[Code 1964, § 8-4]
Issuance. Except as otherwise provided, all licenses are issued by the City Clerk or the designee of the Clerk.
Applications. All applications for licenses, except when otherwise directed, shall be made to the licensing authority in the form prescribed and in a form that shall conform to the requirements of any local law, ordinance or general law which created the regulations demanding a license.
Revocation or suspension. The licensing authority may revoke or suspend all licenses, except as provided in Section 2-14-27, upon good and sufficient cause being shown. The licensing authority may hold hearings to determine the priority of issuing, renewing, revoking or suspending any license issued by the licensing authority and shall authorize the Commissioner of Public Safety to preside over and conduct any hearing relative to any licenses.
Records. The licensing authority shall keep a complete record of all licenses issued and of all proceedings in connection with the renewal, suspension or revocation of licenses.
[Code 1964, § 8-5]
Suspension or revocation. The Commissioner of Public Safety shall have the sole authority to suspend or revoke the following licenses issued by the City Clerk:
Taxicab drivers.
Taxicab operators.
Amusement devices.
Procedure. The Commissioner of Public Safety shall suspend or revoke in the same manner as is set forth in the ordinance creating the regulations establishing the license. The Commissioner of Public Safety shall file with the City Clerk all minutes of hearings conducted in this respect.