[Amended 4-14-2016 by Ord. No. 2016-3]
Off-street parking and loading space shall be provided as specified in this chapter; unless otherwise excepted.
Any use or expansion of a use or activity which involves five or more off-street parking spaces, according to the requirements set forth in § 410-49, shall also require site plan approval as set forth under Article XVI of this chapter.
The municipal board having jurisdiction over an application for site plan approval may waive or modify any of the space requirements and design standards set forth in this chapter for good cause and practical reasons.
The off-street parking space required for a use not specifically listed in § 410-49 shall be the same as required for a use of similar nature as determined by the board based upon that use enumerated in this chapter which is most similar to the proposed use. If there is no use enumerated in this chapter having sufficient similar to the proposed use to enable the board to establish rational parking requirement, the board may, in its discretion, direct the applicant to furnish the board with such data as may be necessary to enable the board to establish rational parking requirements.
Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prevent the joint use of off-street parking facilities by two or more uses, provided that the total of such spaces shall not be less than the sum of the requirements for various individual uses computed separately.
All required off-street parking and loading spaces shall be located on the same lot or parcel as the structure or use they shall serve. In the case of nonresidential uses, parking spaces may be provided on other lots or parcels, but shall not be greater than 300 feet from the structure or use they shall serve, based on approval from the board of project jurisdiction.
Where special traffic problems exist, the Planning Board may require a special survey of conditions at the applicant's cost and require of entrances and exits in the parking lot to be altered to minimize congestion and hazard.
In all residential districts, all required parking spaces must utilize either garage or driveway space and vehicles shall be prohibited from parking in front yards. Front yard areas may be used for overflow parking during peak season (Memorial Day through Labor Day) for a maximum of two additional vehicles.
Dwellings: two spaces per single-family detached or townhouse unit, which may include garage space.
Accessory apartment: one space, which may include garage space.
Convalescent home, nursing care facility, or hospital: one space per two beds of licensed bed capacity.
Community club, private club, or lodge: one space per 100 square feet of gross floor area, plus 1 1/2 spaces per boat slip, where applicable, but in no case less than 50 spaces.
School (public and private).
Elementary: one space per eight students based on design capacity.
Middle or junior high: one space per five students based on design capacity.
Other: one space per two students based on design capacity.
Nursery school, day camp, day-care center, and the like: one space per 500 square feet of gross floor area, with a minimum of five spaces.
Place of assembly, including theater, church or other religious institution, facility for meetings, and the like: one space per 50 square feet of gross floor area. For a church, this requirement shall apply only to the main congregational seating area.
Community center, library, museum, and the like: one space per 200 square feet of gross floor area.
Public recreational area: two spaces per acre of use, with a minimum of five spaces.
Dental and medical office: one space per 100 square feet of gross floor area, except that if located in a building housing three or separate, unassociated practitioners, the requirement shall be one space per 150 square feet of gross floor area.
Government office: one space per 150 square feet of gross floor area.
Business office: one space per 200 square feet of gross floor area.
Banks or other financial institution: eight spaces per teller window.
Agricultural commercial establishment, landscape nursery, garden center, and the like: one space per 200 square feet of gross floor area, but in no case less than five spaces.
Veterinary clinics, or animal hospitals: one space per 400 square feet of gross floor area.
Art, music or dance studio for instruction purposes and the like: one space per 400 square feet of gross floor area.
Funeral home: one space per 100 square feet of gross floor area.
Furniture store; appliance store; auto or marine supply store; auto, boat, recreational vehicle sales establishment; auto repair shop: one space per 400 square feet of gross floor area for customer and employee parking.
Other retail store: one space per 150 square feet of gross floor area.
Shopping center: five spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross leasable area. "Gross leasable area" shall be defined as the total floor area designed for tenant occupancy, but not including enclosed lobbies, corridors, walls and other spaces not used for commercial purposes.
Service establishment, including hair stylist, dry cleaner, laundromat, beauty parlor, and the like: one space per 200 square feet of gross floor area.
Restaurants, cafes, or diners providing seating for more than 12 patrons: one parking space for each three seats. Restaurants with bars, cocktail lounges, or nightclubs: one parking space per 100 square feet of gross floor area.
[Amended 5-21-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-12]
Fast food or drive-in restaurant: one space per 35 feet of gross floor area.
Hotel, motel, boarding house, tourist home: one space per unit or room available to transients or guests. Requirements for other commercial or residential uses on the site shall be in addition to this requirement.
Marina, boat yard: one space per boat slip or equivalent capacity, plus one space per two passengers permitted by the U.S. Coast Guard for each party fishing vessel. Accessory commercial uses, such as retail sales, and restaurants, shall also meet the requirements of this chapter.
Gasoline filling or auto service station: five spaces per service bay, exclusive of vehicle service area, but not fewer than five spaces.
Car wash establishment: five spaces for employees, plus off-street stacking area sufficient to accommodate at least five times the number of vehicles that can be in the wash process at any one time. For a self-service car wash, the employee requirement can be eliminated.
Bowling alley: five spaces per lane.
Manufacturing facility and the like: one space per 500 square feet of gross floor area.
Warehouse or distribution facility and the like: one space per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area.
Any commercial or industrial use having a gross floor area of 3,500 square feet or more shall make provision for one loading space or more, depending on the particular requirements of the use.
Where more than one use shall be located in one building or where multiple uses are designed as part of a shopping center or similar self-contained complex, the number of loading spaces shall be based on the cumulative number of loading spaces based on the number of square feet, within the building or complex, shall be dispersed throughout the site to best serve the individual uses.
Loading spaces as may be appropriate for other uses shall be provided by the applicant, such that no loading or unloading activities will occur in any required off-street parking area, entrance and exit driveway, circulation aisle, fire lane, or on an adjacent street.
Where appropriate to the particular use or because of the configuration or design of buildings on the site, there shall be a minimum of one trash/garbage pickup location separate from the parking and loading areas and located either within or outside a building in steel-like totally enclosed container(s) located and screened to be obscured from view from parking areas, streets and adjacent residential uses or residential zoning districts. If located within the building, the doorway(s) may serve both the loading and trash/garbage collection functions. If a container used for trash/garbage collection functions is located outside the building, it may be located adjacent to or within the general loading areas, provided that the containers in no way interfere(s) with or restricts the loading and unloading functions.
All off-street parking areas with five or more spaces or one or more loading spaces as required under this chapter shall be surfaced with a dustless, durable, all-weather pavement, and shall be adequately drained, subject to the approval of the Township Engineer. This provision shall also apply to expansion or enlargement of an existing use involving fewer than five spaces, but where the aggregate number of spaces provided for such use is five or more spaces.
Off-street parking and loading areas shall be designed to prevent the maneuvering of vehicles into or out of parking or loading spaces within any portion of any street.
All entrance and exit driveways shall be located so as to afford maximum safety and minimum disruption of traffic on the street.
The dimensions of entrance and exit driveways and internal roads shall be adequate to accommodate the volume and character of vehicles anticipated to be using the site. The required dimensions for driveways and interior roads shall be as follows:
A minimum of 12 feet for one-way operation.
A minimum of 24 feet for two-way operation.
The maximum width of any entrance or exit driveway shall be 30 feet.
Curb cuts to a public street shall not be closer than 50 feet to the street line of an intersecting street.
Where the property abuts and has access from a state highway, acceleration and deceleration lanes shall be provided, if practicable for the use and frontage of the lot involved.
Not more than one two-way access driveway or two one-way access driveways shall be provided on any one street.
Entrance and exit drives, if more than one is provided on any one street, shall be at least 50 feet apart.
Off-street parking and loading areas or exit or entrance driveway shall be bordered by a minimum five-foot unbroken, landscaped dividing strip along all side and rear lot lines unless wider buffer areas are required in this chapter.
Where parking is permitted between the front building line and street line, a minimum ten-foot buffer area at the street line shall be required. A raised safety island, curb stops, or equivalent shall be installed.
A parking area shall be illuminated if used after sunset, and such illumination shall provide a minimum of 0.5 lumen per square foot throughout the area and shall be shielded from adjoining streets or properties.
Off-street parking spaces shall have a minimum width of 8 1/2 feet and shall be allocated at least 350 square feet per space, inclusive of area used for circulation aisles and maneuvering, but not including exit and entrance drives.
Off-street loading spaces shall have a minimum width of 10 feet, a minimum length of 45 feet and a minimum height clearance of 15 feet.
Paved off-street parking and loading areas shall be clearly marked or delineated.
Parking spaces located to serve multifamily residential uses shall be within one 150 feet of the entrance of the building and within 300 feet of commercial and industrial uses.
Access to truck loading and unloading areas may be provided directly from a public street or alley or from any right-of-way that will not interfere with public convenience and will permit orderly and safe movement of truck vehicles.
Loading access, as required under this chapter, shall be provided in addition to off-street parking spaces and shall not be considered as supplying off-street parking spaces.
No required off-street loading and unloading area shall be permitted in any required front yard area.
No off-street parking area, loading area, or exit or entrance drive shall be permitted in any required buffer area.
In the C-1 District, no loading or parking area shall be located within 25 feet of any boundary of a residential zone and within 10 feet of a street line.
In the I-1 District, parking and loading areas shall be located at least 50 feet from a street line or the boundary of a residential zone. No driveways shall be located within 100 feet of the intersection of two public streets nor within 100 feet of an existing driveway or private street.