[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Harwich as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 11-12-2009 STM by Art. 13]
Pursuant to Chapter 80 of the General Laws of Massachusetts, the Board of Selectmen may establish a betterment program whereby those properties that benefit directly from the dredging of inner harbors or rivers in the Town of Harwich shall be assessed their proportionate share of the project's total cost. Once the Board of Selectmen has declared that it is prepared to begin the permitting process for the particular dredging operation, the betterment program may be initiated by a petition signed by the direct abutters that are entitled to the dredging permits that cover a majority of the area to be dredged. The Town will be considered a direct abutter for any Town-owned dock space or mooring fields as well as for the channels. The Board of Selectmen will determine the appropriate cost for each abutter, including the Town, based on the percentage of the total dredged volume (not area) covered by the specific abutter's dredging permit and/or volume covered by the Town's permit and will cause the appropriate assessment based upon the actual volumes dredged to be applied to individual tax bills annually pursuant to said Chapter 80. The Board of Selectmen is hereby authorized to enact regulations to carry out the purposes of this bylaw.