All persons discharging or depositing wastes to the POTW shall pay a sewer service charge proportional to the volume of waste discharged, which charge shall be collected as a sewer rent. Annually the Town Board shall establish the sewer rate used in the calculation of sewer service charges for normal sewage. For the purposes of this chapter, "normal" sewage when sampled and analyzed in accordance with established protocols at the user's discharge point to the POTW shall have a biochemical oxygen demand of 140mg/l to 300 mg/l and a total suspended solids concentration of 180 mg/l to 350 mg/l.
All persons discharging or depositing concentrations in excess of the pollutant concentrations of normal sewage shall pay a surcharge. At a minimum, the surcharge shall account for BOD and TSS concentrations greater than that of normal sewage. However, the Town shall, at its discretion, assess a surcharge based on the concentration of any organic or inorganic pollutant that results in a disproportional unit cost of treatment when compared to normal sewage. The assessment of any additional surcharges to address other pollutants shall follow a similar methodology to that outlined below.
The total sewer service charge (which shall be called the "user charge") is comprised of two parts, as follows:
UC(t) = UC(n) + UC(an)
UC(t) = Total user charge for POTW operation and maintenance
UC(n) = user charge associated with normal sewage
UC(an) = user charge associated with abnormal sewage
UC(n) = OM x (OQ/100) x (QIA/QA)
UC(an) = OM x [OB/100 x (BIA-Bn)/BA] + [OS/100 x (SIA-Sn)/SA]
OM = Total annual POTW operation and maintenance costs
OQ = Percentage of OM attributable to flow (Q)
OB = Percentage of OM attributable to BOD
OS = Percentage of OM attributable to TSS
QIA = Average daily flow rate (MGD) from discharger
BIA = Average daily BOD loading (lb/d) from discharger
SIA = Average daily TSS loading (lb/d) from discharger
QA = Average daily flow rate (MGD) at the POTW treatment plant
BA = Average daily BOD loading (lb/d) at the POTW treatment plant
SA = Average daily TSS loading (lb/d) at the POTW treatment plant
Bn = BOD loading (lb/d) in discharge if it were normal sewage TSS
Sn = Loading (lb/d) in discharge if it were normal sewage
Prior to the discharge of any abnormal sewage, the industrial user and the Commissioner shall agree to the specific monitoring location(s), type(s) and frequency(ies) of samples and flow measurements, and methodology used to calculate the pollutant loading in the industrial user's discharge.
The service area of the POTW may be segmented to assist in a fair distribution of user charges, especially if there is a pump station serving a segment.
The charge for treatment and disposal of trucked or hauled waste which has been introduced into the POTW shall be as established by the Town Board. The manner of determining the volume dumped shall be at the discretion of the Commissioner.
The Town Board may institute an equitable procedure for recovering the costs of any capital improvements of those parts of the POTW which collect, pump, treat, and dispose of industrial wastewaters from those persons discharging such wastewaters to the POTW.
The Town Board shall have the authority to impose impact fees on new development, which development may:
Cause enlargement of the service area of the POTW.
Cause increased hydraulic and/or treatment demands on the POTW.
Revenues derived from user charges, associated penalties, and impact fees shall be credited to a special fund. Monies in this fund shall be used exclusively for the following functions:
For the payment of the operation and maintenance, including repair and replacement costs of the Town POTW;
For the discovery and correction of inflow and infiltration;
For the payment of interest on and the amortization of or payment of indebtedness which has been or shall be incurred for the construction or extension of the Town POTW;
For the extension, enlargement, replacement of, and/or additions to the Town POTW, including any necessary appurtenances.
The Town shall maintain and keep proper books of records and accounts for the POTW, separate from all other records and accounts, in which shall be made full and correct entries of all transactions relating to the POTW. The Town will cause an annual audit of such books of record and account for the preceding fiscal year to be made by a certified public accountant, and will supply such audit report to authorized officials, and the public, on request.
In conjunction with the audit, there shall be an annual review of the sewer charge system to determine if it is adequate to meet expenditures for all programs for the coming year.
Classification of old and new industrial users should also be reviewed annually.