[Code 1964, § 9-29.1]
The procedures established in this division shall be the exclusive procedures used in administering the disability program for members of the bureaus of fire and police under sections 207-a and 207-c of the General Municipal Law.
[Code 1964, § 9-29.1(6)]
Failure to comply with the provisions of this division and section 207-a or 207-c of the General Municipal Law or to cooperate with the commissioner of public safety or to provide information to the commissioner shall be grounds for disciplinary action.
[Code 1964, § 9-29.1(1)]
A written incident report shall be filed with the chief of the bureau of police or bureau of fire within 72 hours of the incident claimed to give rise to the disability.
Application for disability benefits for a member may be made by the member, the head of the bureau in which the member is employed or some person acting on behalf of and authorized by the member. The application shall be made on a form to be prescribed by the commissioner of public safety.
No application for disability benefits shall be approved, however, unless notice of application is received in the office of the commissioner of public safety within 90 days after the incident which gave rise to the disability. For good cause shown why the notice could not have been filed, the commissioner, in the commissioner's discretion, may excuse a failure to file the application. The notice must set forth fully all of the following:
The time and place where the incident occurred.
The particulars of the incident.
The nature and extent of the member's injury.
The member's alleged incapacity.
After the filing of an application, the member shall be given one or more medical examinations. The commissioner of public safety shall have exclusive authority to determine eligibility for benefits under sections 207-a and 207-c of the General Municipal Law. Before making a determination, the commissioner shall receive a written recommendation from the chief of the bureau. A copy of the recommendation shall be mailed to the applicant. The commissioner shall examine the facts of each application and, to that end, shall have full power and authority to:
Employ experts and specialists.
Require the attendance of the applicant and other witnesses.
Require the production of all books, papers, documents and other records pertaining to the inquiry.
Administer oaths and take testimony.
If the applicant is claiming a disability for which the disability period alleged is less than 10 working days, the commissioner of public safety may make an initial determination, in the commissioner's discretion, dispensing with the requirement for medical examination and all other formal procedures contained in this section. However, the determination shall not be construed to bind the city or the applicant and may be reopened without prejudice in any subsequent proceeding related to the disability.
Pending the determination of any application, time off taken by the applicant and alleged to be attributable to the incident which gave rise to the disability shall be charged to sick leave and vacation time. However, after the exhaustion of applicant's available sick leave and vacation time, the commissioner may, in the commissioner's discretion, direct the payment of applicant's salary and wages pending the determination upon a showing of hardship, if the applicant indicates a preliminary likelihood of eligibility and the applicant agrees in writing that, if there is a final determination of ineligibility, the monies so allocated shall be repaid to the city.
After making a determination on any application, the commissioner shall forthwith mail a written notice of the determination to the applicant. The notice shall be mailed to the address given in the application.
If the initial determination by the commissioner is that the applicant is eligible for disability benefits, then the applicant shall be so categorized and shall receive benefits retroactive to the date on which the disability arose. Benefits shall continue so long as the applicant remains disabled or until otherwise terminated pursuant to law. Upon a determination of disability, the commissioner shall have all the remedies provided by law.
If the initial determination of the commissioner is that the applicant is not eligible for disability benefits, then, at any time within 60 days after the mailing of the notice, the applicant or the applicant's counsel may serve a written demand on the commissioner for a hearing and redetermination of the application. After the hearing the commissioner shall make a final determination. A copy of the determination shall be mailed to the applicant and the applicant's counsel, if any. The final determination shall be subject to review only as provided in article 78 [§ 7801 et seq.] of the Civil Practice Law and Rules or an applicant or the city, within 10 days after receiving the written decision, may file for arbitration under the terms of the fire or police contract.
In connection with the proceedings of this section, the commissioner shall not be bound by common law or statutory rules of evidence or by technical or formal rules of procedure.
If it is finally determined that the applicant was not entitled to disability benefits, the applicant shall immediately be ordered to report for duty. Any time taken off by the applicant and attributable to the incident which was claimed to give rise to the alleged disability may, at the applicant's option, be charged to vacation time and, if applicable, sick leave. If the applicant's sick leave and vacation time is not sufficient to liquidate the time taken off, or the applicant chooses not to apply the sick leave or vacation time, then the balance shall be repaid to the city.
The commissioner, in any particular case, may designate a deputy or any other person to perform the duties imposed upon the commissioner under this procedure. If there is no commissioner serving at any given time or if the commissioner is unable to perform the duties, the duties of the commissioner shall be undertaken by the mayor.
[Code 1964, § 9-29.1(2)]
If an individual receiving disability benefits is not eligible for or not granted state accidental disability retirement and the commissioner, after examining the medical report submitted on the application and all other relevant evidence, determines that the applicant is capable of performing certain specified light-duty assignments within the meaning of the General Municipal Law, the commissioner shall instruct the applicant in writing to report for duty at a certain date to undertake light-duty assignment by mailing notice to the applicant at the address given in the application. The notice shall include the specific job assignment, the number of hours to be worked and a copy of any medical report informing the commissioner that the member may perform light duty. Failure to report for light duty will result in immediate suspension of all disability pay and other benefits. If the applicant disagrees with the determination of the commissioner with respect to light duty, the applicant shall serve upon the commissioner, within 10 days of the date of the mailing of the notice, a notice of appeal and demand for a hearing to review this determination. The commissioner may stipulate with the applicant that pay and/or benefits may be continued pending the appeal providing the applicant agrees to reimburse the city for pay and other benefits should the determination be sustained. After the service of the demand, the commissioner shall hold a hearing upon the appeal at which the applicant may be represented by counsel. The commissioner shall have the same powers upon the hearing as upon the original application. After the hearing the commissioner shall make a final determination. A copy of the determination shall be mailed to the applicant and the applicant's counsel, if any. The final determination shall be subject to review only as provided in article 78 [§ 7801 et seq.] of Civil Practice Law and Rules or the individual or the city, within 10 days after receiving notice, may file for arbitration under the terms of the fire and police contract.
If it is finally determined that the member was capable of and should have begun the light-duty assignment on the date contained in the original notice, then the final determination shall provide for a forfeiture of disability benefits retroactive to that date and all amounts collected for wages and salary while the member was not actively engaged in the duties of an employee of the bureau during the time the determination was pending shall be refunded to the city. The member may, at the member's option, receive a credit in the amount of repayment to the extent that the member has available vacation time and, if applicable, sick leave.
[Code 1964, § 9-29.1(3)]
If a member receiving disability benefits refuses or fails to appear, without just cause, for light-duty assignment without following the appeal procedures set forth in this division, or is discovered to be engaged in outside employment within the meaning of the General Municipal Law, it shall be determined that the person shall immediately forfeit entitlement to disability benefits, retroactive to the date of the refusal or failure to appear or the commencement of prohibited outside employment, whichever is applicable. The value of any benefits improperly received shall be repaid to the city. If the member disagrees with the determination, the appeals procedure set forth in relation to light duty shall be applicable.
[Code 1964, § 9-29.1(4)]
The commissioner of public safety shall make periodic review of members receiving disability benefits for the purpose of determining whether or not they continue to be entitled to disability benefits, and the commissioner shall have the authority to order a member back to work if the member is no longer disabled or back to light duty if it is determined the member is able to perform light duty.
The commissioner may review the case of a person receiving benefits equivalent to those afforded pursuant to section 207-a or 207-c of the General Municipal Law prior to the enactment of this procedure where no actual finding of eligibility was ever made by a court or administrative body.
If, for any lawful reason, the commissioner shall determine the recipient is no longer or never was eligible for benefits under section 207-a of the General Municipal Law, the commissioner shall terminate benefits as of the date of the eligibility. A notice of the determination and the reasons for the determination shall be served upon the recipient by mail. If the recipient disagrees with the determination of the commissioner, the recipient may appeal the determination under the procedures provided with respect to light duty. The termination of benefits under this section shall only be as of the date of the determination of ineligibility.
[Code 1964, § 9-29.1(5)]
By law, a member of the bureau who is disabled in the performance of duties is entitled to all disability-related medical care and hospital care furnished as a result of the disability. However, no bills or claims for medical services rendered pursuant to section 207-a or 207-c of the General Municipal Law shall be paid unless the following procedure is complied with:
Except for an emergency, a member receiving disability benefits shall notify the commissioner of public safety or the chief or deputy chief of the bureau before incurring any expense for medical services alleged to be related to the disability. Any member incurring medical expenses or hospital care without this prior notification assumes the risk that the claim may be disallowed by the commissioner.
On each bill or claim for medical services, the person rendering the services shall certify on the bill or claim the nature of the services rendered, the nature of the injury or illness necessitating the services and that the services rendered were required as a consequence of the incident that gave rise to the disability.