[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Solvay as Ch. 12, Art. VI, of the 1975 Code. Section 52-7 amended at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I. Other amendments noted where applicable.]
Streets and sidewalks — See Ch. 136.
Vehicles and traffic — See Ch. 160.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any vehicle consisting of an arrangement or combination of two wheels, one following the other, supported by a frame, propelled by the feet acting upon pedals.
Every bicycle operated or driven upon any of the streets, alleys or public highways of the village shall be provided with adequate brakes and a steering mechanism in good order and sufficient to control such bicycle at all times when the same is in use; a suitable and adequate horn, bell or other device, which shall produce a sound sufficiently loud to serve as a danger warning but which shall not be used other than as such warning or be unnecessarily loud or harsh; and a front reflector and rear reflector, each of a type approved by the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles of the state, to be applied and adjusted to the bicycle in such manner as to be visible for at least 200 feet when opposed by a motor vehicle displaying lawful dimmed headlights at night and on an unlighted highway. Every bicycle which is operated or driven on any of the streets, alleys or public highways of the village during a period from 1/2 hour after sunset to 1/2 hour before sunrise shall display a lighted lamp on the front, which shall be visible from a point 500 feet ahead of such bicycles and which shall provide either a white or yellow light.
The operator or driver of a bicycle shall not carry another person thereon.
The operator or driver of a bicycle shall not operate the same on any sidewalk in the village.
The operator or driver of a bicycle shall operate the same only on the extreme right-hand side of any street, alley or public highway of the village.
Required. Every person in the village owning a bicycle operated in the village shall register the bicycle with the Chief of Police at his office or such other convenient place or places in the village as he shall provide, giving the type, manufacturer's name, name and address of owner, type and number of lights and equipment showing compliance with state laws and such other identifying data as the Chief of Police shall reasonably require. This registration shall be without expense to the registrant.
Time limit in register. Every person in the village who acquires or becomes the owner of a bicycle operated or to be operated in the village, whether as donee, assignee, transferee, purchaser or otherwise, shall, within 10 days thereafter register the same with the Chief of Police, as above provided, without expense to the registrant.
Evidence of registration. The Chief of Police shall issue to every such registrant at the time of registering, without charge, a registration tag or plate bearing the registration number of the bicycle and such other identifying data as the Chief of Police shall reasonably deem advisable, and the registrant shall affix such tag or plate to the bicycle so registered in a conspicuous place and keep the same affixed thereto at all times. The Chief shall also issue to every such registrant at the time of registry, without charge, a registration card showing proper registration in such form as the Chief of Police shall determine, and such card shall be shown to any police officer of the village on demand.
Exceptions to provisions. This provision shall not apply to manufacturers or merchants in the business of selling bicycles with reference to unregistered bicycles owned and held by them for sale as a part of their bona fide stock in trade.
Any person committing an offense against this chapter shall be punishable as set forth in § 1800 of the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I.