[Ord. No. 4, 2-3-2021]
The size of pits shall be shown on plans. Pits may be dug by any method. Where pits are dug with an auger and the side of the pits become plastered or glazed, this plastered or glazed surface shall be scarified.
[Ord. No. 4, 2-3-2021]
Plants shall be set in the pits in a soil mix conforming to the following standards and tamped to the proper depth.
Soil mixture used to backfill planting pits shall consist of one part peat moss and four parts topsoil. Prior to use, the peat moss and topsoil shall be thoroughly mixed.
Roots of bare-root plants shall be spread out in a natural position. Broken or bruised roots shall be pruned. Soil mix shall then be filled in around the roots and tamped. Tamping shall mean firming to the extent that the soil mix is brought into close contact with the roots or root ball to eliminate air pockets and shall not be construed to mean excessive packing. Tamping around the root balls shall be performed using a mattock handle or similar round-end instrument. Root tamping is permitted in the bottom of pits before the plants are set, around root balls when there is ample room to accommodate the root without damage to the ball, and in the planting of bare-root material after the roots have been covered with the soil mix. Thorough watering shall accompany backfilling. This shall mean full saturation of all backfill in the pits.
When the burlap covering of balled plants extends above the surface of the ball, the portion wrapped around the stems or the trunk of the plant shall be cut away after the plant has been set. Plastic cord or twine around trunks or stems shall be removed or cut loose. Containers shall not be removed from potted plants until immediately before planting. Removal of containers shall be by approved methods which will avoid injury to the roots or loosening of the soil balls. When planted, watered and fully settled, all plants should be vertical and the stand shall be flush or slightly before the stand at which it was growing. Frozen backfill shall not be used at any time.
[Ord. No. 4, 2-3-2021]
During distribution to the planting pits or while awaiting planting after distribution, the roots of all bare-root plants shall be kept covered at all times with moist burlap or other approved material. During the planting of forest tree seedlings and forest tree transplants, such material shall be carried in a pail or bucket filled with sufficient mud to puddle the roots. When seedling roots have been coated with a protective material, the seedlings shall be protected in accordance with U.S. Forest Service recommendations relative to the treatment of roots while the plants are being planted.
[Ord. No. 4, 2-3-2021]
Immediately after installation of each plant, a saucer shall be formed about the plant pit.
Soil used to form the saucer shall be compacted by tamping with the back of a spade, or similar instrument to prevent the runoff of water from the pit. Saucers will not be required for plant beds, forest tree seedlings or forest tree transplants.
[Ord. No. 4, 2-3-2021]
The application of fertilizer shall be in accordance with the method shown on the plans.
[Ord. No. 4, 2-3-2021]
All plant material shall be mulched within 48 hours after installation. Mulch shall completely cover the entire area of the plant pit or plant bed and shall be spread uniformly. The method of application, the depth, and the material used for mulching shall be as shown on the plans.
[Ord. No. 4, 2-3-2021]
Each tree shall be staked or guyed immediately following its planting.
[Ord. No. 4, 2-3-2021]
All plant growth in landscaped areas shall be controlled by pruning, trimming, or other suitable methods so that plant materials do not interfere with public utilities, restrict pedestrian or vehicular access, or otherwise constitute a traffic hazard.
All planted areas shall be maintained in a relatively weed-free condition, clear of undergrowth and be kept free from refuse and debris.
All plantings shall be fertilized and irrigated at such intervals as are necessary to promote optimum growth.
All fences and walls installed for screening shall be repaired and maintained as necessary.
All trees, shrubs, ground covers, and other plant materials shall be replaced if they die or become unhealthy because of accidents, drainage problems, disease or other causes.
[Ord. No. 4, 2-3-2021]
When retaining existing vegetation every effort must be made by construction personnel to protect and maintain the integrity of existing plant materials.
Grading shall not be permitted within the dripline of trees to be retained.
The dripline of trees and perimeter of vegetation areas to be retained shall be staked out and protected (e.g., by fencing) from heavy equipment traffic or from use for the stockpiling of equipment, dirt, or construction materials.
Grading must not encroach on a tree’s root zone in ways that threaten the survival of the tree.
Excavation for new utilities, foundations, and basements shall also be planned as not to adversely affect important vegetation.
Contractor shall topsoil and seed as per City specification (See Appendix A) any areas of lawn damaged as a result of construction.
Attempts to retain and preserve existing vegetation may allow a reduction of new landscaping requirements at the discretion of the Commissioner of Urban and Economic Development.