[Code 1964, § 9-33]
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this division, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
The respondent's explanation of the subject matter of a complaint.
The bureau of police.
The chairperson of the grievance committee.
The chief of the bureau of police.
The commissioner of the department of public safety.
The grievance committee.
The member originating a grievance.
The written allegations constituting of a grievance.
The written disposition or adjudication of a grievance.
The City of Utica, office of the mayor.
A claimed violation, misinter-pretation or inequitable application of existing rules, procedures, regulations or laws applicable to any member. "Grievance" shall not refer to or include rates of pay, retirement allowances, administrative matters or any matter specially treated by law or any matter which is reviewable pursuant to law or rule or regulation having the force and effect of law.
The individual to whom a complaint is referred for investigation.
Any member of the bureau of police or any member of the committee.
The report of the investigator.
The member against whom a grievance has been asserted.
[Code 1964, § 9-32(a)]
The grievance procedure established in this division is designed to achieve a more harmonious and cooperative relationship among the members, superiors and administrative heads of the bureau of police. This will increase member morale and thereby achieve a greater sense of responsibility of the members. Consequently, this will increase the quality of service being provided to the public.
[Code 1964, § 9-31]
In order to provide for the orderly presentation, processing, adjustment, adjudication and review of grievances that might arise in connection with employment as a member of the bureau of police, the grievance procedures as set forth in this division are adopted.
In order to ensure a member of having the full facts of the case in the member's possession at all times if the member might wish to present a grievance, the following procedures must be complied with by all members of the bureau, regardless of rank or title:
Any general order issued within the bureau must be issued either in a written form and signed and dated by the member so issuing the order or, through regular bureau channels by the telephone, with the order being recorded in all bureau log books.
Any penalty issued by any member of the bureau must be in writing, addressed to the member receiving the penalty and shall be as follows:
The notice shall contain the reasons for penalty and the penalty imposed.
The notice shall be signed and dated by the member issuing the notice.
Every member of the bureau shall have the right to present a grievance in accordance with the procedures provided, free from coercion, interference, restraint or reprisal; and the member shall have the right to have counsel and/or a member of the duly designated representative of the bureau appear with the member at any and all proceedings.
Grievances must be submitted by the aggrieved member in writing.
The informal resolution of grievances is urged and encouraged at all stages of a proceeding. The continuance of personal discussions within the bureau for a solution is encouraged. It is recommended that all other means of adjusting grievances be attempted and exhausted before bringing a complaint to the committee.
If, within two days of a grievance being submitted by a member to the chief of the bureau, no action has been taken or the member may still feel aggrieved, the member may request that the chief turn the matter over to the commissioner of public safety for review and determination by the commissioner.
In any event, if at the end of one week no action has been taken as a final determination of satisfaction to the aggrieved member, the member may appeal to the public employee grievance committee. The member may also appeal to the grievance committee if a determination from the chief and/or the commissioner is unsatisfactory.
This grievance procedure is intended and designed to operate within the framework of and not intended to abolish or supersede existing laws, rules and procedures providing for any additional methods of redress.
This grievance committee procedure intends a two-step plan:
An investigation and adjudication by the committee.
Final review by the mayor.
Use of the committee procedure is voluntary and permits a member to go directly to the committee with a grievance as of right.
Nothing contained in the provisions of this section shall be construed as abrogating or diminishing the public duty and responsibility of the members to obey and carry out promptly and with dedication the provisions of all lawful orders and instructions. The safety and welfare of the public shall be paramount.
[Code 1964, § 9-34]
A grievance committee is established in the bureau of police consisting of three members as follows:
One member appointed by the mayor.
One member appointed by the duly designated representatives of the members of the bureau.
One member appointed by the other two appointees who shall be designated chairperson of the committee.
The committee shall be appointed for a one-year period.
Any vacancy that might occur shall be filled immediately by the party or parties who made the original appointment.
[Code 1964, § 9-39]
Rules for the conduct of proceedings and hearings of the grievance committee established in this division shall be made and adopted by the committee. Copies shall be furnished the government and the members involved in any proceedings.
[Code 1964, § 9-37]
The grievance committee established in this division shall meet upon appointment and establish rules and regulations they will use. Thereafter, meetings shall be called by the chairperson upon need.
A majority vote of the entire committee shall determine all matters.
The proceedings of the committee shall be confidential and shall not be disclosed except to the chairperson, committee members, personnel, members of the government and the parties to the grievances.
Nothing contained in this section shall prevent the government from making public the decisions of the committee as filed.
[Code 1964, §§ 9-32(b), (c), 9-35]
The grievance committee established in this division may receive and act upon grievances from any member of the bureau of police, regardless of rank or title.
The grievance committee may investigate, adjust and adjudicate grievances.
The committee shall promptly consider grievances presented to it.
The committee report shall contain a statement of its findings of fact, conclusions and advisory recommendations. It shall send a copy of its report to each member involved, to the member's representatives, if any, to the chief of the bureau, to the commissioner of public safety and to the mayor.
The merits of grievances shall be considered objectively with due consideration to the harmonious interrelationship that is sought among members for the good, welfare and safety of all.
The committee shall have no power to discipline, to determine bureau policy or administration matters or to consider matters involving salaries.
This committee shall have no power to receive and act upon any grievances or complaints on the part of the public.
[Code 1964, § 9-36]
The city shall provide a suitable meeting place for the grievance committee established in this division and shall also provide necessary secretarial, stenographic and investigative assistance to the chairperson and the committee. All necessary forms for the filing of grievances and other papers required for the proper functioning of the committee shall be supplied by the city to the committee and the parties to a grievance.
[Code 1964, § 9-38]
A grievance of any member of the bureau of police shall be processed according to the method provided in this section.
A member who feels aggrieved may present the grievance to the committee. The member shall reduce the grievance to writing in the form of a complaint setting forth the details and attach copies of written actions, if any, taken against the member by the member's superior officer.
The complaint shall set forth all of the following:
The name and rank of the complainant.
The name and rank of the respondent.
A concise resume of the acts alleged to constitute the grievance.
Any other pertinent information which will assist in the investigation, consideration and resolution of the grievance.
The complaint shall be signed by the complainant and filed with the chairperson of the grievance committee.
When the complaint contains incomplete information, the chairperson or the committee shall promptly seek needed information from the complainant. If the information is not furnished within a reasonable length of time and within the time limited by the chairperson or the committee, the case may be closed without further proceedings.
A copy of the complaint setting forth the grievance shall be forwarded to the respondent.
The chairperson may require the respondent to serve an answer to the complaint which shall be in writing, signed by the respondent and filed with the chairperson within a reasonable length of time specified by the chairperson. A copy of the answer shall be furnished the complainant.
The chairperson may refer a grievance for investigation, if that action is deemed necessary, and shall refer the same action if recommended by the committee.
The investigator shall make a preliminary investigation of the facts stated in the complaint and answer, and the investigator shall make a written report on the complaint and answer to the chairperson.
The committee shall consider the complaint, answer and report and take suitable action. The committee shall make a determination and adjudication of the grievance and shall reduce the determination and adjudication to a written decision which shall be filed and served as provided in this section.
At every stage of these procedures, the committee shall have the right to summon the complainant, the respondent and any and all persons considered necessary to the equitable adjustment of the grievance. Proceedings shall be informal.
At every stage of these procedures, the parties and the committee shall work for a satisfactory adjustment.
The committee, in its discretion, may conduct a hearing, under oath or otherwise, on any complaint pending before it and may take testimony of the parties and their witnesses and receive documents or other papers submitted to it. Parties may be represented in person and with counsel and/or a member of the duly designated representative of the bureau. Parties shall have the right of examination and cross-examination of all witnesses. The chairperson shall preside at the hearings and direct the conduct of the hearings, including ruling on the admissibility of evidence. The burden of proof is on the complainant in these hearings.
The original decision of the committee in each case shall be filed with the government. Copies of the decision shall be sent to the complainant, respondent, chairperson, committee members, chief, commissioner and mayor.
The committee shall file with the government all complaints, answers, reports and decisions together with stenographic records of all proceedings, transcripts of hearings and any recommendations made. These shall be filed and retained as permanent records of the government.
Any decisions of the committee may be reviewed by the government on request of any party in interest which is made to the government within one week of the date of the decision. The action taken by the government on any review shall be communicated to the parties in interest and the chairperson of the committee within three days of taking the action.
The government may request the recommendations of the chief or commissioner in reviewing the decision of the committee.