[Ord. 13, 10/3/1955, § 8]
No person, except a public officer legally thereunder authorized, shall affix any show bill, placard, poster or other advertising device upon any pole, tree or structure within the Township without first obtaining the consent of the owner thereof.
[Ord. 13, 10/3/1955, § 28; as amended by Ord. 44, 1/19/1970, § 2]
Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance, or neglecting to comply with any order or notice issued pursuant to a violation of any section hereof, shall, upon conviction before any Alderman or Justice of the Peace, be sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding $600 for each offense with costs to be recovered in the name of the Township of Lower Heidelberg, Berks County, Pennsylvania, and if the amount of said judgment and costs shall not be paid, said person or persons shall suffer imprisonment in the Berks County Prison not exceeding 30 days.
[Ord. 13, 10/3/1955, § 29; as amended by Ord. 44, 1/19/1970, § 2]
The word person used in this Ordinance shall in all cases include any individual or individuals, partnership, association or corporation, singular or plural, including the responsible officers of any such association or corporation.
[Ord. 13, 10/3/1955, § 30; as amended by Ord. 44, 1/19/1970, § 2]
The provisions of this Ordinance shall be severable, and if any of its provisions shall be held to be unconstitutional, invalid or beyond the power of the Township of Lower Heidelberg to prohibit the decision so holding, said provision or provisions shall not be construed to affect the validity of any of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. It is hereby declared as the intent of the Supervisors of the Township of Lower Heidelberg that this Ordinance would have been adopted had such unconstitutional, invalid or unauthorized provision or provisions not been included therein.