To the extent that any resident of the Township includes leaf waste as part of the municipal waste to be collected and transported off site, such leaf waste shall be separated from all municipal waste and recyclable materials generated at the property. If composting on site is not desirable, residents may contract with a municipal waste collector to arrange for pickup of leaf waste in bags approved by the Township, in reusable containers or in bulk. All residents may take leaf waste throughout the year to any state-approved composting facility, one of which is located at the Southeastern Chester County Refuse Authority Landfill on Route 926 in London Grove Township.
Compost piles may be kept and managed by occupants or tenants of a single-family residence or farm provided the materials are confined at the perimeter, by structural means, such as an earthen berm, curbed border, lined and recessed pit, elevated bed, boxed or manufactured composting units etc., so as to prevent storm runoff from the compost from discharging outside the compost area. Further, compost piles shall be managed to eliminate odors, nuisance vectors, scavenging rodents and to prevent access to and scattering of materials by animals. Compost materials are limited to vegetative kitchen waste, leaf and yard waste, fruit or vegetable garden waste, and landscape plant and soil matter.