[Code 1964, § 16-4]
The Commissioner of Public Safety is the permit authority for the purpose of § 405.00 of the Penal Law.
[Ord. No. 151, 8-5-1992]
It shall be unlawful to take, hunt or trap (as defined by § 11-0103 of the Environmental Conservation Law of the State of New York), any animal, fowl or wildlife within the City except by authorized officials while in the performance of their duties.
It shall unlawful to discharge a firearm in the City, except at a firing range authorized by the Commissioner of Public Safety or Chief of Police in the absence of the Commissioner of Public Safety.
It shall be unlawful for any person to possess a loaded firearm in any public place or public building. This subsection shall not apply to persons holding a valid license issued pursuant to Article 400 of the New York Penal Law or who are otherwise authorized by law to carry and display a loaded firearm.
The penalty for a violation of this section shall be as set forth in Section 1-1-7 of the Utica City Code.