval of the Zoning Hearing Board and then only after proof that, by reason of diminution in floor area, seating area, the number of employees or change in other factors controlling the regulation of the number of parking spaces, such reduction is in conformity with the requirements of this article. Reasonable precautions are to be taken by the owner or sponsor of particular uses to assure the availability of required facilities for the employees or other persons whom the facilities are designed to serve. They shall at no time constitute a nuisance, hazard, or unreasonable impediment to traffic.


Drainage, surfacing, and maintenance.


The area of parking lots shall be graded, surfaced with asphalt or other suitable material, and drained to the satisfaction of Borough Council and the Municipal Engineer to the extent necessary to prevent dust, erosion, or excessive water flow across streets of adjoining property.


Parking areas shall be kept clean and free from rubbish and debris.


In all cases, such drainage, surfacing, and maintenance activities and plans shall conform to other applicable codes and ordinances enacted by the Borough.


All off-street parking stalls shall be clearly marked so as to indicate their location.


Joint use. Two or more uses may provide for required parking in a common parking lot, if the total space provided is not less than the sum of the spaces required for each use individually. However, the number of spaces required in a common parking facility may be reduced below this total only as a special exception, if it can be demonstrated to the Zoning Hearing Board that the hours or days of peak parking needed for the uses are so different that a lower total will provide adequately for all uses served by the facility.


Computation of spaces. Where the computation of required parking spaces results in a fractional number, any fraction equal to or exceeding 1/2 space shall be counted as one; any fraction less than 1/2 space may be dropped.


Location of spaces.


Single- and two-family residential off-street parking shall be provided on the same lot or premises with the use served.


Parking spaces for multiple-dwelling buildings, commercial, and industrial uses shall be readily accessible to, and within a reasonable distance from the buildings served thereby. Such spaces shall be in the same zoning district as the principal building, or open area, and conform to the following regulations:


The required parking spaces shall be located within 600 feet of the principal building or open space in question.


The applicant for a use or building permit shall submit, with his application, an instrument duly executed and acknowledged which subjects such parcels of land to parking uses in connection with the principal use to which it is accessory.


Upon issuance of a permit, the Zoning Officer shall cause such instrument to be recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds.




All public parking areas shall be adequately lighted during after-dark operating hours. All light standards shall be located on raised parking islands and not on the parking surface.


Any lighting used to illuminate off-street parking or loading areas shall be arranged so that the direct rays from the luminaries will not fall on any residential use.


General layout. The layout of every parking lot shall be such as to permit safe and efficient internal circulation in accordance with accepted traffic engineering principles and standards.


All dead-end parking lots shall be designed to provide sufficient backup area for the end stalls of the parking lot.


Parking lots shall be designed so that each motor vehicle may proceed to and from the parking space provided for it without requiring the moving of any other motor vehicle.


A garage or carport may be located wholly or partly inside the walls of the principal building or attached to the outer walls. If separated from the principal building, the garage shall conform to all accessory or building requirements. The garage may be constructed under a yard, provided that the level of such yard shall conform to the general level of the other yards on the lot. The space above an underground garage shall be deemed to be part of the open space of the lot on which it is located.


Access to streets. Unless initiated by the Borough, parking areas shall not be permitted within a street right-of-way. All parking lots and bays shall be physically separated from the street and confined by curbing or other suitable separating device.


Entrances and exits to and from off-street parking lots shall be located so as to create minimum interference with street traffic.


Every off-street parking lot shall include sufficient residual space to accommodate entering and exiting vehicles without overflowing out onto adjacent streets or service roadways.


Dimensions of stalls and aisles. Parking lot dimensions shall be no less than those listed in the following table:

Parking Aisle Width
Angle of Parking Stall Width (feet) Stall Depth* (feet) One-Way (feet) Two-Way (feet)
90° 10 20 24 24
60° 10 22 18 20
45° 10 21 15 20
30° 10 19 12 20
Parallel 8 22 12 20
* Depth of stall is the perpendicular measurement from curb or edge of the parking lot toward the interior portion of the lot to be occupied by the parked vehicles and not including any part of the drive.



Separate parking lots on a parcel shall be physically separated from one another by eight-foot planting strips.


No one parking lot shall exceed 36 spaces.


Pedestrian crosswalks and refuge island shall be provided at intervals not exceeding 200 feet along the length of each parking lot.




At least 10 feet of open space shall be provided between the edge of a parking lot or access drive and the outside face of any multiple-family dwelling building, commercial building, or industrial building.


Parking lots shall not be permitted within the minimum front building setback. Parking lots and access drives shall be at least five feet from the side and rear property lines, except where buffer yards are required, in which case a parking lot or access drive may not encroach on the buffer yard area.


Screening/buffer yards. Parking lots for six or more vehicles located adjacent to a residential use shall be screened on each side which faces a residential use. Such screening shall be in accordance with buffer yard standards set forth in Article XII, Supplemental Regulations, of this chapter.


Curb radius. No less than a five-foot radius of curvature shall be permitted for all curblines in all parking lots.


Required berths and spaces.


For all institutional, commercial, industrial, and utility/transportation uses whose principal buildings have an aggregate floor area exceeding 6,000 square feet, at least one off-street loading space shall be provided. Where there is an aggregate of 20,000 square feet or more, one off-street loading berth shall be provided for the initial 20,000 square feet, plus one additional berth for each 60,000 square feet above 20,000 square feet.


For purposes of this chapter, off-street loading berths shall be distinguished from off-street loading spaces in that a berth shall have a platform or dock raised to the height of a truck bed, whereas a space may off-load at ground level.


All off-street loading spaces and berths shall be provided and maintained so long as the use exists which the facilities were designed to serve.


Design standards. Off-street loading facilities shall be designed to conform to the following specifications:


Each required berth shall be not less than 12 feet in width, 45 feet in length and 14 feet in height, exclusive of drives and maneuvering space and located entirely on the lot being served.


There shall be appropriate means of access to a street or alley, as well as adequate maneuvering space.


The maximum width of driveways and sidewalk openings measured at the street lot line shall be 40 feet; the minimum width shall be 20 feet.


All accessory driveways and entranceways shall be graded, surfaced and drained, to the satisfaction of the Borough Engineer, to the extent necessary to prevent nuisances of dust, erosion, and excessive water flow across streets or adjoining property.

Access to a lot shall comply with the following standards:


Access shall be by not more than two driveways for each 100 feet of frontage on any street.


No two of said driveways serving single- and two-family dwellings shall be closer to each other than 12 feet, and no driveway shall be closer to a side property line than three feet, and no flare shall cross an extended side property line.


The maximum width for residential driveways shall be 20 feet and for all other uses shall be 40 feet, measured at right angles to the center line of the driveway, except as increased by permissible curb return radii. The entire flare of any return radius shall fall within the right-of-way. The curb height at driveway entrances may be reduced to one inch for driveway entrances along streets having existing curbs.


Driveways shall not cross the street right-of-way line within 40 feet of the street right-of-way line of an intersecting street, and in no case less than 10 feet from the point of tangency when the intersecting street lines are joined by a curve. Notwithstanding the above and when deemed necessary for safety by the Borough Council, this dimension shall be increased for driveways into shopping centers and other commercial, industrial, public, or institutional uses.


Driveways shall not cross the street right-of-way within 40 feet of another driveway on the same lot, excepting in the case where dual access drives are deemed necessary to permit safe ingress and egress; these dimensions may be reduced to not less than 12 feet between two access drives.


Driveways shall not cross the street right-of-way within five feet of a fire hydrant, catch basin, or drain inlet.


Driveways shall not cross the street right-of-way for all multifamily, commercial, and industrial uses within 20 feet of a property line, unless the two adjoining property owners mutually agree in a legally recorded instrument to a common driveway.


For nondwelling uses, where there is an existing curb and gutter or sidewalk on the street (or private road), a safety island along the entire frontage of the property shall be provided, except for the permitted driveways. On the two ends and street (or private road) side of each such island shall be constructed a concrete curb, the height, location, and structural specifications of which shall be approved by the Borough Engineer.


For nondwelling uses, where there is no existing curb and gutter or sidewalk, a curb, fence, or pipe rail not exceeding two feet or less than eight inches in height shall be constructed along the entire length of the property line, except in front of the permitted driveways.


General safety requirements; sight distance. Driveways shall be located in safe relationship to sight distance and barriers to vision and shall not exceed a slope of 5% within 12 feet of the street line. Where drives enter a bank through a cut, unless a retaining wall is used, the side slopes of the cut shall be graded to not more than 1/2 foot vertical to one foot horizontal within 10 feet of the point the drive intersects with the right-of-way line.


Gasoline pumps and all other service equipment shall be set back not less than 25 feet from any street line and shall be so located that vehicles stopped for service will not extend over any property line.

Editor's Note: Original Art. XV, Floodplain Management, which immediately followed this section, was repealed 5-19-2009 by Ord. No. 381.