The residents of every residential dwelling shall supply or otherwise use a leakproof, securely covered, outdoor municipal waste container, a minimum of 30 gallons in size and manufactured for such purpose. The container(s) shall be of such size and number that all municipal waste from the resident's household is placed securely therein and none shall be placed outside a container.
Municipal waste or recycling containers shall be placed at the curb or in the front yard of any lot by an individual lot/dwelling resident no more than 24 hours prior to scheduled collection and removed within 24 hours after scheduled collection.
In addition to requirements in Subsections A and B above, pending disposal as herein authorized, municipal waste must be stored in covered containers only and in such limited quantities and for such limited period of time as shall ensure that no annoyance, nuisance, odors, rodents, scavenging animals, visual impact to neighbors beyond or in advance of the scheduled day for collection by a municipal waste collector, or health hazard shall be created or maintained thereby.
Commercial, municipal and institutional establishments shall provide leakproof, securely covered containers sufficient in size and placed in a location not visible from the street or adjacent residential properties. Container security or secure enclosures constructed of wood or other appropriate material so as to be consistent with the surrounding landscape shall be provided where the location is within 100 feet of another residence or 20 feet of a street. Enclosures shall be provided when containers cannot be shielded by natural features, or placed in such a location as to be shielded from view.
All municipal waste, excluding prohibited materials, that is generated within the Township shall be disposed of only:
By removal beyond the limits of the Township to a state-permitted disposal facility; or
In the case of garbage originating on a bona fide farm, by feeding to animals maintained upon the same premises, provided that such be in accordance with good farming practice.
In no case may refuse be brought into the Township for the purpose of disposal therein, nor may refuse be disposed of within the limits of the Township by burning.
Bulk waste shall be placed at the curb with other municipal waste on the dates scheduled by the municipal waste collector. All municipal waste collectors shall notify customers of the schedule and provide at least two bulk pickup days per year for Township customers. Alternatively, collectors may provide as needed pickup for bulk items establishing fair and reasonable fees and prompt pickup and removal of such items.
Compost piles may be kept and managed by occupants or tenants of a single-family residence or farm in accordance with Article V. All noncompostable waste, which includes all municipal waste other than vegetative kitchen waste, leaf and yard waste, fruit or vegetable garden waste, and landscape plant and soil matter, shall be managed and disposed of in accordance with this chapter.
Leaf waste and recyclable materials, as defined in this chapter and as the Board of Supervisors shall be hereby authorized to further define or amend by resolution from time to time, shall be segregated from municipal waste.
No person shall permit any loss of refuse or recyclable materials during storage, collection or in transport to lie upon or along any premises, private or publicly owned, upon, in or on any waters of the commonwealth, its banks, floodplains, conservation easement, or upon or along any public or private road or rail line in the Township. Any municipal waste collector or property owner, as the case may be, shall, within four hours, and at his or her own expense, remove any such refuse or recyclable materials after being notified to do so by the police or other authorized Township official.