[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Solvay 11-25-1969; amended in its entirety at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I. Other amendments noted where applicable.]
Unsafe buildings — See Ch. 59.
Fire prevention and building construction — See Ch. 89.
Utilities — See Ch. 153.
The chief inspector and each of the duly appointed inspectors of the New York Board of Fire Underwriters or such other agency as authorized by the Board of Trustees are hereby authorized and deputized as agents of the Village of Solvay to make inspections and reinspections of all electrical installations heretofore and hereafter described and to approve or disapprove the same. In no event, however, will the cost or expense of such inspections and reinspections be a charge against the Village of Solvay.
[Amended 5-28-2024 by L.L. No. 4-2024]
Coverage. This chapter shall apply to all electric wiring, apparatus, fittings, appliances and equipment, the installation and maintenance thereof and the distribution and utilization of electrical energy to consumers by the Village of Solvay Electric Department, excepted, however, from its provisions are the placing, connecting and renewal of approved fuses, of incandescent lamps and portable appliances, together with their cables and attachments, unless otherwise specified herein.
Definitions. In this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
If not otherwise qualified, means approved by the Commissioner or other authorized representative of the Village of Solvay Electric Department.
Includes any structure, fenced area or open space within which, upon which or to the outside of which an electrical installation is made.
The authorized Commissioner of Village of Solvay Electric Department or his duly designated deputy.
If not otherwise qualified, means the Village of Solvay Electric Department.
If not otherwise specified shall mean an individual designated by the Commissioner, including, without limitation, a Village of Solvay Code Officer so designated by the Commissioner, to inspect any building and to enforce the provisions of this Code section.
A person who holds a master electrician's license issued by the Village as provided in § 72-2F of this chapter.
Includes the owner, tenant, lessee or occupant of any building, as herein defined, and any consumer of current or customer supplied with current by the Solvay Electric Department.
Conformity with certain regulations. All electrical wiring, apparatus, fittings, appliances and equipment shall conform in all respects to the regulations for controlling electrical installations for service adopted by the Department, together with the applicable rules and regulations of the National Electrical Code current at the time of installation.
Powers of Commissioner; duties of owners.
Enumerated. Authority is hereby vested in the Commissioner to enforce the provisions of this chapter, and in the performance of the duties thus authorized, the following powers, in addition to those provided elsewhere herein, are conferred:
To inspect and reinspect, either individually or through a Designee, any building at any reasonable hour to determine whether there has been full compliance with this chapter and the regulations of the Department and to designate such additional agents to make such inspections and to enforce the provisions of this chapter and an rules or regulations of the Department. Such inspection authority shall include, but shall not be limited to, the right to require a passing inspection of any building that has had an interruption or cessation of electrical service for any reason and shall include such inspections as may be requested from time to time by the Mayor of the Village or in accordance with a duly adopted policy of the Electric Commission.
To make such rules and regulations on behalf of the Department as the Commissioner shall deem necessary, subject to review and approval of the Electric Commission, to effectuate the purposes of this chapter, to provide for public welfare and safety and further the efficiency of the Department, and such rules shall be enforceable as a provision of this chapter.
To issue orders directing owners and others, who may be responsible, to remedy any violation of this chapter and to correct any defects of maintenance or installation and to issue orders suspending or terminating electric service for a failure to comply with this chapter and any rules or regulations of the Department.
Duty of owner; service of order. Failure by an owner or other responsible person to permit access to a building, as herein provided, or to obey an order served upon him in writing and signed by the Commissioner shall constitute a violation of this chapter. Compliance shall be within the time specified in an order or, if no time is specified, within a reasonable time. Service shall be deemed effective either if made personally upon the person designated therein, if affixed to the main entry to the building, or if sent by mail to his last known owner address as filed in the records of the Department.
Rules pertaining to service. Applicants for electrical service shall be bound to an observance of the following rules:
Certificate of approval. Each applicant must submit, with his application to the Commissioner, a certificate of approval by the New York Board of Fire Underwriters, or other qualified inspection agency approved by the Village of Solvay, of the proposed installation.
Plans; specifications. For a primary installation, an applicant must submit plans of the building to be serviced with specifications of its electrical requirements. Such specifications are subject to approval, modification or rejection by the Commissioner in conformity with the standards approved by the Department. Acceptable standard specifications will be provided by the Department upon request.
Commissioner's approval. No primary service connection will be made until said Commissioner's approval has been given to the wiring.
Special apparatus. No special machinery or apparatus, such as elevators, conveyor motors, motion-picture projectors, x-ray apparatus and the like, requiring special electrical installation shall be installed until application therefor has been filed with the Department and approval has been granted by the Commissioner.
Temporary emergency service. For temporary emergency service, the Department must be notified of the details involved so that proper arrangements for service may be provided and a proper assessment of the costs to the owner may be determined.
Service at 2,400 volts. Where service at 2,400 volts is required, the Commissioner must be consulted before any equipment is bought or work undertaken.
Alterations. Application for an approval of the electrical plans should be made whenever a building is to be substantially altered or an existing electrical installation is to be substantially changed.
Liability of Village. All service is furnished with the express understanding that no liability shall be incurred by the Village because of any interruption or cessation thereof.
Performance of electrical work.
Except as herein provided, no one shall install, alter or repair electrical wiring, apparatus, fittings, appliances or equipment, as provided in this chapter, for others, other than:
A master electrician.
A person hired by or working under the general supervision of a master electrician.
A person who is not a master electrician but either is the employer of a master electrician or is associated with a partnership in which one of the partners is a master electrician or with a corporation in which one of whose officers is a master electrician. Such a person may do electrical work, as herein comprehended, but only upon compliance with the following conditions:
The licensed electrician shall submit his master electrician's license to the Village Clerk for endorsement thereon of the fact that the master electrician authorizes his employer or some designated person associated with him in a partnership or corporation to do such electrical work.
The master electrician will be held fully liable for the work performed by his designee as though he himself had done the work.
The master electrician shall agree to work for no other person during the efficacy of the endorsement.
Immediately upon the termination of the employment relationship or severance from the partnership or from the corporation, the master electrician's designation of another person shall be void and of no effect. The master electrician shall immediately present his license to the Village Clerk for endorsement thereon of the cancellation of the authority vested in another to do electrical work.
Cancellation of the authority, as granted herein, shall, for a period of three months, annul the right of the master electrician to designate still another person. This period may be shortened by the Electric Commission upon showing of good cause therefor.
A fee of $20 shall be paid for each endorsement or cancellation thereof as provided herein.
Exceptions. The provisions of this section do not apply:
To the installation, repair or maintenance of electrical lines, equipment or apparatus in, upon or connected with any school building when such work is performed under the direction of the Board of Education and by a qualified electrician regularly on the payroll of the Board.
To the installation, repair or maintenance of electronic lines, equipment or apparatus by an electric utility or telephone or telegraph company on its own property whenever such operation is under the jurisdiction of the Public Service Commission.
To work performed by or under the direction of the Village of Solvay.
Emergency disconnection; restoration of service. In case of fire or other catastrophe or emergency, the Electric Department, the Code Officer, a police officer or fireman shall have the right to disconnect service, and when this has been done, it shall remain disconnected until ordered restored, in whole or in part, by the Commissioner, who may require, as a condition precedent to certification by the New York Board of Fire Underwriters or other qualified inspection agency approved by the Village of Solvay, that any repairs made to damaged property meet the required standard of safety and that any building from which service has been disconnected undergo an inspection as provided for in this chapter to determine whether or not the building meets the requirements of the chapter and the rules and regulations of the Department.
Prohibited conduct. The following practices and uses are hereby prohibited, but these specific provisions do not exempt offenders from liability for violating other prohibitions either in this or any other applicable law or ordinance:
Misuse of poles. No one shall attach any article, radio antenna, apparatus, sign or other thing to a pole erected, issued or maintained by the Electrical Department or in any way climb upon it or damage it or interfere either with it or with the devices, wires, apparatus and equipment it may bear.
Antenna installation. No one shall erect an aerial or antenna for sending or receiving radio or television broadcasts or for any other electronic purposes, either above a Village power line or under it, or in any other place where its location will create interference or cause damage or danger.
Tampering with apparatus. Any tampering with service connections or with apparatus or equipment of the Department, unless by persons authorized therefor, shall constitute a violation of this chapter.
Interference. Any use of electrical equipment which causes dangerous or objectionable interference with the safety or rights of others is prohibited and shall, upon order of the Commissioner, be corrected by methods to be designated in the order.
Household apparatus. No person shall connect any apparatus or appliance unless said equipment complies with the requirements of the National Electric Code, latest edition.
Effect of violation. For violation of any provision of this chapter, in addition to the penalties generally applicable, the Commissioner is authorized to disconnect an owner's service and to withhold restoration thereof until the violation has been removed.
Required insurance.
No licensed electrician shall perform any work hereunder unless there shall be on file with the Village Clerk a certificate of insurance issued by an insurance company licensed to do business in the State of New York, and affording coverage as minimally set forth below. Such certificate of insurance shall contain a provision that coverage will not be reduced, canceled or nonrenewed unless the Village of Solvay Village Clerk is given at least 10 days' written notice thereof.
Comprehensive personal liability and property damage liability coverage, including deletion of the U-exclusion (underground property damage hazard).
Limits of $500,000 per occurrence personal injury liability and $250,000 property damage liability.
In the alternate, $1,000,000 combined single limit personal injury and property damage liability. The preceding limits can be made up by a primary and excess/umbrella-type policy.
Workers' compensation: statutory limit.
The licensed electrician also agrees to hold the Village of Solvay harmless against any and all liability, including defense costs, resulting from personal injury and/or property damage caused by the licensee, his agents or his employees in the performance of such work.
A certificate of insurance evidencing such coverage in the limits and manner above specified shall be furnished the Village and shall indicate the Village of Solvay as an additional insured.
Compliance with other ordinances and laws. Each applicant hereunder must comply with all provisions under any other ordinance regulating the work to be done and shall furnish evidence of compliance with the applicable provisions of the Labor Law and of the Workers' Compensation Law.
Powers and duties of inspectors designated by Commissioner and Code Enforcement Officer.
It shall be the duty of the inspector to report, in writing, to the Commissioner and, if applicable, the Code Enforcement Officer regarding the results of any inspection.
The Code Enforcement Officer shall have the duty to enforce all provisions of this chapter and all violations or deviations from or omissions of the electrical provisions of the State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code and of all local laws, ordinances and the Building Code as referred to in this chapter insofar as any of the same apply to electrical wiring.
The inspector shall make inspections and reinspections of electrical installations in and on properties in the Village of Solvay upon the written request of an authorized official of the Village of Solvay or as herein provided.
The inspector is authorized to make inspections and reinspections of electrical wiring, installations, devices, appliances and equipment in or on properties within the Village of Solvay where he deems it necessary for the protection of life and property.
In the event of an emergency, it is the duty of the inspector to make electrical inspections upon the oral request of an official or officer of the Village of Solvay.
It shall be the duty of the inspector to furnish written reports to the proper officials of the Village of Solvay and to owners and/or lessees of property where defective electrical installations and equipment are found upon inspection.
The inspector shall authorize the issuing of a certificate of compliance when electrical installations and equipment are in conformity with this chapter and shall file same with the Department and the Code Enforcement Office.
It shall be a violation of this chapter for any person, firm or corporation to install or cause to be installed or to alter electrical wiring for light, heat or power in or on properties of the Village of Solvay until an application for inspection has been filed with the New York Board of Fire Underwriters or such other agency as authorized by the Board of Trustees.
It shall be a violation of this chapter for a person, firm or corporation to connect or cause to be connected electrical wiring in or on properties for light, heat or power to any source of electrical energy supply prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate or a certificate of compliance by the New York Board of Fire Underwriters or such other agency as authorized by the Board of Trustees.
An offense against the provisions of this chapter shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000 or imprisonment for not more than 15 days, or both.