All developments shall conform to design standards encouraging sound development patterns within the Borough. Where an official map or master plan has been adopted, the development shall conform to same.
Character of land. Lands identified in the Master Plan as critical areas or having severe or moderate soil characteristics, particularly as the lands relate to flooding, improper drainage, shallow depth to water table, steep slopes, rock formations, utility easements or similar features shall not be used as buildable areas unless adequate and acceptable methods meeting the regulations of this chapter and all other regulations are incorporated.
Residential site improvement standards. Applications for residential subdivisions shall comply with the standards set forth in N.J.A.C. 5:21.
Nothing in this chapter shall require any changes in a building permit, site plan or zoning variance which was approved before the enactment of this chapter, provided that construction shall have been started within one year from the effective date of this chapter and the project shall be continuously pursued to completion; otherwise said approvals and permits shall be void.
All developments shall be served by paved streets. The arrangement of streets not shown on the Master Plan or Official Map shall provide for the appropriate extension of existing streets, conform to the topography, as far as practical, and allow for continued extension into adjoining undeveloped tracts with a minimum right-of-way of 50 feet. When a development adjoins land capable of being developed further, suitable provisions shall be made for future street access.
Local streets. Local streets shall be so designed as to discourage through traffic unless deemed necessary by the approving authority.
Subdivision abutting arterial streets. Subdivisions abutting arterial streets may be required to provide a reverse frontage with a buffer strip for planting or some other means of separation of through and local traffic, as the approving authority may determine to be appropriate.
Pavement width of streets. The pavement width of all streets shall be a minimum of 30 feet for all local streets and may be greater for collector and arterial streets.
Minimum right-of-way width. The right-of-way width shall be measured from lot line to lot line and shall not be less than 50 feet in any case, except when shown at a greater width on the Master Plan or Official Map of the Borough of Edgewater or when said street constitutes an extension of an existing street with a greater width than 50 feet.
Substandard street right-of-way and pavement width. In connection with subdivisions that adjoin or include existing streets that do not conform to widths as shown on the Master Plan or Official Map, or the street width requirements of this chapter, the applicant shall dedicate additional right-of-way or pavement width along either one or both sides of said road. If the subdivision is along one side only, 1/2 of the required extra width shall be dedicated.
Street grades. Grades of arterial and collector streets shall not exceed 6%. Grades on other streets shall not exceed 10%. Maximum grades on any streets within 100 feet of an intersection shall be 3%. No street shall have a minimum grade of less than 1/2%. Road cross sections (crown) shall range between 2% and 3%.
Street intersections. No local streets shall be part of a four-way intersection. Intersecting street center lines shall be as nearly at right angles as possible, and in no case shall they be less than 60° at the point of intersection. The block corners at intersections shall be rounded at the curbline with a curve having a radius of not less than 20 feet. Curblines shall be parallel to the center line. Approaches to all intersections shall follow a straight line for at least 100 feet measured from the curbline of the intersecting streets to the beginning of the curve. No more than two street center lines shall meet or intersect at any one point. Collector and/or arterial streets intersecting another street from opposite sides shall either be directly opposite each other without offset or shall have at least 250 feet offset distance between center lines. Street jogs with center-line offsets on local streets of less than 125 feet shall be prohibited. Any development abutting an existing street which is classified as an arterial or collector street shall adhere as closely as possible to having no more than one new street every 800 feet on the same side of the street.
Reverse curve tangents. A tangent at least 100 feet long shall be introduced between reverse curves on arterial and collector streets.
Street line deflection. When connecting street lines deflect from each other at any one point by more than 10° and not more than 45°, they shall be connected by a curve with a radius of not less than 100 feet, for minor streets, and 300 feet, for arterial and collector streets.
Change in grade. All changes in grade shall be connected by vertical curves of sufficient degree of curvature to provide a smooth transition and proper sight distance.
Cul-de-sac streets. Cul-de-sac streets shall not exceed a length of 600 feet. A turnaround shall be provided at the end of the cul-de-sac with a right-of-way radius of not less than 50 feet and a curbline radius of not less than 40 feet. The center point for the radius shall be on the center line of the associated street or, if offset, to a point where the curbline radius becomes a tangent to one of the curblines of the associated street. If a dead-end street is of a temporary nature, a similar turnaround shall be provided and provisions made for future extension of the street and reversion of the excess right-of-way to the adjoining properties.
Streets shall be constructed in accordance with the standard specifications of the New Jersey Department of Transportation. Pavement section shall consist of the following:
Arterial and collector streets.
Dense graded aggregate subbase: six inches compacted thickness.
Bituminous stabilized base course: six inches compacted thickness.
FABC surface course: two inches compacted thickness.
Local streets.
Dense graded aggregate subbase: six inches compacted thickness.
Bituminous stabilized base course: four inches compacted thickness.
FABC surface course: two inches compacted thickness.
Where subbase conditions are wet, springy or of such nature that surfacing would be inadvisable without first treating the subbase, these areas shall be excavated to a depth of at least 12 inches below the proposed subgrade and filled with a suitable subbase material, as determined by the Municipal Engineer. Where required by the Engineer, a system of porous concrete pipe, subsurface drains shall be constructed beneath the surface of the paving and connected to a suitable drain. After the subbase material has been properly placed and compacted, the surfacing material shall be applied.
All streets, together with curbs, and sidewalks appurtenant thereto and all driveways, internal roads and alleys in planned community developments, commercial or industrial developments shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of this chapter. All streets, curbs and sidewalks in residential developments shall be constructed in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:21, Residential Site Improvement Standards.
Sidewalks. Sidewalks shall be required along both sides of a street in all subdivisions, unless waived by the approving authority. A minimum walkway width of four feet, set back minimally four feet from the curbline, shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of the Borough Engineer and in conformance with Chapter 240 of the Code of the Borough of Edgewater.
Where extra width has been dedicated for widening of existing streets, lots shall begin at such new line, and all setbacks shall be measured from such new line.
Where the property to be subdivided is next to or includes a railroad right-of-way, suitable provisions shall be made for such things as road crossings, screening or buffers, freight access, warning signals and signs in recognition of the relationship between the railroad and the subdivision.
Curbing. Curbing shall be required on both sides of all streets within a subdivision. Belgian (granite) block or concrete curbs shall be used on all Borough streets according to the following standards:
Construction of all curbs shall conform to NJDOT Standards and Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, 1989, Section 605, and supplements thereto, and shall meet the Borough Engineer's approval. All concrete to be used shall be Class B, as specified in NJDOT Standards and Specifications and supplements thereto.
Granite curbs shall have a ten- to twelve-inch vertical length.
Curbs shall be set in a Class B concrete base at least six inches thick in front and rear of the granite block and at least nine inches thick below the block. The combined block and concrete base shall have a minimum vertical dimension of 18 inches.
Curbs shall have a six-inch exposed vertical face above the finished pavement surface.
Joints shall measure 3/8 inch to 1/2 inch in width.
The curb height at all driveway openings shall be lowered to a point two inches above the finished pavement.
The curbing shall be designed to provide barrier-free curb ramps constructed in accordance with the Design Standards for Curb Ramps for the Physically Handicapped of the New Jersey Department of Transportation.
Design and placement of traffic signs included in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways shall follow the requirements specified in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, published by the United States Department of Transportation and adopted by the New Jersey Department of Transportation.
There shall be at least two street signs furnished at each four-way intersection and one street sign at each T intersection. All signs shall be installed free of visual obstruction and shall show the name of both intersecting streets. The design of street name signs should be consistent, of a style appropriate to the community, of a uniform size and color, and erected in accordance with local standards.
At signalized intersections, street signs shall be located on the overhead arm supporting the traffic signal or otherwise suitably suspended over the intersection. Roadway clearance shall be a minimum of 15 feet from the bottom of the sign or supporting equipment to the top of the paved surface.
Street names. No new street shall have a name which will duplicate or so nearly duplicate in spelling or phonetic sound the names of existing streets in Edgewater, Fort Lee, Cliffside Park and North Bergen. The continuation of an existing street shall have the same name. The names of new streets must be approved by the Mayor and Council.
Block length and width or acreage within adjacent roads shall be such as to accommodate the size of lot required in the area by the Zoning Ordinance and to provide for convenient access, circulation control and safety of street traffic.
In blocks of 1,000 feet or more in length, pedestrian crosswalks may be required in locations deemed necessary by the approving authority. Such walkway shall be at least 10 feet wide in right-of-way with a five-foot-wide improved pavement surface. Said walkway may also include other improvements, including streetlighting.
For all uses, including commercial, industrial and planned development group areas, block sizes shall be sufficient to accommodate the proposed uses and to permit reasonable access, circulation and fire-fighting and emergency services.
A lighting plan prepared by a qualified individual shall be provided with major subdivision applications. Streetlighting standards of a type and number approved by the approving authority and Municipal Engineer shall be installed at street intersections and elsewhere as deemed necessary by the approving authority, with intersections involving collector and arterial streets receiving priority consideration for streetlights. The lights shall be installed solely for the purpose of illuminating the roadways and shall be of such a nature as to minimize the illumination on adjacent properties. The developer shall provide for the installation of underground service.
Lot dimensions and areas shall not be less than the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance.
Insofar as is practical, side lot lines shall be at right angles to straight streets and radial to curved streets.
Each lot must front upon an approved and improved street with a right-of-way width of at least 50 feet in width, except as provided herein.
Where extra width has been dedicated for widening of existing streets, lots shall begin at such extra width line, and all setbacks shall be measured from such line.
Where there is a question as to the suitability of a lot or lots for their intended use, due to such factors as rock formations, drainage conditions, watercourses, historic sites, flood conditions or similar circumstances, the approving agency may, after adequate investigation, withhold approval of such lots.
Where a subdivision is traversed by a watercourse, drainageway, channel or stream, there shall be provided a stormwater easement or drainage right-of-way conforming substantially with the lines of such watercourses. The size of such easements or rights-of-way shall be approved by the Borough Engineer.
Natural features such as trees, brooks, hilltops and views shall be preserved whenever possible in designing any subdivision containing such features.
All installations of water mains, culverts and storm and sanitary sewers shall be connected with an approved system and shall be adequate to handle all present and probable future development.
For all major subdivisions, the applicant shall arrange with the serving utility for the underground installation of all utility distribution supply lines and service connections in accordance with the provisions of the applicable standard terms and conditions incorporated as part of its tariffs, as the same are then on file with the State of New Jersey Board of Public Utility Commissioners, and shall submit to the approving authority, prior to the granting of final approval, a written instrument from each serving utility which shall evidence full compliance with the provisions of this subsection; provided, however, that lots in such subdivisions which abut existing streets where overhead electric or telephone distribution supply lines have theretofore been installed on any portion of the street involved may be supplied with electric and telephone service from such overhead lines, but the service connections from the utilities' overhead lines shall be installed underground. However, the applicant shall not be required to install electric distribution supply lines underground if the Board of Public Works of the Borough of Edgewater requires such lines to utilize a voltage of 26 kilovolts or greater and the Board of Public Works passes a resolution declaring that such distribution lines would present exceptional operation and/or safety problems if installed underground. The location of access facilities for servicing the utility in the proposed subdivision shall be developed in conjunction with and as part of the complete subdivision plan.
Whenever the utility is not installed in the public right-of-way, an appropriate utility easement not less than 20 feet in width shall be provided.
The approving agencies of the Borough of Edgewater may in their discretion waive the installation of the underground utilities where such installation will result in peculiar and exceptional practical difficulties to or exceptional and undue hardship upon the applicant by reason of exceptional topographic conditions or by reason of other extraordinary and exceptional situation or condition of the lands in such subdivision. The Borough shall make the determination as to the location of aboveground utility poles.
Utility areas shall be planted with grass or ground cover or treated with other suitable cover material.
All development applications shall comply with the regulations set forth in the Edgewater Soil Removal Ordinance, Chapter 362.
Monuments shall be the size and shape required by N.J.S.A. 46:23-9.11 (the Map Filing Law, as amended), shall be placed in accordance with said statute and shall be indicated on the final plat.
Shade trees shall be provided in all major subdivisions and in minor subdivisions where deemed appropriate by the Planning Board. Trees shall be planted within the subdivision along each side of the street at proper intervals and in types, sizes and locations conducive to healthy growth, with graded and seeded or sodded planting strips within street rights-of-way, and according to any standards adopted by the governing body or Borough Shade Tree Board so as not to interfere with street paving, sidewalks or utilities.
All trees shall have a minimum diameter of 2 1/2 inches measured three feet above the ground and shall be of a species approved by the approving authority. Trees shall be planted 40 feet to 60 feet apart and parallel to, but no more than 20 feet from, the curbline and shall be balled and burlapped, nursery grown, free from insects and disease, and true species and variety.
A landscape plan prepared by a certified landscape architect, certified by the New Jersey Board of Landscape Architects, or other qualified individual shall be submitted with each major subdivision application. Landscaping shall be provided to promote a desirable visual environment, screen parking and loading areas, provide windbreaks for winter winds and summer cooling for buildings, streets and parking and to mitigate adverse visual impacts.
Landscaped areas located within 50 feet of a street right-of-way shall consist of a mix of shade trees, vegetative ground covers, including both perennials and annuals, shrubs and turf. Installed landscape ground cover materials such as stones, pebbles and other nonorganic materials shall not be permitted. These requirements apply to all properties with 100 feet or more of street frontage. Irrigation systems for the landscaped areas are required to be installed to ensure the continued viability of the plantings.
[Added 10-1-2001 by Ord. No. 1219-2001]
At the Board's discretion, an environmental impact report may be required to accompany preliminary subdivisions.
The environmental impact report shall comply with the following unless, as a result of data submitted prior to the preliminary plat, the approving authority shall have waived or modified certain portions of these requirements:
A description of the development specifying what is to be done during construction and operation, how it is to be done and practical alternate plans to achieve the objective(s), all with the intent of minimizing environmental impacts.
An inventory of the following on-site environmental conditions and an assessment of the probable impact of the development upon them: water supply; water quality; air quality; geology; soils; rock and properties thereof, including erosion capabilities and limitations; floodplain protection; sewage disposal; topography, including slopes in excess of 15%; vegetation protection; wetlands; noise characteristics and levels; land use; site aesthetics; and historic landmarks. Air and water quality shall be described with reference to standards of the Department of Environmental Protection of the State of New Jersey, and soils shall be described with reference to Natural Resources Conservation Service categories and characteristics as they relate to such things as erosion, sewage capability, floodplains and seasonal high-water table.
A list and the status of the approvals needed from federal, state or county agencies, including comments of these governmental agencies.
An evaluation of any adverse environmental impacts which cannot be avoided, including air and water pollution, noise, sedimentation and siltation, increase in Borough services or capital needs and consequences to the Borough tax structure.
A description of steps to be taken to avoid or minimize adverse environmental impacts during construction and operation, including shipping, receiving, storage and the methods of handling the identified quantities of chemical, corrosive, toxic and hazardous materials anticipated in all aspects of the operation, as well as attaching appropriate maps, schedules and other explanatory data.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the approving authority may waive all or part of an environmental impact report if sufficient evidence is submitted to support that conclusion. Waivers shall be based upon consideration of the following by the approving authority:
The stability of the soil during and after the proposed alteration.
The drainage patterns and effect on surface water runoff.
The potential effect on animals and significant plant species.
Potential air and water pollution, especially any potential environmental changes on critical slope areas or sewage disposal system.
Problems related to rock removal.
The amount of resulting displacement of soil.
Potential noise pollution.
Increased problems of industrial or nonindustrial waste disposal (subject to review of such problems by the Board of Health).
Circumstances or conditions that are peculiar to the site or the application under consideration that are not generally applicable to sites or applications in the same general locality and that would result in the imposition of undue burden on the applicant if an environmental impact report were required.
Before final approval the approving authority may require the payment of the developer's pro rata share of the following off-site and off-tract improvements: street improvements, water system, sewerage, drainage facilities and easements therefor.
Essential off-site and off-tract improvements may be required to be installed or a performance guaranty furnished in lieu thereof, with the total cost borne by the developer.
Where a development has no direct access to an improved street or public or private central water supply or central sanitary sewer and does not qualify for individual sewage disposal systems, the approving authority may nevertheless grant final approval if the developer shall acquire and improve such street between the development and an existing improved street and, in the case of water/sewer system(s), if the developer shall acquire and improve such water and sanitary sewer connections between the development and existing facilities as approved by the approving authority, governing body and serving utility company.
Where drainage waters are diverted from the development into other drainage systems or onto other lands or streets and they are not adequate to accommodate the additional waters, the approving authority may grant final approval if the developer shall acquire, improve and dedicate to the Borough such enlarged, additional or new drainage facilities as approved by the approving authority and governing body.
Such off-site and off-tract improvements shall be subject to the design standards of this chapter. In lieu of the developer performing such off-site and off-tract work, the developer may request and the governing body may enter into an agreement for such work to be performed by the Borough or its contractors at the cost of the developer.
Where the approving authority determines that off-site and off-tract improvements are essential to the development and the developer does not consent to the improvements, the application shall be denied, without prejudice, to a future application at such time as the conditions no longer apply.
Advisable off-site and off-tract improvements. Where the approving authority determines that off-site and off-tract improvements would be advisable, although not essential, and the improvements would promote the objectives of this chapter and can be most appropriately accomplished in connection with the development, and particularly where the off-site and off-tract improvements would be required to be made as a local improvement by the Borough with the costs thereof to be assessed against all properties specially benefitted thereby, including the property of the developer, the following provisions shall apply:
During the processing of the application, the approving authority shall refer its recommendations for off-site and off-tract improvements to the governing body.
If the governing body concurs, the Municipal Engineer or other authority retained by the Borough shall determine the nature of the off-site and off-tract improvements, including:
The needs created by the applicant's proposed development.
The then-existing needs in the area notwithstanding any work of the applicant.
The Municipal Engineer or other authority shall estimate and report the costs of such work, including all costs to be in any local improvement ordinance and those to be assessed to the developer, and including costs for construction, engineering, any easement or right-of-way acquisition, legal work, advertising, contingencies, bonding and assessments.
Based upon the above report and the recommendations of the approving authority, the governing body shall determine whether to undertake such off-site and off-tract improvements as a local improvement.
If the governing body will not adopt such ordinance, the final development shall be designed accordingly, and the approving authority shall proceed on that basis.
If the determination shall be to adopt such local improvements ordinance, the governing body shall proceed in the following manner:
If sufficient funds are available for the initial appropriation, the governing body may appropriate such funds and adopt such ordinance. All subsequent proceedings for the making and assessment of the cost of the off-site and off-tract improvements shall be in accordance with such ordinance.
If sufficient funds are not available for the initial appropriation, the governing body may determine the anticipated amount that the lands of the applicant would be expected to be assessed.
The amount determined by the governing body shall then be deposited by the applicant with the Borough Treasurer prior to final approval and prior introduction of such local improvement ordinance.
Such deposit shall be made concurrent with an agreement between the applicant and the Borough concerning the uses of the deposit, which shall include the following stipulations: that said funds shall be used by the Borough solely for the construction of such off-site and off-tract improvements as specified in said agreement and for the other expenses incidental thereto and the acquisition of any easements or rights-of-way in connection therewith; that such deposit may be appropriated by the Borough, with other funds of the Borough, toward the accomplishment of such purposes and may be co-mingled with other appropriated funds and expended by the Borough within a specified time agreed upon by the applicant, said funds shall be returned to the applicant; that, upon completion of the work by the Borough or its contractors, the properties specially benefitted by such improvements shall be assessed as provided by law, including the property of applicant; and that the applicant's deposit shall be credited against the assessment made upon the applicant's property, whether or not the applicant is then the owner thereof, and if such deposit was less than the amount ultimately assessed against such property, then the owner(s) of said property shall pay the difference between the deposit, the amount assessed, and the excess shall be refunded to the applicant without interest.
Where said off-site and off-tract improvements are found by the approving authority to be advisable and important to the sound development of the site, although the off-site and off-tract improvements may not be found to be the type of essential off-site and off-tract improvements as defined above, but the developer is unwilling to make such deposit as specified above, then there shall be no final approval until funds become available for the initial appropriation required to adopt the local improvement ordinance.
The determination of the governing body whether or not to proceed toward the adoption of a local improvement ordinance shall be made within 30 days after the referral by the approving authority unless such time shall be extended with the consent of the applicant. If the determination is not made within the designated period, the approving authority may proceed as if the governing body had determined that it would not adopt such local improvement ordinance.